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READING COMPREHENSION Part 1 Answers 5. What does the saying “Each individual should
Directions: In this test you will read several hitch his wagon to a star” mean?
passages. Answer all the questions that follow by a. One should try to fulfill all his ambitions in life.
encircling the correct answer. b. A person should emulate his ideal person.
c. A person should aim as high as he could reach.
Passage A d. One should wish upon a star to make his dreams
One reason that so many people fail is that they lack come true.
confidence in themselves. If you think of yourself as
being unworthy of great achievement, you will 6. What literary technique was used by the writer
never achieve greatness. If, on the other hand, you in presenting his ideas?
know yourself and understand what your abilities a. Narration c. Comparing
are, and if then you are determined to accomplish ideas
and gain confidence in yourself. b. Detailed analysis d. Giving
One of the surest ways to accomplish this is for you suggestions
to associate with persons who have really achieved
greatness. It is impossible, however, for most 7. According to the author, what is one of the surest
people to come frequently into the actual presence ways to achieve self-confidence?
of the great. The next best thing, perhaps, is for you a. Read lots of informative books
to spend part of your time in reading about great b. Deal with people who have achieved greatness
achievers. Biography is a powerful stimulant to c. Be-friend people who are self-sufficient
action. d. Develop a strong and independent personality
But these processes will not work unless you rid
yourself of a sense of inferiority and determined to 8. Based on the selection, what conclusion may be
do the best that you possibly can. One of the great drawn?
philosophers expressed the idea in a single a. Confidence in oneself is crucial in achieving success
sentence when he said that each individual b. Associating with well-known individuals is
should hitch his wagon to a star. enough to propel one to succeed
c. Reading the biographies of great people is
QUESTIONS: essential for one to become successful
1. What is the main idea of the selection? d. Confidence in the ability of others is needed to
a. Self-confidence is hard to achieve boost one’s chances of succeeding
b. Many people suffer from an inferiority complex
c. Knowing oneself leads to great achievement in
d. Self-confidence is the key factor in achieving
success in life

2. Which paragraph/s gives/give specific

suggestions on how to develop confidence
in oneself?
a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 c.
Paragraph 1 and 3 d. Paragraph 2 and 3

3. What word is synonymous or closest in meaning

to the word “hitch” as used in the last sentence of
the selection?
a. drive b. fasten c. detach d.

4. Successful people are different from those who

are not because they
a. Work hard at having faith in their abilities.
b. Persevere to achieve greatness.
c. Hesitate to take risk by themselves.
d. Disregard the opinions of others.

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