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a. “Rise above the storm, and you will find the sunshine.

”- Mario Fernandez or “Most

great people have attained their greatest success one step beyond their greatest
failure.” -Napoleon Hill (will decide as I write which one fits better)
b. Change comes after the hardest of times, when you’ve gone through your worst.
c. Before this photo, I was struggling with everything, faced obstacle after obstacle and
lived at rock-bottom, and then everything change
d. Main ideas: things get easier, better. going through bad things is for the good
e. Transition statement (tell readers briefly what your first main idea paragraph is
about): I was in a bad place for the majority of my life- bad circumstances and outlook
Pre photo/photo discussion with details: (2-3 paragraphs discussing your life and who
you were before the photo and in the picture): not so good, depressed, hopeless

Main paragraph one: Who was I then? people-pleaser, self-unaware

Main paragraph two: What were my priorities? Focus on other, no confrontation, bottle
up my feelings, please others

Main paragraph three: What did I believe, hope for, think to be true? that I could ignore
the bad and everything would be fine

After photo discussion with details: (2-3 paragraphs discussing your life and who you
are now since the photo was taken).

Main paragraph four: How I’ve changed.: Stronger, happier, everything is so much
better overall, more open, less afraid of being hurt. Despite all the stress and anxiety
from school and life, I am in the best place I have ever been in my life. grew up quick,
just now learning how to have fun and not fear the opinions of others or at least not let it
cripple me

Main paragraph five: What are my priorities now? Others like they’ve always been, but I
realized I need to focus on myself as well.

Main paragraph six: What do I believe now about myself, about life, about others?
Everything is so much better. People don’t give themselves enough credit, once you
make it through your low place everything is so much better, life is full of ups and
downs, and you have to have the downs to appreciate the ups

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