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Friday, May 12, 2017

Letter of Recommendation

Re: Joktan Siliga, Health student

To Whom It May Concern:

Joktan Siliga, currently, has a 3.8 grade point average in very competitive academic
classes. He has very good attendance with no tardies. He has had an A grade in Health the
entire Spring 2017 semester. He follows directions & is very well behaved. His academy is

Global Business. I would recommend Joktan taking a part-time job in his junior year in
the business field so that he can start & experience “business in the current U.S. economy.”
I, also, recommend Joktan getting involved in a summer business internship program his
junior-senior years.

He can get involved with the college center counselor to assess colleges and
scholarship/grant money open & available to him.

I wish Joktan Siliga continued success in school at Carson High School. I feel honored to
write this letter of recommendation.

Good Luck and Best Wishes into your unlimited future.

Most Sincerely,

M. Michelle Ernaga MPH, RD

Health Education

Carson High School

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