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College Success

Agung Rahmadi

Online Education Strategies ( University of The People )

Welcome and Introduction to The University of The People

Jonathan Powers

College Success

Education is an important thing, with an education individuals will be able to

develop their potential and get a better life. In the modern era, to get an education, we
don't need to stay on campus as traditional universities do. By relying on internet
technology, we can access all course material from anywhere. By This opportunity, I am
joyful to be able to study with distance learning at the University of the People.
University of the People is a University located in Pasadena, California, United States.

1. Why did you decide to come back to school at this time?

2. Which degree program did you select and why?
3. What careers are you considering after your degree is completed?
4. What concerns or worries do you have about coming back to school?

As I said in the introduction paragraph, education is the most important thing to

increase the potential and provide a better life in the future. Education helps individuals
for mastering communication skills by learning how to read, speak, and listen. I realize
that if I am not properly educating myself, my life will be worse in the future. Education
helps me through the struggle of life with a new perspective. Therefore, by gaining
knowledge from the University of The People, I hope I will be able to live life easier.

At the University of The People, I study for a Bachelor of Science with a

Business Administration Major. Business Administration major helps students
comprehend how to manage a business, financial structure, and economic world. This
helps individuals to accomplish their future careers, or even become successful
entrepreneurs. This also helps students with fresh graduates to comprehend the work
environment rules they are not able to be perfunctory at work. Therefore, choosing a
Business Administration major will provide the best future careers for us.

Being a financial analyst is a job that I want to pursue following my graduation.

On the other hand, I also want to become a successful entrepreneur. Building my own
company and creating jobs for others is my higher purpose in my life.
Back to school is the best option for my life. Therefore, I will be able to provide
a new perspective on my life. However, in my adult ages, studying and working at the
same time truly gave me new challenges in my life. I worried I am not able to finish my
assignment occasionally. Therefore I commit to discipline and not procrastinating what
needs to be done.

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