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Introduction: I chose the outcome K1NS3: count sets of up to 10 concrete objects using one
to one correspondence accurately without under or over counting, because it’s necessary
that the student understand how many objects it need for each number not only count and
write the number, they need to recognize the number of objects and match it with correct

I started my lesson by following the routine, I let one of student to come and count the
number of students is here. After that I play a song of number to motivate them to start the
lesson, then I asked them who remember what the theme in this week (fruit) is. I keep
asking them what fruit they liked to eat then I asked them is fruit healthy or non-healthy
they answered correctly.

I started teaching them the outcome, there was 5 boxes in front of the class I asked them to
count each box and to say what is the number on the card. Then I take one fruit and put it in
box number 1 I explained to them why I put only one fruits, because we have number 1 in the
card. I keep instruct them and explaining to them the outcome while I put the fruit in the
box, I count the number of fruits in each box. After that I call one of student to participate
the activity, I let the child to say what is the number on the card then to put fruits and count
it while put it in the box. This activity went well, because it was simple activity for KG1 to
identify the number of fruits and match it with number of cards. I would share the successful
resources style I used it in my lesson with other teachers, because it is wonderful to use
objects during the lesson and let the student touch the objects and count it which is useful
for them, the students like it and they feel fun when they are counting the fruits and put it in

Before I let them to go to different centers, I reminded them of classroom rules “Ears
listening, eyes looking, be quite, good sitting” then I call each group and let them to go to
their centers I explained to them what did they have to do in the center. This also went well
because they follow the rules and did as I told to them.

In focus group, first I instructed the students by taking the dice I told to them this is dice, I
throwed the dice then I count the dots in the dice with students I asked them how many
dots in the dice? Then I make the number with playdough after that I take cotton from box
and put it beside the number. For example, when I throwed the dice I count with student
the number of dots, 5 dots then I make number 5 after that I take 5 cottons and put it beside
number 5, I let the students to count the dots again and touch playdough to recognize how
to make number 5 then they count the number of cottons, I explained to them why I made
number 5 with playdough it’s because there are 5 dots. The student did as I did, they
throwed the dice and count the dots then they make the number and count the cotton and
put it beside the number that they make it. This activity went well they like to make the
number with playdough and throw the dice all of this was fun.

The problem in this activity was some of students didn’t know how to make the number
with playdough, but the other student did it. It’s occurred because I didn’t put any numbers
to show to them how to make the number with playdough, I think some of them get
confused. In the next time I will put card of numbers in front of them then they will put the
playdough on the number, so they will recognize how to make the number easier. The
strategies I used it in this activity I let developing and master student make numbers from 1-
6 and emerging student did from 1 to 3 with playdough.

In conclusion, I let the student to clean up I make sure that all of them are listening and look
at me. I showed them watermelon in card, I let them to say what is this fruit and color of
fruit, then I started the activity. I said I want one of student to come and count the number
of seeds in watermelon and take clothespin then put it in the card, I asked one of student
who is sitting nicely to come and count the number of seeds then take clothespin and put it
in the card while the student put clothespin in the card, he has to count. If there are 3 seeds
in watermelon so they put 3 clothespin I asked the student why she/he puts 3, it’s because
we have 3 seeds. This activity went well, they like it and I make sure that they understand
the concept. After that I know that I achieved the learning objectives.

Jean Piaget, Logico-mathematical
• Knowledge is constructed by the child from within through reasoning and the
interaction with the environment, rather than internalized from the environment
(1951; 1971). (Cherry, 2019)
According to Piaget, I let the student to count the number of students in the classroom and
the number of students is absent, so they learned how to count through the environment.

Zoltan P. Dienes believes that Learning mathematics does not have to be perceived as a
difficult task, it’s should be introduced to students, especially to young children, through fun
and exciting games. (Dienes, 1973)
 I followed Zoltan P. Dienes theory in my lesson, first in introduction I bring the boxes
and let the student to put the fruits on it. It was fun activity and the kids enjoy on it
when they are counting the fruits.
 In main activity I used dice and playdough to count the number of dots in the dice,
then make the number with playdough after that they put cottons beside playdough.
 Also, in conclusion I used a card of watermelon and clothespin they count the
number of seeds and put clothespin in the card depends of the number of seeds in
the watermelon.

Before I start my lesson, I play

song of numbers. The student
was excited.
Opining activity: Emerging student can say what is the
number in the card 1-3.
Developing and master student, can recognize the
number in the card 1-5, and match the fruits with
correct box while counting.


Focus group: First Instructed from the teacher. Art center, yellow group: They follow the steps I
1. The student throwed the dice, count the dots. put it for them.
2. Make the number with playdough. 1. Make tree by glue the stick with leaf
3. Take cottons and count it while put it beside (green paper) to make tree.
the number. 2. Draw apples in tree.
4. Emerging student did 1-3 number, Developing 3. Count how many apples.
and master can make number from 1-6 (The 4. Write the number.
school concentrate teaching numbers from 1 to 5. Emerging student make tree, draw apples
5). 1-5 and count it.
6. Developing, master student make tree
draw apples 1-10 and write the number.
Building center, Pink group:
Building supermarket for fruits.
1.Emerging student will take the
fruits and count it from 1-5.
2. Developing, master student
will count the fruits 1-10.

Writing center, Purple group: There is objects

of frits in front of the student.
1. Student pick he’s favorite fruit.
2. Student put the fruit in front of him/his
and draw it.
3. Draw how many times did they eat the
fruit, then count and write the
Assessment for learning (AFL): The
4. Emerging student draw 1-3 fruits and
strategies I used it to make sure that I
count it. achieve the learning objectives, I let
5. Developing, master student draw 1-10 emerging student to come and take the
fruits count it and write it. watermelon card and count seeds from
1-5 and put clothespin in the card.
Developing and master student count
seeds from 1-10. After that I know all
student can identify one to one
corresponding depends of their level.
LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Razna Topic or Theme: Fruit

Class: KG1E Date & Duration: 4.11.2019

30 Minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: I will work on classroom management and incorporating different strategies
to use in

the classroom.

Lesson Focus

Counting the numbers from 1 to 10.

Match the numbers in correct order.

Count objects by using one to one correspondence.

Lesson Outcomes

K1NS3: count sets of up to 10 concrete objects using one to one correspondence accurately
without under or over counting.

Links to Prior Learning

Math: counting the numbers from 1 to 10.
Counting the objects.

21st Century Skills

Critical thinking: The students will throw the dice then they will count the number of dots in
the dice after that they will think how to make the number by using play dough after that they
will put cotton beside it depends of the number that they make it.
Creativity: The student will create a supermarket by using blocks and put the fruits on it.
Collaboration: The student will work in pair and help each other when they are doing the
activity that I give it to them.
Communication: The student will talk with each other and share their ideas when they will
finish the activity about what did they learn.
Technology literacy: The student will use a computer to write the numbers.
Media literacy: I will play a song of numbers by using the data show
Key vocabulary
Watermelon, fruits, apple, banana, dice, playdough.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

1. Student didn’t pay attention.
1. Raise my voice without shouting, show the
2. Student didn’t understand English sticker and give it to the student who sit nicely and
very well.
be attention to the teacher.

2.Translate to the student some words in Arabic.

Resources/equipment needed

10 boxes- with numbers on it, fruits “in box” (banana and apple), dice, playdough, cotton, card
of photo of watermelon, clothespin.

& Time
One of student will come in front and Teacher will pick one of student to come
count the number of kids in the and count the number of students in the
10-15 classroom and the other student will classroom. Teacher will ask: How many
Minutes. count as well. students is here? How many students is
absent? - Bloom’s taxonomy,
One of student will write the number remembering the numbers.
of students is absent in the board.
Bloom’s taxonomy, applying: Teacher will
Students will say what is the theme in write the number of students is here in the
this week. Our theme is fruit. board and will let one of student to write
the number of students is absent.
Student will say their favorite fruits.
Teacher will say: Who remember what is
Student will say fruit is healthy food. our theme? Our theme is fruit, did you like
to eat fruit? what is your favorite fruit?
Student will sing the song of numbers Teacher will say do you think fruit is
from 1 to 10. healthy or non-healthy food?

Student will say the number in the Teacher will play song of numbers; teacher
box, then they will think how many will sing with students the numbers from 1
fruits the teacher should to put in to 10.
each box.
There is will be 10 boxes in front of the
Student will count with teacher while classroom in each box there is will be a
she puts the fruits in the boxes. number on it “boxt1, boxt2, box3” until
box 10. Beside the teacher there is will be
a fruit in a box (this box without number)
Student will say the name of fruit
(banana/apple) when teacher ask Teacher will take box 1, teacher will say:
them, and they will say the color of What is this number? So now I will take
the fruit. only one fruit and put it in box1 because
this is box number 1, we have here number
1 so I put one fruit. Let’s try another box, I
will take this box what is the number in
this box? Box 2, so how many fruits do we
need to put it in box 2? let’s count with
each other. Before teacher will put the
fruits in the box, teacher will ask the
student: what is this fruit? What is the
color of this fruit? After that teacher will
put the fruits in box 2 and count with
student while she puts the fruits in the
Teacher will repeat doing this putting the
fruits in the boxes depends in the number
on it from box1 until box 10. Student can
join the teacher while putting the fruits in
the boxes.

I used content by playing a song of

number, and the next activity I used
process by let the students do as I did by
putting the fruits and count it to match
with correct number card. My expectation:
emerging students will match the number
with fruits from 1 to 3 correctly, master
and developing students will be able to
match the fruits with card numbers from 1
to 10 correctly.
Main activities
& Time
Student will say the classroom rules. Teacher will remined the student of the
“Eyes looking, Ears listening, be quiet, classroom rules and the student will say
good sitting”. what is the classroom rules.
20 minutes “Eyes looking, Ears listening, be quiet, good
Focus group: Student will observe sitting”.
teacher while she instructs them to do
the activity. Teacher will let the student to go to
Student will throw the dice, student different centers.
will count the number of dots in the
dice, then they will take the playdough Focus group: Blue group then rotation
and make the number depends of the with purple group.
dots in the dice. After that, they will Teacher will introduce the activity for
take cotton and put it beside the student, first teacher will have dice, cotton
playdough. For instance, when they and playdough. Teacher will throw the dice
will throw the dice if the number of then teacher will count the dots with
dots is 2 so they will make number student, teacher will say: how many dots in
two by using playdough, then they will the dice? Teacher will make the number
take cotton and put it beside the depends of the dots in the dice, then
playdough, while they put the cotton teacher will say: how many cottons did I
they will count as well. have to put it beside the number? Teacher
will do it another time to make sure that
the student understands what did they
writing centre: Purple group then have to do. Teacher will let the student to
rotation with blue. touch the playdough and count the cottons
Student will have 1-5 numbers on while she put it beside the playdough.
the card, they will pick any number After that student will start do the activity.
When the student finish counts the dots
card then they will draw fruits. For
teacher will say: what is the number do
example, if the student has card
you have to make it with playdough?
number 3 so the student will draw
3 apples/bananas. Bloom’s taxonomy, understanding:
Teacher will ask students, can you make
Art centre: Yellow group number 3?
Student will follow steps that the
teacher will put it in front of them. In pair: Teacher will give each two of
1. Frist student will have a tree and student a dice, then teacher will say: Now
there is will be a number above the you will throw the dice then count how
tree they will say what is this many dots in the dice after that I want you
to make the number by using playdough
number. 2. They will draw apples in
then put the cotton beside the number and
the tree depends of the number
count it.
above the tree. When they will finish, teacher will say: All
3. Student will count how many of you share and talk about the numbers
apples did they draw. you make it with playdough, and count
4. Student will write the number. with each other the number of dots with
For example, if the student has a your friends.
tree and there is number 5 above Additional:
the tree so, he/she will draw 5 There is will be a card of numbers the
apples then count how many student should say what is the number on
apples did they draw and writ the the card after that they will pint apple on
the card. For example, the student will
have a card of number 5 so they will take
Building centre: Pink group
the oil color (Red) to pint 5 apples on it.
Two students will build a Teacher will say: What is this number on
supermarket for fruits, they will the card? If I want to paint apple in this
have fruits in box, they will count card how many apples did I have to pint? I
fruits while building. have to paint 5 apples because there is
Computer centre: Pink group number 5 in the card. Now you will pint
Two students will have a card of apples in each card, but you have to see
numbers 1-10. Student will pick a the number then count while you are
card then draw apples in the
computer depends of the numbers writing centre: Purple group then
that they have it. For instance, if rotation with blue.
the student has card number 2 so, Student will have 1-5 numbers on the
student will draw 2 apples and card, they will pick any number card
count it. then they will draw fruits. For example,
if the student has card number 3 so the
student will draw 3 apples/bananas.
Art centre: Yellow group
Student will follow steps that the
teacher will put it in front of them. 1.
Frist student will have a tree and there
is will be a number above the tree they
will say what is this number. 2. They
will draw apples in the tree depends of
the number above the tree. 3. Student
will count how many apples did they
draw. 4. Student will write the number.
For example, if the student has a tree
and there is number 5 above the tree
so, he/she will draw 5 apples then
count how many apples did they draw
and writ the number.

Building centre: Pink group

Two students will build a supermarket
for fruits, they will have fruits in box,
they will count fruits while building.
Computer centre: Pink group
Two students will have a card of
numbers 1-10. Student will pick a card
then draw apples in the computer
depends of the numbers that they have
it. For instance, if the student has card
number 2 so, student will draw 2

All of these activities are process

differentiate because they are doing one to
one corresponding in a different way.
Focus group, when they throw the dice and
count the number of dots, they make a
number by using play dough depends of
number of dots, then they put cotton
beside it.
Writing center, students will pick any card
of number then they have to draw a some
of fruits depends of the card number they
have it.
Art center, students will have a tree in
each tree there is a number above the tree
then they have to draw apples depends of
the number in the tree.

So, all of students making one to one

corresponding but they all have a different
activity and different result.

Differentiation activities (Support)

recognize written numerals from 1-5 in Arabic and English

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

recognize written numerals from 1-10 in Arabic and English.

& Time
5 minutes Student will sit in the carpet. Teacher will play song cleanup and hold
the sticker to manage the student to clean
Student will take a card of watermelon and sit in their places.
then will count the number of seeds in
the watermelon, after that student will Teacher will say: Cleanup, who is will clean
put the clips on the watermelon and sit nicely I will give him/her a sticker.
depends of the seeds in the
Bloom’s taxonomy, evaluating: Teacher
Student will count while they are will have card of watermelon and
putting the clips in the watermelon. clothespin. Teacher will take the card of
watermelon then teacher will ask the
Student will write the number in the student how many seeds in this
card. watermelon? Student will count the
number of seeds on the watermelon. Now
One student from each group will let’s think how many clips you need to put
come in front and say what did they it in the watermelon?
did when they were in the center, then
student will say what did she/he Teacher will pick names of students
learned. randomly from the box. Then one of
student will come in front and take one
Student will sing the song of colors and card of watermelon. After that student
numbers. will count the number of seeds in the
watermelon. Teacher will say: Now how
many clips do you need to put it in this
For example: if the student has 3 seeds,
then the student will take 3 clips and put it
in the watermelon card. When the student
will put 3 clips teacher will say: why did
you put 3 clips? Because there are three
seeds in the watermelon. Teacher will give
the student a sticker.

Teacher will let student to write the

number on the card.

I used product differentiate by let the

students doing the same activity. My
expectation that Emerging students will be
able to match the clothespin with number
of seeds from 1 to 3, developing and
master students will be able to match the
clothespin with number of seeds in the
watermelon from 1 to 10 correctly.

After that, teacher will let one student

from each group to say what did they did
when they were in centers, then they will
say what did they learn.

Teacher will play a song of colors and

Assessment Teacher will assess the students to count the number of objects and match it with
Strategies: correct number.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback

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