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Destiny of a Nation is shaped in its

“Education is the most powerful tool which you can use to change the world

Nations are built over generations by blood and sweat of its leaders, businessmen, scientists, and more
importantly by ordinary citizens. The future of any nation depends on its children who are the potential
torch bearers. Thus there growth and development of physical, intellectual and moral is a priority for
any nation.

Classrooms are the first learning space outside the house. It is here the foundation for educational
achievements is laid. It is the classrooms which which are factories of potential engineers, doctors,
architects who shape physical infrastructure and quality of life in a nation

It may be trite to say that all-round development of our future citizens can be achieved by building a
strong foundation in Education. That it is a unique investment in the present, bearing invaluable
benefits for the future. You, dear reader, decide whether or not our collective efforts (or the lack of
these) in this sphere, warrant such denigration or do the outcomes make us proud.

It is often said that the youth of the nation is the future of the nation and in order
to make the future brighter, the youth needs proper guidance and a proper
education system that would make them capable enough to build a prosperous
and harmonious nation.

Nations are not built overnight, it’s a gradual process which takes time and it
requires a great deal of care. The future of any nation depends on its children
who are the potential torchbearers. Thus their growth and physical, intellectual
and moral development is the priority of any nation. Classrooms are the first
learning space outside the house which provides them with various opportunities
to grow. It is here the foundation for educational achievements are laid. It is from
here that people with great minds emerge and help in enlightening the whole
nation. All this helps in nation building.

Nation building leads to the unification of the citizens of the country so that the
country can remain in peace and also remain stable in a long run. Now the
question arises, what could be the best tool for unifying the citizens? The answer
is education. People, who are educated, are aware of what is right and what is
wrong. Their mind works in somewhat similar manner. Thus, educated people are
united by the sense of thinking, by the sense of right and wrong.

An illiterate population becomes a burden on the nation and its growth. Quality
primary and secondary education is necessary for the formation of human
capital. Apart from the professional development of youth, classrooms have a
major role to play in shaping the outlook of students. Classrooms provide
platforms to students to interact. The students in classrooms come from diverse
backgrounds in terms of religion, language caste and economic status.

A healthy interaction in the classrooms forms the base for a citizen with tolerant
and secular outlook especially in a country like India which has multiple religion,
languages etc. They generate a sense of brotherhood among students.
Classrooms are essential for instilling right values like kindness, cleanliness,
gender equality necessary for making good and responsible citizens. Students
learn discipline in schools which guide them throughout their professional and
personal life In India, near universal enrollment has been achieved in primary
education. The quality of education being imparted and atmosphere in classrooms
has caused concern. Studies have shown that existing social discriminations are
replicated in classrooms with students from lower castes being asked to clean
toilets and sit on the floor. This hampers the vision of inclusive growth. Poor
status of primary education is being reflected in unemployment of youth in India.
Nations with excellent classrooms have always remained on the track of social
and economic development. The current education system which focuses on
marks and not on practical or rational thinking certainly needs alteration.

Hence, there is an urgent need to wake ourselves and start working towards
improving our education system.

The greatest need of the hour is the whole education system from redesigning
the curriculum to the teaching methodology. Many researchers have concluded
that active-learning helps in developing creativity and stimulates learning.
Therefore there’s a dire need to bring all these changes
A very good Chinese proverb states that ‘ If you’re thinking a year ahead, plant a seed. If you’re
thinking a decade ahead, plant a tree. If you’re thinking a century ahead, educate the people.’ If we
today desire to have a better tomorrow for our nation, we need to start working on the building blocks
of this nation and these building blocks are the children of this country. Abraham Lincoln once rightly
said, “ The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in
the next generation.”
The early years of human being’s life are the most favourable ones for developing the attitudes and
values that form the basis of their personalities. The structure of values and attitudes built in early
years are strong and permanent roots for one’s entire life. They will always be used as references for
main decisions that challenge men and women. Those first values determine ethical and moral
behaviours throughout life. When a person has to face difficult and complex situations or when a new
challenge demands important decisions, those values that originally carved the personality will guide
options and resolutions, reactions or behaviours. Therefore, if we desire to have adults in future to
respect, care, nurture each other, their mother nation and other nations, the world and the universe, it
is important to sow today a very strong foundation in the children education programme to reap a
beautiful tomorrow.
These initial years are the time to begin helping children to form strong, positive self-images and grow
up to respect and get along with people who are different from themselves. We know from research
that children between 2 years and 5 years of age start becoming aware of gender, race, ethnicity and
disabilities. They also begin to absorb both the positive attitudes and negative biases and prejudices
that are still far too prevalent in our nation. If we do not invest in their development now our children
will necessarily pay a far greater price, both financially and in the quality of their lives. Education for
sustainable development is about helping children to become active citizens contributing to a
sustainable society. This can be done by giving children opportunities to experience community and
nature and to develop their knowledge, values and concern for each other and nature. Children need
to listen to others and the express themselves. Children should not be expected to solve problems for
which adults are responsible, but rather be given experience and tools to use in decision – making
and action taking for a sustainable future. We must find some effective methods of teaching that can
make children understand deeply and even shock them out of their unawareness. These early stages
of human life are so crucial as it is during this stage the overall personality, nature, the character starts
to build up. These values incorporated and the form it takes in the human mind decides the future of
any nation, whether the nation get a civilized person or a terror-minded personality.
We are aware of plenty of cases when a smart, educated and developed minded person has been
able to ruin the system of a nation in better ways than an uneducated person. Theodore Roosevelt
rightly stated, “ A man who has never been to school may steal from a freight car, but if he has a
university education he may steal the whole railroad.” In today’s era of technological advancement
can we stop terrorism or threats similar to these even after providing an adequate education? Or by
providing education we are creating future threats for ourselves? Victor Hugo said, “ He who opens a
school door, closes a prison.” The harsh fact of today is that we do have thousands of school but yet
our prisons are filled and yet there are threats to the nation roaming freely outside prisons and some
in the classrooms today. If only we can find out all the root causes to these threats and curb them in
the correct manner in early childhood by providing a rich quality of education and morale building in
the classrooms today, we can then ensure to have safe tomorrow for our nation. Jim Rohn once
quoted, “If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn’t need motivation to speed him up. What he
needs is education to turn him around.”
Every nation looks toward the young generation as its future. Undoubtedly, they are the future of the
nation. You know why? Because we consider the most productive stage of the life as youth. We
generally consider 21-35 as the most productive stage. Before entering this stage, a person ideally
needs to complete good-quality school education and the college education.(at least a Bachelor’s

If we consider a person who passes his/her school education at lets say 18, after completing his
bachelors degree he will be around 21-22. At this stage, he enters the productive stage, and starts
his/her career and starts earning livelihood.

So, the foundation of this is the school education. Nearly all nations and even the international
organizations insist on a good quality school education, because it is the founding stone of the young

We are referring to the growth of economy because the economic growth of any nation, will enable
the nation to make and implement policies for the welfare of its public in a better way. It’s a cycle
and welfare of people and growth of nation are inter-dependent terms.

What can be done?

As we all know, the programs and policies have already been made and are being implemented. All
that is required is an increased awareness in citizens towards the same, so as to achieve the targets
which we lagged behind, due to any reason(s).

We, as a citizen, should definitely create awareness in our own ways, which will definitely help. As
we say, that Each drop of water is important, as every drop adds up to the filling of a container.
(Boond Boond se gharra bharta hai). So, small steps also lead to bigger results.

As a citizen, we have the responsibility to create awareness to those who are unaware of the policies
and programs. Together, we can make our nation and the whole world, more educated, more skilled,
economically strong and a better place to live.
Ideal Structure For This Topic :

Aspirants must take care that the word ‘ Classroom ‘ here resembles education as a whole and not to write an essay
regarding classroom based system, its positives and negatives.


Start with a quote regarding importance of education, expand it, mentioning how education determines nation’s

Main Body :

Write about different dimensions on how good education of its citizens benefits a nation in different dimensions,
write about social ( religious, caste, gender issue ), technological, economic, Human Rights etc

Write about issues in present system of education

Most Important :

Your own suggestions to improve any issues with education system, like expansion of MOOCS, more use of
technology etc

also mention government initiatives.

Conclusion :

Conclude positively depicting a better future.

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