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James Clarke

Adjunct Instructor of Marketing

Business and Entrepreneurship Department
Columbia College Chicago
Chicago, IL

September 27, 2019

Dear Sir or Madam,

This letter is provided at the written request of Jettarin Issaravanich, who has asked me to serve as a
reference for the membership sales representative position he is applying for. Please be advised that the
information contained in this letter is confidential and should be treated as such.

I have known Jettarin since the 2018 spring semester when he took my Promotional Marketing Course
that I teach at Columbia College Chicago. I have had an opportunity to observe this student’s
outstanding participation and interaction in class and to evaluate his knowledge of marketing. I would
rate his overall performance in this subject as exceptional. This is evidenced by his high marketing grade
that he earned in my course.

Jettarin has impressed me by his highly motivated performance in class. He is very enthusiastic about
learning based on the insightful questions he asked in class and his active participation in class learning
discussions. His detailed essay answers on tests and homework assignments indicate an advanced level
of self-expression. His dedication is clearly evident by his excellent class attendance and the timeliness
of his turned-in homework assignments.

Beyond the daily class work, Jettarin has an intuitive sense of how to chart his academic growth in terms
of scheduling a well-rounded mix of classes, contacting college advisors, and faithfully keeping up with
his demanding academic schedule. He possesses a unique maturity in the way he approaches each
educational challenge in search of the best possible solution.

Based upon this student’s past academic performance in my classes, I believe Jettarin Issaravanich will
continue to make the most of his daily learning opportunities in school and in a professional position. I
would highly recommend that this goal-oriented student be seriously considered for the membership
sales representative position.

If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me at:

Yours truly,

James Clarke

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