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Directions: Put a ✔ if the statement about research is a fact and an ❌ if it is a misconception.

✔ 1. Research is collecting and retrieving existing information.

✔ 2. Research involves the systematic and purposeful gathering of information.

✔ 3. Research is restating and paraphrasing

✔ 4. Research is synthesizing related information.

❌ 5. Research is transferring or transcribing facts.

✔ 6. Research is analyzing and interpreting new information.

✔ 7. Research is gaining new knowledge.

✔ 8. Research is rummaging through available sources.

✔ 9. Research is providing readily available answers.

✔ 10. Research is communicating existing knowledge.

Directions: Below are question for discussion. Brainstorm on them and be ready to share your ideas in

1. What is research to you?

➡Research is an investigation undertaken to contribute to knowledge and understanding and, in
the case of some disciplines, cultural innovation or aesthetic refinement.
2. Why do people conduct research?
➡People conduct research to gain a better understanding of something or someone or to provide
a solution to a problem. And to increase or advance their knowledge base or because they are
curious about something. Aso maybe because they do it for work.

3. What makes a good research output?

➡To make a good research output you must have the charasteristics and a qualities of a
researcher such as be open-minded and must be also diligent, hardworking. A good research
output have a purpose, application, key relevant documents, research output categorisation,
definition, document management and control.

4. What qualities should a great researcher possess?

➡The qualities that a great researcher should possess are to be logical in conclusions he
should be fair and not bias. He should be understanding and observer to the details that he
gathers. A good researcher interprets data fairly and objectively. He should be original with what
he gets while doing research. He should be productive to find new informations.

5. What are your anticipated problems when conducting a research?

➡When conducting a research, you may face problems such as financial problems also persona
problems. Conducting a research consumes time, effort, energy and also money. But if you want
to have a successful research you should be positive despite of what challenges or problems
you may face or encounter while conducting it.

6. What are the possible solutions that can help you solve this problems?
➡The possible solutions that can help you solve this problems is to be creative, practical and
open mind. He should list the details every enterviews and observation he does in the
surrounding. He should explore and be experemental, also have a wise time management. And
be mature in handling all the posible difficulties that can or may affect while his conducting a
7. As an individual, how can you contribute or add to the body of knowledge in your discipline?
➡As an individual, I can contribute my knowledge of discipline through asking nice to people and
thanking them after asking or making a good research paper that is not rude and bias to become
a book and become an inspiration to everyone to work hard and strive to success without hitting
or blocking others.

8. How important is research in the advancement of technology, bussiness, maritime, nursing, and
other areas to improve the living conditions of people?
➡The important of research in the advancement of technology is to make people be aware on
the economy status in their society. Or in Healthcare changes dramatically because of
technological developments, from anesthetics and antibiotics to magnetic resonance imaging
scanners and radiotherapy. Future technological innovation is going to keep transforming
healthcare, yet while technologies (new drugs and treatments, new devices, new social media
support for healthcare, etc) will drive innovation, human factors will remain one of the stable
limitations of breakthroughs. No predictions can satisfy everybody; instead, this article explores
fragments of the future to see how to think more clearly about how to get where we want to go.
The thing is because of the advancement we are able to be advance thinker because we are
aware and ready for the changes.

9. What can you do to create and develop a culture of research in your school?
➡ We must conduct a research to create and develop a culture. And encourage them to
cooperate and collaborate with us in order to gain new knowledge, and to develop a culture of
research in our school.

10. How does research affect one’s life?

➡ Though research our lives become more progressive and we are more aware of what is
happening or something that is currently happening in this world. And, without research our
demands would go completely unrecognized. Without research we won’t be able to know what
will happen to us in near future. So, in short research has a great impact in our lives. That’s what
research affects us.

My Reflection

My reflection about this topic is that, in our generation in doing or conducting a research is
now more easier to gather and collect information through searching in the internet. Now I
understand that research has a big impact in our lives because we are advance in thinking
because we’ve already know the answers or related to it because of research.

Through research we are able to make an informed decisions in life because as said research
provides the information. In research we can find the solutions in problems and we can be aware
on what’s happening in our sorrounding or in our world.

Research nowadays serves as a bridge to progress and to be productive. And for that, I was
thankful for this kind of lessons because I am able to learn new information and did research as
well, also now I’m being guided and aware what research means and want to be a good
researcher to help others.
LESSON 12: Research Ethics

Part 1

1) B- integrity
2) F- confidentiality
3) L- openness
4) A- objectivity
5) I- social responsibility
6) N- competence
7) D- legality
8) O- protection of human subjects
9) E- respect for intellectual property
10) G- hard work
11) K- scientific attitude
12) J- open mindedness
13) M- knowledge orientedness
14) P- resourcefulness
15) H- responsible

Part 2

Directions: Write a short paragraph explaining the importance of ethics in research?

The importance of ethics in research is that as a researcher, you must be responsible for all the action
that you do in doing or conducting a research. You must have the qualities and characteristics are
needed to ensure that research results are true and are used properly. Ethics help hold researchers
accountable to the public, build public support and reinforce other significant social values such as
social responsibility, human rights, animal welfare, compliance with the law, and public health and
safety. Ethics also promote the aims of research such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. And
research often involves a great deal of cooperation and coordination among many different people in
diffirent discipline and institutions, so ethical standards promote the values that are essential to
collaborative work such as trust, accountability, mutual respects and fairness.
My Reflection

My reflection about this topic is that, for me it is very helpful that the research ethic is considered as
part of the research because it involves or conducts behavior and moral principles that we must possess
in making a research. This also serve as our guide in conducting a research. So, in this topic I have
learned that in doing a research, it is very important that you have good attitude and behavior towards
others especially to the respondents. This lesson also reminds me to respect and accept various ideas
and views of others as long as it’s not bias and plagiarized.
Also, the research ethics help me to improve my skills and knowledge, and be aware of something
that we are going to apply in our research. It is very important that we know our limits in conducting our
research. You must apply the ethics law and avoid bias in experimental design. I’ve also learn that if
you want to achieve or adhere a good research you must be willing to make sacrifices, effort, work hard
and be patience of doing it.
This topic is also relevant for us to learn, because it will help improve our values and behavior.
Because I believe that, values is very important nowadays, especially in conducting our research. If
you want to be respected by others then don’t be rude and harsh be mature in a good way and have a
good manners and right conduct not just in making a research but in all stages and actions you do in
Lesson 13 : Steps in Writing a Research Paper

Part 1

Directions: In two or three sentences, answer the following qiestions based on the previous discussion.

1. What is the significance of a rough draft in research writing?

➡ The significance of a rough draft in research writing is to give you a place to start formally
put together your ideas with evidence. And writing a rough draft lets you gauge if you need to
do more research, change your purpose or switch topics completely. Rough draft is
immensely important in shaping how your paper will ultimately turn out.

2. What is a reference? What is its role in research writing?

➡ Reference is a use of a sources of information in order to ascertain something. It is also
the action of mentioning or alluding to something. And it is a word, phrase or idea which
comes from something such as book, poem or play which you can use when making a point
about something.
➡ The role of a reference in research writing is to be responsible scholar by giving credit to
other researchers and acknowledging their ideas. To avoid plagiarism by qouting words and
ideas used by the authors. To allow your reader to track down the sources you used by citing
them accurately in your paper by way of footnotes, a bibliography or reference list.

3. Why should a researcher choose a topic / problem that suits his/her interest or expertise?
➡ The researcher should choose a topic/problem that suits to their interests or expertise so
that they can relate well to do it and so that they can give full attention to their research work.

4. What are research questions? How do they provide direction to your research paper ?
➡ Research question is the fundamental core of a research project, study, or review of
literature. It focuses the study, determines the methology, and guides all stages of inquiry,
analysis and reporting question seeking answers.
Part 2

Directions: With the help of books, periodicals, internet and other forms of media. List down possible
topics for research topics for research which you find interesting.

 Acquaintance rape
 Animal rights
 Assisted suicide
 Campus violence
 Capital punishments
 Civil rights
 Drinking age, legal
 Drug legalization
 Gun control
 Hate crimes
 Insanity defense
 Police brutality

My Reflection

My reflection about this topic is that, I learned the guidelines procedures and different steps in
writing a research paper. It is very useful for me to know and learn, even though I haven’t experience
writing one but I’m also exited and interested to do it in future. I know it is not that easy as what I think
but if I do it, I’ll do it heartedly and through hard work and patience and for sure my research will exceed
and become successful.
And one thing that I have learn from it is that, before choosing or deciding your topic make sure
that you find it interesting and suit to your expertise so that you can relate well to do it. And with proper
planning you can expound or discuss your topic very well. It is also important to have a lot of resources
not just only in the library but also financial sources. Through this, I’m now aware and inform on how to
make a good research. This serve as my guide incase I make one.
I now understands the importance of research in our lives because of it’s contributions, it helps to
improve our lives and to move forward to achieve one’s goal and dreams in life. Reseach is just like
our life, many challenges, struggles and problems occurs but if you follow the steps and you have the
possitive spirit and eagerness to survive, you will be successful and can achieve your goal. Just be
patience, pray and do it heartedly with the presence of God in you and you won’t notice that in the end
of the day your hard work will bear it to success.

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