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Tasmia Alam

SED 464 Section #74540

Professor Anthony

Classroom Procedures

Beginning of Class

Students will be greeted at the door while a clean and age appropriate spotify playlist

plays in the background. The objective will be explicitly written on the board along with

bellwork instructions. Students are expected to walk to their bins that contain folders labeled by

their names to pick up any graded papers as well as turn in any assigned homework. Once papers

have been turned in and received, students will then sit down and pull out their notebook journals

as well as a pencil/pen to begin working on their bellwork. During their bellwork, I will take


Out of Room/Absence/Tardy Policies

In order to ensure safety, only one boy and one girl may leave to use the restroom, get

water, etc. unless an official pass has been administered to them by faculty. Students must sign

out, take the physical pass, and sign back in. If a student is absent in class, it is their

responsibility to email me for any materials they have missed as well as look at the lecture

notes/powerpoints posted on our class website. Regardless of reason, students will have up to 2

days to make up any assignments/papers that were due that particular day. If a student is absent

on a test day, a new test will be provided to ensure fairness of assessment.

Grading and Communication Policies

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As aforementioned, students are able to email me if they have any questions, however, they will

be able to contact me in other ways, such as via call/text. Should students request to meet with

me when I am no longer at school, they may video call me at a convenient time. A messaging

app such as Remind or announcements on our class website may be used to remind students of

upcoming assignments/projects. These apps may also be used to communicate with parents,

should they have any questions.

A grading schedule planner will be posted in the classroom as well as online so students

can know when to expect their assignments to be graded. If a student wishes to do a retake on

any assignment/test they may do so. However, presentations may not be requested for a retake.

Late work will be accepted with the exception of big group projects and presentations. Each

semester, students can request up to three extensions, no questions asked. However, if they do

not use all extensions within the semester, they may be added on to the next one.

Seat Work

Students are expected to work diligently and quietly on the task assigned to them. They are

expected to engage and take notes on whatever it is being discussed. They are allowed to leave

the room to use the restroom or to sharpen their pencil at a time that is deemed appropriate.

Students should be in their seats unless specified otherwise.

Group and Discussion Work

Students must be respectful to one another regarding their beliefs and opinions. They are

required to adopt the “agree to disagree” mentality. . The discussions must be on topic. This will

be ensured by monitoring the subjects talked in class conversations in order to provide a safe

environment. Students will have specific roles in which they are responsible for within their
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group. If there are any disputes regarding group work, they should try to resolve the situation on

their own. However, if they need more assistance, I will be there to mediate the issue.

Rules and Procedures

1. Cell phones must be silent and put away unless instructed to do otherwise. Should a

student be on their cellphones during instruction/lecture period, they will be given a

warning and required to turn off their phones. Upon the second violation, students must

turn off their cellphones and place it face down at a basket on my desk. They will be

allowed to collect it after class.

2. Food is permitted to eat during class, however, students must be mindful of any allergies

their peers may have. Additionally, food cannot be strong in smell as it may distract

others, nor can it be anything messy, to prevent any spills/accidents that may happen.

3. Late work will be accepted, and grades will be given based upon the reason. In order to

ensure fair grading, students will not be able to gain full points on the assignment. A

deduction of 10% per each day they turn it in late.

Classroom Layout

**GP= graded papers**

The rationale behind having the desks close together is to allow inclusion to have more

comfortably, rather than forcefully. Although it may seem as if inclusion is forced upon the

students with this particular set of seating arrangements, students are able to sit wherever they

please after the second quarter.

In an English classroom, a lot of learning is best remembered through good discussion

based questions. Setting up seats in this manner will provide a more welcoming environment for
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my students to discuss amongst their peers, and it will allow me to witness what conversations

and actions are being taken place as I will have the view of the entire classroom at all times.

Additionally, having class discussions will be easier to construct as everyone will have the

ability to see both me and the board.

In addition to classroom desks, there will be a small assortment of beanbags, small single

couches, and relaxation toys such as stress balls that students are allowed to use when I have

given them a study hall or at my discretion. This comfortable seating is provided simply because

students can be not feeling well, or just not have a great day. Allowing a spot for them to relax

and take a few minutes (or the entire class) to make themselves feel better, will help improve the

students learning as well as make them feel safer. A bookcase will be set up around that area so

that way students will be more motivated to read, as there is a relaxing spot to read.

The sign out sheets, file cabinets, pencil sharpener, and the grading calendar (where I list

what assignments will be graded when), will be located right next to the door. This is to ensure

not to waste anytime as soon as my students enter the door. It will allow the process to go faster

as it is not a long walk around the classroom to get themselves to be prepared for the lesson.

Having the signout sheets and the pencil sharpener closer to the door allows students to exit

without distracting others in a swift and quiet manner.

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