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2951 Siena Heights Dr.

Henderson, NV 89052

September 1, 2019
Dear Mr. Ross,
I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to thank you for making an impact on my life
when I was in your band class at Appleton West High. I would always look forward to band
class with you. Music was not something I found a lot of passion with, you as my teacher made it
fun and enjoyable. I enjoyed your energy and passion for teaching. You were able to show me
that you should never give up and keep practicing.
As I went through my life, I realized that there is no reason to stay in one place. I made
the decision to try and get better at my own life. I felt like I was going in the wrong direction and
needed to make some changes before my life would get worse. I was making poor decisions and
falling into a trap that I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get myself out of. I decided to move
across the country to Utah. I knew some people there and decided I needed a fresh start. I met
some great people and made some great friends. This is the place I met my husband. I felt that I
was heading in a good direction again. I was also happy with the choices I was making. I never
gave up on myself and I remember what I learned from you, that if I kept trying, I will eventually
feel like I was doing something right and getting better at life. Life and the choices I have made
now have my family and I living in Henderson, NV.
Years after I have had a career in retail, I started to reflect on my career choices. I thought
back to what my passion is and what will make me happy. I have a family now, two beautiful
girls who are growing up way too fast. I sat and spoke with my husband about the idea of me
going back to school to get my degree. At first the thought of school made me nervous. I was not
sure how I would adjust to being back in a school setting after being out for 12 years, non the
less college. Finally, time came to make that final decision and I was terrified. Just like the
feeling I would get when it was time to take the stage for the band concerts and parades. I finally
decided that yes, I wanted to go back to school. I found that I wanted to work with kids and
become a teacher. I want to be able to provide kids with a good education while also making an
impact in a positive way in their lives like you did to mine. This was also not my first decision.
Business administration was what I thought my passion was, but I soon discovered that it wasn’t.
Wanting to become a teacher has not been an easy road for me this far. There were moments of
doubt that I wondered can I do this, as I am working full time, have a family, and worrying about
schoolwork. As I progressed through school, I would constantly find that I would tell myself to
not give up no matter how hard times would get. I know from learning in your class that being
prepared, and practice will help you get what you need to feel confident in what you do.
I hear that you are retired now. I hope you are enjoying your retirement as it is well
deserved. One day I hope to make an impact on one of my students like you did for me. I know
that what you have done for me will continue to help me through my life as well as my teaching
career and again thank you for believing in me.
Allyson Secrest (Dybus)

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