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Group Activity:
1. In your group, choose a syllabus that you want to assess/ evaluate.

2. Examine the different levels of outcomes;

2.1 Institutional Outcomes / Graduate Attributes

2.2 Program Outcomes

2.3 Course Outcomes

2.4 Learning Outcomes

3. Write 3 observations in each outcome.

4. Research on the sources of learning outcomes

5. Write 3 characteristics of good learning outcomes.

6. Research on CTU graduate attributes


Group Number: __Group Number 3__

Group Members:
 Aldaya, Lyka M.
 Quimpo, Chrislyn O.
 Jerusalem, Aijelyn D.
 Morposa, Patrick Lawrence B.
 Palafox, Jason Dave C.
 Mahinay, Adianez E.
 Barino, Elmie M.
 Caballes, Junie James H.
 Sabareza, Clarisse Faith V.

Syllabus in: __SCI-M 214 or Organic Chemistry__

A. Definition of the different levels of outcomes

1. Institutional Outcomes
- Institutional Outcomes are statements that express what the graduates of a certain
institution are expected to become after graduation. It is supposed that any educational
institution will have set their expectations from their graduates, that is why institutions
create their mission-vision.

2. Graduate Attributes
- Graduate attributes are the high level qualities, skills and understandings that a student
should gain as a result of the learning and experiences they engage with, while at
university. This ‘graduateness’ is what sets them apart from those without a degree, and is
the added value which graduates can enjoy and share with employers and the wider
community. They equip students and graduates for life-long personal development,
learning and to be successful in society.

3. Program Outcomes
- These are statements that express the students’ outcomes after completing a certain
degree or program. Program Outcomes are specific to the particular degree.

4. Course Outcomes
- Course or subject outcomes are more specific than the program outcomes. These are
statements that indicate what the students should be able to do or perform after taking a
specific course or subject.

5. Learning Outcomes
- Learning or institutional outcomes are the statements that explain what the students can
do after a specific lesson or topic.
B. Observations
1. Institutional Outcomes / Graduate Attributes
The university outcomes of Cebu Technological University (CTU) reflect a commitment
to holistic education and development. CTU aims to accelerate regional and national
development through innovative leadership, while also providing relevant, quality tertiary
education to economically challenged but deserving students. The university emphasizes the
development of a research-intensive culture, effective resource management, sustainable
community engagement, and strategic local and international partnerships for sustained
economic development. These outcomes demonstrate CTU's dedication to academic
excellence, community engagement, research, innovation, and sustainable growth.
2. Program Outcomes
The syllabus outlines specific Program Outcomes aims to equip future educators with a
robust understanding of organic chemistry principles and their real-world implications.
Through the course, students will develop skills in analyzing organic compound traits,
categorizing compounds based on their properties and functional groups, and comprehending
essential biochemical mechanisms. Program outcomes fosters the cultivation of personal
attributes such as self-discipline and rational thinking, empowering students to apply their
knowledge effectively beyond the realm of chemistry.
3. Course Outcomes
The syllabus outlines specific course outcomes for the Organic Chemistry course. These
outcomes include observing traits of organic compounds, categorizing compounds based on
their properties, understanding biochemical mechanisms, cultivating personal traits such as
self-respect and rational thinking, and applying basic and higher-level literacy and numeracy
skills needed for higher learning. Additionally, the course aims to develop a deep
understanding of educational processes in relation to larger historical, social, cultural, and
political processes.
4. Learning Outcomes
In the organic chemistry syllabus section encompassing hydrocarbons, Lewis structures,
concepts of organic chemistry, and the comparison of organic and inorganic compounds, the
overarching goal is to provide students with a robust foundation in the principles that govern
organic chemical behavior. Students begin by exploring hydrocarbons, understanding their
structural diversity and functional significance in organic chemistry. Through the study of Lewis
structures, they gain proficiency in depicting molecular arrangements and electron distribution,
essential for grasping chemical bonding and reactivity patterns. Moreover, fundamental
concepts like electronegativity, resonance, and molecular geometry are introduced,
empowering students to predict and rationalize the behavior of organic molecules with
increasing accuracy. This section also dedicates attention to contrasting the properties of
organic and inorganic compounds, highlighting the unique characteristics of organic substances
derived from carbon-based structures. Furthermore, the structural theory of organic chemistry
is emphasized, guiding students in comprehending the principles underlying molecular
architecture and its profound influence on chemical reactivity. By mastering these foundational
topics and their comparisons with inorganic chemistry, students develop a nuanced
understanding of organic chemistry's distinct nature and its broad applications across various
scientific disciplines.

C. Sources of the Learning Outcomes

 CMO No. 59, Series of 2016
This memorandum order provides guidelines for the implementation of outcomes-
based education (OBE) in higher education institutions. It emphasizes the alignment of
curriculum, teaching methods, assessment strategies, and learning outcomes to ensure the
attainment of desired competencies by students.
 CMO No. 30, Series of 2004
This CMO outlines the policies and standards for teacher education programs, including
BSEd programs. It provides guidelines for curriculum development, instructional strategies,
assessment methods, and field experiences required for the preparation of competent and
effective teachers.
 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16): Learning outcomes may focus on promoting peaceful
and inclusive societies, fostering respect for human rights, promoting rule of law, and building effective,
accountable, and inclusive institutions.
D. 3 Characteristics of good learning outcomes

 Good learning outcomes are very specific and use active language.
These outcomes are usually very specific and use verbs in particular, which makes the
expectation clear. It informs students of the standards by which they will be assessed and
ensures that student and teacher goals in the course are aligned. wherever possible, avoid
terms such as “demonstrate,” “understand,” or “discuss” that can be interpreted in many ways.
 Good learning outcomes are primarily concerned with the student.
Rather than explaining what the teacher will do in the lecture, good learning outcomes describe
skills that the student will employ and help them understand why those skills are valuable and
useful to their professional, personal, and academic futures.
 Good learning outcomes are practical, not inspirational.
All passing students must be able to demonstrate the knowledge or skill described by the
learning outcome at the conclusion of the course. In this way, learning outcomes establish
standards for the course.

E. CTU Graduate Attributes

 The outcomes of graduating from the College of Education BSED Science program in Cebu
Technological University are multifaceted and influenced by various factors. These factors
include the design and implementation of the curriculum, the quality of instruction provided by
faculty members, the conducive learning environment created within the institution, the
availability of resources and facilities to support learning, the level of student engagement and
motivation, and the presence of effective support systems for students. Collectively, these
factors contribute to students' academic achievement, personal growth, and readiness for
professional roles in the field of education.
 The expected attributes of these outcomes for CTU graduates include visionary leadership,
commitment to accessible education, strong research and innovation skills, effective resource
management abilities, sustainable community engagement, and the capacity to form strategic
local and international partnerships. These attributes are intended to equip graduates to
contribute to regional and national development, promote inclusive education, drive research
and innovation, and engage with stakeholders for sustained economic growth.
 Graduates of the College of Education's BSED Science program at CTU embody attributes that
align with the university's vision, mission, and goals. Equipped with advanced knowledge and
skills, they emerge as leaders in innovation, contributing to regional and national development.
Their education, which integrates practical experiences, fosters inclusive and sustainable
growth, while their commitment to ethical responsibility is evident in their actions.
Furthermore, their effective communication, collaborative work ethic, and adaptability reflect
CTU's emphasis on producing versatile professionals capable of addressing complex challenges
in education and beyond.

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