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Koby Wayne Pust

Ms. Barthel

Research Paper

Oct 25, 2019

Organic vs Conventional

Due to increased amount of chemicals in today’s conventional gardens, the

produce is becoming more toxic, thus making organic gardens healthier. Are organic

gardens better than traditional gardens? Do they taste better? Are they more beneficial

in the human body? The work that is put into organic gardens is an immeasurable

amount. It is much harder work, but is the product worth it? Some say yes, while

others don’t particularly agree on it. Organic gardens don’t use pesticides, while

conventional gardens are a pesticide heavy type of garden. The pesticides used in

conventional gardens can be deadly if not used to the correct extent.

Conventional gardens, have a bunch of different chemicals. Conventional

gardens use chemicals that stimulate plant growth right away to grow faster. This

means it will grow better, but it will grow faster. Conventional gardens are much easier

and require much less time and labor. In conventional, chemicals are placed on the

garden and the weeds are gone next day. When managing have an organic garden, the

weeds have to be plucked out all the weeds with out chemicals help and develop ways

to also help prevent weeds. A common way is to lay newspaper down in between rows

and then throw grass clippings or hay on top of the newspaper. That’s makes a nice

path and weeds don’t grow under it. It would have to be replaced about every two

weeks. Without replacing it the weeds would then start to prosper through the

newspaper. In a conventional garden, place a common pesticide to eliminate the

weeds. Some certain chemicals have been linked to health issues. Organic is an older

style of garden. Conventional is a more current type of garden, as it is more popular

today than organic. When buying produce from the store, it will have a label and show

where it came from and if it is genetically modified. Pesticides were also linked to

cancer and that has put a worry on people. The most popular insecticide is Monterey

LG6135 Garden Insect Spray. It helps reduce and eliminate all bugs within the garden.

It is pretty costly, but it works wonders if spraying the garden is something wanted.

Pesticides can cause cancer many ways such as disrupting dna, inflaming tissues and

turning genes on and off.

Organic gardens are all natural, so they don’t cause any harm to the earth, soil

and waterways. Organic fertilizer is much better for the soil, and it can actually improve

the soil. Organically grown produce has shown that it includes more nutrients than

conventionally grown gardens. Organically grown gardens are high in vitamin C and

Magnesium. It is also a lot cheaper to maintain a organic garden. When running a

conventional garden then paying for the fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides, would

be expensive. After a year, the cost of everything adds up to a pretty hefty amount.

Organics main difference from conventional gardens is that it uses zero chemicals. That

is amazing for the environment, no chemical can wash down into a stream and the

poison/pollute the water. Water pollution is one form of improper use of pesticides.

When pesticides contaminated waters, the water become harmful to living organisms

that consume or come within contact of the pesticide. Fishing and habitat is a huge

attraction to certain areas, it would be detrimental if they were ruined.

The cons of organic gardens include the labor. Everything has to be manually.

Weed prevention is not used in organic gardens, every single weed must be pulled out

manually. Weeds are common among most areas across the world so work will be put

out there. A garden planted where blue grass used to be takes years to finally be rid of

the bluegrass seeds. Dandelions are another abundant weed. Dandelions are the

yellow flowers across the US that can be quite a nuisance and they are also very

difficult to remove without using any chemicals such as Round Up. Another con of

organic gardening is that it produces lower yields. The fertilizers that conventional

gardens use stimulates growth and provides a good crop. Organic gardens solely rely

on Mother Nature and the weather to give a a good crop.

One con for conventional gardens is the burden that is put into the environment.

Chemicals wash off and promotes a big spark of algae growth. Too much algae can cut

off oxygen to the pond. What happens when the pond or lake loses oxygen?

Everything starts to die, from the fish to all other aquatic species. When that happens

to a lake it disrupts the entire ecosystem. No more fish means that animals who rely on

fish for food cannot come and eat from the pond. The whole ecosystem starts to crash

just because of chemicals from gardens. Once we lose one part another will join it, it’s

like dominoes. It is a small amount of chemicals compared to the amount that is used

in corn and soybean fields, but it has the same effect, just in smaller increments. The

health impact is another major con. Pesticide exposure can lead to cancer, nerve

damage and birth defects. The risk is low, but it is still a risk that people would not like

to take. In 2003, a study was done that showed that 55% of women with breast cancer

have pesticide residue in there blood. If pets would roam around the garden a good

taught dog or a fence would have to be installed around the garden. It would keep the

animals out of the pesticide and prevent the animals from harming themselves. would

have to teach them or put up a fence around the garden. Dogs and cats can become

severely ill. Wild life enthusiasts would also steer to an organic garden due to the

impact of pesticides have on the wildlife that live in the area. Deer love gardens

whether or not chemicals are used on them. The chemicals can make the deer really

sick and also have a chance of the deer dying. The amount of nutrients in the produce

is extremely low compared to organically grown produce. Thus, making organic

produce worth more. Others would also pay more to receive such an item, if the goal is

to make a business out of gardening.

One pro of conventional gardens is the amount of produce get out of it versus

the work put in. There is not much work to be done in a conventional garden.

Conventional gardens are simple. First the area is chosen to plant the garden. Second

the ground is tilled (tilling is the digging up and loosening the soil to remove weeds and

allow easier growth) unless no till is the way to go. Then plant put the seeds however

far apart and deep they need to be and don’t compact the soil where they are planted.

This will allow easier growth for the roots to expand into new dirt. All that’s left is a lot

of water and throwing fertilizer or whatever is needed on there. Chemicals are readily

available to prevent and kill weeds. Some work is put into it but no where near the

amount of organic gardens. The fertilizers used in conventional gardens can give a

extremely good yield while organic gardens have a chance of almost giving little to

nothing. If the soil and location is good however, the garden will be good to go.

How do fertilizers effect the plant? Most of the nutrients that a plant needs are

within the air. Oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen are generally available to any plant

anywhere. The glucose that plants need can be created using photosynthesis within

the plant using the sunlight. Many elements that the plant needs are in the soil. There is

nitrogen in the air but it can not absorb it. The plant then needs to get its nitrogen from

the soil. The nitrogen in the soil gets depleted quickly which is why nitrogen is the main

ingredient in most fertilizers. There is, however, an organic fertilizer but it’s more

expensive but does not do as good of a job because it’s elements are not as rich as a

normal fertilizer. Some of the most important required elements that a plant needs are,

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Fertilizer provides

multi-nutrition to the plants. A compound fertilizer is a fertilizer that has a minimum of

two types of nutrients like calcium phosphate and ammonium nitrate. The fertilizer

takes a while, so dates must be aligned correctly so the maximum potential of the

fertilizer is reached. Make sure if weeds need to be gone April 14th, and this particular

chemical takes 4 days to react. Spray on the 10th so it will work in time, if it’s to late

things may not produce correctly.

Organic fertilizers are most common and the ingredients are found in the

countryside. Some ingredients include diluted urine, compost, green manure(green

manure is grown plants that are plowed back into soil for fertilizer). Those ingredients

help the garden tremendously while still being an organic garden. Fertilizer is used

when production is slow. The first year of a garden should not have fertilizer. The area

has not had anything growing there besides grass and common weeds. The nutrients

in the soil will be rich and wont need fertilizer. After the first year, see if production is

slowing down from the previous year. If production is lower, fertilization may be

needed. Some soil is rich enough there could be a good production garden for three to

five years, it’s unlikely but it’s possible. When using fertilizer make sure to use the

correct amount for the amount that is supposed to be used. Doing it wrong or using

way to much can actually hurt the plants instead of helping them. Too much fertilizer

may end up killing the plants. When putting on bags of fertilizer on do whats called a

slow release, ease the fertilizer in. The slower it is put on, the more nutrients end up

getting used and less wasted. If it is dumped on right away, it won’t efficiently add

everything that it wants to. If buying fertilizer isn’t a option, finding or creating some is

really easy. Those items including getting manure, and creating a compost pile makes

for a pretty good fertilizer.

How do plants grow? A plant starts with a seed. In that seed, it has every part of

the plant already. The leaves, roots and stem. The seed also has food built into it, so it

has a head start on getting to grow. Of course, it is small, but it will germinate if

conditions are right. A seed with one leave is known as a monocot and a seed with two

leaves is know as a dicot. For the seed to germinate it needs to have good endosperm,

which is the food within the seed, moisture, temperature, light, humidity, and nutrients

in the soil. When planting a garden, light is needed but not constant light. Being in the

light too long can hurt the garden. Look to plant the garden by a tree, but not too close

or the tree will start to take moisture from the garden. Then it can be shaded four hours

in the day and in light the other ten. Make sure the garden isn’t planted by a water

demanding plant, like a big tree. They take a lot of water and it would be hard for the

garden to get water from the soil. Another thing to look for before starting to plant the

garden is the runoff. The garden wants to have a little runoff so if it floods, the garden

won’t flood. If it is plant in a low spot, it may flood a lot, and a garden sitting in water

does not do well. Too much water kills the plants, so really make sure that water always

has a place to go. Once all of that is good to go, the seed should start germinating

within the week and then start to grow in to a plant that gives an abundance of

produce if the soil conditions are met.

Another huge impact on gardens is the environment. The quickest way for the

garden to be ruined is from a storm. A hail storm could come out one night and the

next day the plants are shredded. The same goes for rain, we need it but it could rain

so much that standing water in the garden could exist (it won’t if it’s planted on a tiny

slope) and standing water around the plants will eventually kill them. Another good

investment is buying a fence. A fence is crucial for a garden that is wanted to have

good production. Rabbits and deer will munch on the garden as long as they can, or

until it’s gone. It’s one of deers favorite meals. If a small fence is put up the animals

should be prevented. Very small holes in the fence for the bottom couple feet will

prevent rabbits crawling through. Towards the top of it can be a bigger type of fence

just to help stop the deer from leaning or jumping over into the garden. A deer can

destroy a garden within a couple of nights just by it walking on it damages the plants

very quickly.

Do conventional gardens actually harm human health more than organic

gardens do?What makes conventional gardens worse health wise? It all lies under

pesticides. Pesticides are used to kill pests in the garden such as insects, mice and

rats. First a pest needs to be identified. A pest is a broad term for “something that’s not

wanted”. Rabbits, chipmunks, and deer can also be counted as a pest. Locate the pest

and get the proper pesticide for that particular pest that will keep them away. Be

careful using pesticides because it can be extremely harmful to the human body. Make

sure the instructions that come with it are read it throughly. Do not put to pesticide out.

Putting too much out can lead to smelling it to much and then hurting the brain and

certain body parts. Not putting enough out there will then have little effect on the

pests. Do not place too much, that can run down and end up hurting the ecosystem.

When pesticides runs down with rain fall it has a high chance of going into to a river,

stream, or lake. That then creates algae which will create blockades in the lake. If there

is to much algae then there isn’t enough room to create oxygen for the pond or lake.

Everything in the water needs oxygen. If the water going through a fishes gills is all

algae and no oxygen, it won’t be good for the fishes health. Fishing is a popular

pastime and losing a good fishing pond due to someone using pesticides incorrectly

would be devastating. In organic gardens, pesticides are not used. Ways are found to

keep the animals away, Such as fence, or using a decoy that scares animals away,

such as of a scarecrow that people use in sweet corn fields to keep crows away. There

are many ways that can be used to keep the pests away, pesticide is just the easiest

but most harmful to the environment. Pesticide works well but has extreme downfalls.

Some certain pesticides have been linked to cancer. There are certain kinds of

pesticide that harm more than others. Some pesticides hardly affect anything but the

pests that it is supposed to. Those are great and more of them should be used, the fact

that it does not hurt as much is good, but the downfall is that it doesn’t work as

effectively as the high profile stuff that is advertised everywhere. Many people use an

electric sound system of a loud male deer that is motion censored and when it gets

played it scares off all the deer. Great way to keep deer away, great for the

environment. It’s a win win if the garden can be reached electrically.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a research arm of the

World Health Organization, said that glyphosate is a “probable” cancer-causing

substance, or carcinogen. Glyphosate is a key ingredient in hundreds of crop-control

agents and weed killers, such as Bronco, Glifonox, KleenUp, Ranger Pro, Rodeo,

Roundup, and Weedoff. The finding challenged by Roundup maker Monsanto comes

decades after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said glyphosate is safe for

people. The agency reaffirmed that decision in 2012. It is the most widely used

pesticide worldwide, sprayed on everything from golf courses to home gardens. The

chemical is mainly used in agriculture, and sprayed on genetically modified crops like

soy, corn, and cotton. The plants are designed to resist the pesticide, which is used to

kill weeds around them. In a fact sheet, the EPA says workers or home gardeners might

breathe it in or get it on their skin “during spraying, mixing, and cleanup. (Does This

Common Pesticide Cause Cancer) Aaron Blair, PhD, of the National Cancer Institute,

and a lead researcher on the IARC’s study, says a panel of 17 scientists from around

the world concluded that glyphosate might be dangerous. They looked at all publicly

available and published studies on the chemical and its relationship to cancer. That

included studies on people, animals, and laboratory cells. The panel didn’t consider

reviews done by regulatory agencies. In three out of the four human studies of

American, Canadian, and Swedish agricultural workers, the IARC panel found a link

between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the immune system. A


fourth multi-year study of 80,000 American farmers showed no relationship, Blair says.

Evidence from animal studies also showed a link between glyphosate and rare kidney

and pancreatic cancers. Cell studies showed abnormal changes to cell DNA when it

was exposed to glyphosate. The combination of all the studies led the IARC to

conclude that it is a “probable” carcinogen, Blair says. “Probable means that there was

enough evidence to say it is more than possible, but not enough evidence to say it is a

carcinogen,” Blair says. “It means you ought to be a little concerned about

glyphosate”, he says. He could not say if glyphosate would “probably” cause cancer,

because that question is connected to the level and type of exposure to the chemical.

Blair’s group doesn’t consider factors like those. (Does This Common Pesticide Cause

Cancer). This article somewhat explains how and why pesticide cause cancer to

humans. Cancer does not happen within a year. It takes a long time of exposure to

these pesticides to risk getting cancer. A cancer normally takes twenty years to grow.

Children are at a bigger risk than adults when it comes to pesticides and cancer. If both

parents are exposed to pesticides before the child is conceived, then that child has a

higher chance of getting cancer from the chemical. Exposure to DDT can lead to breast

cancer. The timing of when exposed can also effect it greatly. During puberty the

female has a much higher chance of altering the growth of their breasts and can

ultimately lead to breast cancer as they get older. Breast cancer starts getting noticed

about 40 years after exposure. Due to the alarming rates of breast cancer, DDT was

eventually banned in the United States in 1972. Though it is banned, many people are

still dealing with the effects it. DDT was a chemical in an insecticide that would be used

for the garden to remove insects throughout it. Chemicals today still have that affect on

humans, just not as serious and at that fast of a rate. The International Agency for

Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization

(WHO), evaluates studies on chemical compounds and ranks them by the strength of

evidence of their cancer-causing effects. The new report, appearing in the journal

Lancet Oncology, classifies glyphosate, malathion and diazinon as probable

carcinogens. For these, there is only limited evidence that the compounds can cause

cancer in animals or people. Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide around the world,

and it’s use has increased since crops have been genetically modified to resist the

spray. It has been detected in low amounts in water, air and food. Malathion is used to

control insects in both agriculture and in homes, and people can be exposed via

sprayings and through food. Diazinon is used in more limited quantities in agriculture

and homes, after regulations restricted spraying in the U.S. and Europe.

The pesticides tetrachlorvinphos and parathion received a slightly stronger designation

as possible carcinogens because there is more evidence for their cancer-causing

effects in animals, but still little information on their effect on people. Both of these

possible carcinogens are already restricted. Tetrachlorvinphos is banned in the

European Union while still allowed for use in livestock and pet collars in the U.S.

Parathion was banned in both the U.S. and Europe in 2003. (Pesticides Used in Sprays

Connected to Cancer).

There are many types of pesticides that a currently used in today’s world. Not all

of them are used in gardens but most of them can be used in a garden to prevent pests.

Algaedies are used for killing and slowing the growth of algae. Antimicrobials control

germs and microbes such as bacteria and viruses. Biopesticides are made of living

things, come from living things, or they are found in nature. Desiccants are used to dry

up living plant tissues. Defoliants cause plants to drop their leaves. Disinfectants control

germs and microbes such as bacteria and viruses. Foggers are used to kill insects that

are in the open and touch the pesticide. Fungicides are used to control fungal problems

like mold, mildrew and rust. Herbicides kill or inhabit the growth of unwanted plants such

as weeds. Insecticides are used to control insects. Insect growth regulators disrupt the

growth and reproduction of insects. Miticides control mites that feed on plants and

animals. Molluscicides are designed to control slugs, snails and other mollusks.

Mothballs are insecticides used to kill fabric pests by fumigation in sealed containers.

Ovicides are used to eliminate insect eggs and mites. Pheromones are a chemicals

used to attract insects or disrupt their mating behavior, brings them to poison or

something. Plant growth regulators are used to alter the growth of plants. They can

make plants grow faster and slower. Repellents are designed to repel unwanted

creatures. Rodenticides are used to kill rodents such as mice, rats and gophers.

Synergists make certain pesticides more effective, but they are not effective when used

alone. Wood preservatives are used to make wood resistant to insects, fungus and

other pests.

Those are of almost every pesticide and herbicide that can possibly used in a

garden or around the house. The area that the garden is located also makes a big

difference in what pesticides will be used, if pesticides are an option. Pesticide is more

of a personal opinion on if it should be used on a garden. It has the chance of giving

cancer. It’s a small chance but it’s still a chance that many do not want to take. The

biggest reason others do not want to use pesticides is the effect on the environment. It’s

the biggest reason that organic gardeners do what they do. The effect on the

environment can severely damage it if safety precautions aren’t meant. Every problem

that is associated to pesticides can be limited if you use them correctly and safely.

Herbicide is related to pesticides. it is proved that pesticides have a chance of causing

cancer but it can be very small. It totally depends on the body and if it can handle it. The

way our makeup is made up if different neutrons and protons. Different body’s can

handle radiation, acid better than other humans. Some people can be very immune to

the diseases that pesticides cause while others can be very vulnerable to them. When

pesticides are in the area are make sure that they are put in a safe environment. If

children, dogs or cats. Any pet of that matter, the pesticide should be kept away from

the children or animals reach. If the dog gets into it and eats some, it’s eating straight

chemicals and it’s chances of dying are very high. Disposing chemicals safely is very

important. Whether the chemicals are unwanted or unneeded locate your local house

chemical waste disposal and find out where you can dump the. legally. It’s illegal to go

dump it out somewhere. Why take a pesty fine when it could easily be taken to the

correct spot, and not take the risk of damaging the property that it is placed it on. One

prevents pests and the other mainly prevents plants from intruding. Invasive species is

the main target for herbicide. Invasive species can get out of control in a hurry. Fertilizer

is completely different than pesticide and herbicide. Fertilizers help the plants grow and

supply the ground with nutrients it’s low on. While pesticides and herbicides prevent

unwanted creatures or plants.

The soil contains many nutrients already including phosphorus, nitrogen and

potassium. Manure is one of the best fertilizers. Turkey manure is really high on

nitrogen. If soil levels are getting low for nitrogen then go buy a bag of turkey manure.

Manure is widely available and is very cheap. Different types of manure supply’s

different types of nutrients. Cow is another manure that is high in nitrogen and has a

little bit of phosphorus and potassium. Animal feces are readily available, so as long as

they are fed a good variety of food then there manure will be very high in nutrients that

can help crops grow.

In order to maximize the benefits of manure compost in the garden, the proper

application is vital. One of the best ways to use manure as plant fertilizer is by mixing it

in with compost. Composting manure eliminates the possibility of burning the plants.

Another option is to till it into the soil prior to spring planting, such as during fall or

winter. Generally, fall is the best time to use manure in the garden. This allows plenty of

time for the manure to break down, eliminating the threat of burning plants in the

garden. Well-aged manure on its own also makes a great fertilizer for garden plants.

Nearly any kind of manure can be used, depending on where you live, as some manure

is more readily available than others. However, it is not recommended that anyone use

cat or dog manure. These types of manures are unsuitable for the garden or the

compost pile, as these are likely to carry parasites. Generally, horse, cow, and chicken

manure are the most commonly used for manure fertilizer. Some people also use sheep

and rabbit manure. While most types of manure can be purchased from garden centers,

oftentimes, there are farmers or horse owners that are more than happy to give it away.

(The Benefits of manure compost in your garden)

In conclusion, Organic gardens are healthier, cheaper, and overall better for the

environment. Conventional gardens are easier and get more produce from one plant.

Organic gardens have a lot of work and challenges, but the reward is great. With a

conventional garden, eliminating all the negative effects the chemicals can have on a

garden is vital. Be careful when using chemicals. Both gardens are great ideas. Organic

is harder but the reward is greater and conventional is easier but have a chance of

damaging something if you aren’t careful.

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