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“Filipino Farmer”
A farmer, also called an agriculturer is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living
organisms for food or raw materials. The term usually applies to people who do some
combination of raising field crops, orchards, vineyards, poultry, or other livestock. In any
agricultural country farmers keep a vital role to develop his country. The life of a farmer is
very hard. Generally farmers are rich or poor. He works hard in the field from dawn to dusk.
He wakes up early in the morning for doing the work and goes to the field to seed, to weed or
to harvest. After finishing his work in the field, he comes back home in the evening (sunset).
Most of the farmers don't have their own lands. They cultivate others land by any condition.
The life of a farmer in our country is full of uncertainty. Sometimes he spends his time in
great joy if he can collect his crops from the field as well. Again, he often faces hard days if
production of his crops falls because of natural calamities. When there are bumpy-crops, a
farmer feels happy and when production of crops falls short of expectation, a farmer feels
unhappy. As a whole, they don't lead a happy life.

Mr. Jose S. Aludo is a 40 yr. old farmer, has a loving wife and four children. His
father is also a famer so hebasically grew up in their family farm. According to Mr. Jose the
reason why hedoes farming is because he grew up in there and he enjoys farming, especially
since they don’t do it conventionally and also because they live in their farm and eat what
they produce, often more than what they sell. According to him, like many of their customers
who have young children, havedecided they wanted to have healthy food for their kids, so
they did the same with his wife. As they’re kids came along they got into producing a product
that they were happy feeding them. As a byproduct, they produce healthy, sustainable product
that they are selling and according to him, his number one customer is stillhis wife.

They decide which products to grow by basing it off of demand, and what they can
grow sustainably on their farm, and they also currently raise cows and pigs because he loves
eating pork and when there is occasion’s pork are really in great demand. They don’t use
commercial fertilizers, nor organic ones butthey feed produce daily (from the farmers market)
and much of that produce goes back into the soil either through a byproduct of ingestion by
their animals (poop) or by direct contact with the soil (biodegradation). Fresh produce is the
only thing they add to their farm and they bring variable amounts in every day, depending on
the season. His aspiration is that his children will finish their studies and live a good and
successful life.

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