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What makes electric cars

better for the environment?

A few simple reasons…

Fewer Emissions Recycled Batteries Reduced need

for fossil fuels

One charge=

74 >25 50 75 100 125 150<

miles Which covers the distance of half of all vehicle trips

They could be argued as not environmentally green because…

• greenhouse gases from battery production
• energy lost during conversions
• backup power plants to support enough electricity

However, over lifetime electric cars Electric v Conventional: Lifecycle emissions Battery manufacturing
Vehicle manufacturing

are proven to be cleaner than gas 600

powered cars 500

53% reduction
51% reduction

Advantages of electric cars 300



Mid size Mid size Full size Full size
petrol car battery electric petrol car battery electric
no combustion no tailpipe emissions *Financial Times -

Opposing Viewpoints | EBSCOhost | Forbes Magazine

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