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Describing a

picture M

Where A
Who K
Which E

Whose I
How E

This scene takes place in (summer/winter). The scene takes place (in the town
These people are (at work/taking a break). The centre/on the river banks). In the
weather is (fine/bad). It is (raining/sunny) background, you can see (a bridge/some
tall mountains). There are some (sailing
boats/big ships) on the river. The river
There are (five/ten) people in the foreground.
looks (wide and deep/narrow and shallow).
They are (sunbathing and relaxing/working
You can see smoke coming from factories.
hard). The man at the front has (a big black
This is probably a (minor/major) river in a
dog/a small brown dog). It is (sitting up/lying
(large/small) town.
down) (in front of/behind) him. He is wearing (a
green cap/a brown bowler hat).
The central figure is (standing/sitting) on
the river bank.
In front of the central figure, two figures (are
swimming/bathing) in the river. The boy with a He is (looking ahead/turning round). His
red cap has got his hands (to his mouth/on his feet are (on the bank/dangling in the
head). Maybe he is calling out to a friend. The water). Maybe he is thinking about his life
other figure, also (a girl/ a boy) has got his or maybe he is day dreaming. He is wearing
back turned. (green trousers and a yellow cap/red
shorts.) His clothes are spread out
On the left of the picture, there are
(behind him/in front of him). His
(four/two) more sunbathers. They are both
(back/face) is in the shade. Maybe the
wearing (coats/hats). They are both looking
artist is trying to show that this figure is
(away from/towards) the river.

The painting (looks blurred/is in sharp focus). It conveys the impression of (a lazy Sunday/ a busy
work day). (I can see myself in that situation and I would love it/I can’t picture myself there at
Describe the

1) Where does the scene take place? It…..

2) How many people are in the picture? There are….

3) How many are in the foreground?

4) When does the scene take place? Refer to the season and time of the day.
Mention what the weather is like.

5) Describe the path. (On the left or in the middle…. Straight or winding…)

6) What are the two boys in the foreground doing?

7) How do they look? (miserable or happy)

8) What is happening in the pond and beside the pond?

9) Who is under the tree and what are they doing?

10) There are two people on the path. What is each one doing?

11) What is strange about the cat and the dog?

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