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BBC Learning English

A Royal Romance,
An Everyday Love Story

Chapter 1: First Impressions

Interview with Prince William and Kate Middleton

William: We were, obviously… we met at university, at St Andrews, and we were

friends for over a year first. And it just sort of blossomed from then on. We
just spent more time with each other and had a good giggle, had lots of fun,
and realised we were sharing the same interests, and just, you know, had a
really good time. She’s got a really naughty sense of humour which kind of
helps me ‘cos I’ve got a very dry sense of humour. So… it was good fun. We
had a really good laugh, and then things happened.

Tom Bradby: And Kate, what did you think of William? I mean, he’s clearly not quite the
same as meeting your average, you know, university…. maybe it was! I don’t
know, but… what was your first impression?

Kate: Actually, William wasn’t there for quite a bit of the time, initially. He wasn’t
there for Fresher's’ week, and… erm, so it did take a bit of time for us to get to
know each other. But we did become, you know, very close friends from quite
early on.

Interview with David and Jennifer

Yang Li: Jennifer and David are with me now in the studio. Hi guys. It's fantastic to
have you on the programme.

Jennifer: Thank you. Hello, it's great to be here.

David: Hello, yeah. Thanks for having us.

Yang Li: Welcome. We heard William and Kate describe how their romance blossomed
out of a friendship. Was that the way with you, or was it love at first sight?

Jennifer: I first met Dave when he was interviewing me for a job, interestingly enough.
And I remember going home that evening and telling my mum that I’d seen a
very good-looking guy who was interviewing me! But then when I did get the
job and started work there, erm, we became friends… initially.

Yang Li: What was your impression, David, of Jennifer?

A Royal Romance, An Everyday Love Story © British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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David: Well, obviously I’m quite professional, so on the… on the job interview side,
then, erm, I obviously did note that I was, er, quite attracted to her. But at the
time we were in relationships, so, as Jenny said, it was erm… we were good
friends, and then when we became single in our relationships we were able
to ... to start dating.

Jennifer: I would say David and I worked opposite one another for quite a long period of
time, so we got to know one other quite closely within a work arena.

Yang Li: As colleagues?

Jennifer: As colleagues, exactly. And a lot of what developed was based on, I think,
humour… with one another. We laughed a lot in the office, and I always
seemed to have a very good time when I was at work.

Yang Li: The sense of humour. Do you share the same sense of humour?

David: I think Jenny and I do have the same sense of humour. I think we, you know,
obviously really enjoy our… each others’ company, and… there was a real
core grounding for us with that. And we just love spending time together.

A Royal Romance, An Everyday Love Story © British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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