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Questionnaire on the Awareness, Sustainability and Acceptability of the Vision, Mission,

Goals, and Objectives of Mariano Marcos State University in Congruence to BS

Mathematics Program – College of Arts and Sciences, Batac City, Ilocos Norte

Name(Optional): ________________________________
Sector: ___ Faculty ___ Student ___ Alumna/Alumnus ___ Stakeholders

Please rate/indicate your awareness, sustainability, and acceptability of the VMGO by

checking on the column corresponding to your answer.


1. The present vision of Mariano Marcos State University is _____________________.

 A world-class university dedicated to the development of virtuous human

resources and innovations for inclusive growth.

 A premier Philippine university by 2028.

 A premier university delivering world-class education that promotes sustainable

development and competitive graduates.

2. The present mission of Mariano Marcos State University is ______________________.

 To develop virtuous human capital and sustainable innovations in a knowledge-

driven global economy.

 To develop globally competitive professionals and industry-ready graduates via

various modalities and generate new knowledge and technologies for the
improvement of the quality of life.

 To provide quality education to enhance food security, sustainable communities,

and industry innovation.
3. The College of Arts and Sciences are guided by the six college goals ____________.
(Choose 6 goals in the choices below)

 Think critically, scientifically and independently.

 Be highly competent professionals.

 Preserve cultural heritage.

 Become active change agents.

 Join academe as instructor/teacher.

 Exemplify disciplined and moral lives

 Appreciate and cultivate the arts.

 Help improve the quality of life.

4. The BS in Mathematics outcomes are ___________________.

(Choose 12 outcomes/objectives in the choices below)

 Develop mastery in algebra, analysis, and geometry.

 Adequate prepare students to further studies in mathematics or related fields.

 Formulate and solve problems from both mathematical and everyday situations.

 Join academe as instructor/teacher.

 Make and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments, and validate them
own mathematical thinking.

 Express mathematical ideas with clarity and coherence by applying analytical and
critical reasoning skills.

 Determine the truth and falsity of mathematical statements using valid forms of

 Demonstrate knowledge in reading and writing by applying the concept and role
of proof and reasoning.

 Acquire and develop an enhanced perception of the vitality and importance of

mathematics in the modern world.

 Communicate mathematical ideas orally and in writing using clear and precise

 Connect mathematics to other disciplines and real-world situations.

 Investigate and understand mathematical content by using problem-solving


 Achieve a command of ideas and techniques in pattern recognition,

generalization, critical analysis, problem solving and rigorous arguments.

 Show an understanding of the interrelationships within mathematics.

 To enhance relevant human resources development program.

 Become researchers and decision-makers in public and private agencies.


Direction: Please check your answer on the column provided.
STATEMENTS Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
1.The mission clearly reflects MMSU’s
legal and educational mandate.
2.The goals are clearly stated, and
consistent with the mission of MMSU.
3.The vision clearly reflects what the
institution hopes to become.
4.The College of Arts and Sciences
provide quality instruction in the arts
and sciences which is responsive to
global needs and expectations.
5.The college developed and
maintained a highly qualified
manpower and well-rounded
professionals through the continuing
6.The BS Math Program prepares
students with sufficient knowledge and
adequate preparation for mathematics-
oriented careers.
7.The program equipped the students
with the necessary skills to teach basic
math courses or handle positions in
public or in private sector.
8.The BS Math Program sought to
provide general education for holistic
development in the arts as well as in the


1.The Vision, Mission, Goals, and
Objectives are printed in bulletin
boards and catalogs.

To be answered by Faculty Only

1.I know the vision and mission of the
university as well as the college.
2.I understand and accept the objectives
of the BS Math program.
3.The Faculty members participate in
the formulation and revision of the

To be answered by Students Only

1.Students are aware of the Vision and
Mission of MMSU and the College.
2.The students understand and accept
the objectives of the program.

To be answered by Alumna/Alumnus
1.Cooperating agencies, linkages,
alumni, industry representatives and
other concerned organizations/groups
participate in the formulation, review
and/or revision of the VMGO’s.
2.Cooperating agencies, linkages,
alumni, industry representatives and
other concerned organizations/groups
know and appreciate the Vision,
Mission, Goals and Objectives.
3.The VMGOs are widely disseminated
to the different agencies, institutions,
industry sector and the community as

To be answered by Stakeholders
1.Cooperating agencies, linkages,
alumni, industry representatives and
other concerned organizations/groups
participate in the formulation, review
and/or revision of the VMGO’s.
2.Cooperating agencies, linkages,
alumni, industry representatives and
other concerned organizations/groups
know and appreciate the Vision,
Mission, Goals and Objectives.
3.The VMGOs are widely disseminated
to the different agencies, institutions,
industry sector and the community as


Direction: Encircle YES if the indicator has been practiced, and if it is not, encircle NO.
1.There is a regular revision and enrichment of the BS Mathematics YES NO
2.The faculty members provided a quality instruction among the YES NO
3.The students are exposed to academic and cultural activities and YES NO
4.The utilization of technology is used in various teaching styles and YES NO
strategies relevant to the instruction material.
5.The students and the faculty members are involved in conducting YES NO
6.Different trainings and seminars are participated by the students YES NO
and faculties.
7.The students are participated in the clean-up drive and tree YES NO
planting activities outside the school campus.
8.The faculty members participated in various program, seminars, YES NO
and trainings as speakers, facilitators, and tabulators.
9.The faculty demonstrate mastery to the subject/topic that will YES NO
analyze by the students.
10.The university developed the computer-aided instruction. YES NO

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