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Fericirea este acel sentiment de implinire, de optimism, de bucurie, simti ca esti in

varful lumii.. Sunt convinsa ca in orice persoana exista dorinta, necesitatea as putea
spune, de a fi fericita, de a simti fericirea, de a se simti bine cu sine insasi si cu cei
Fericirea este peste tot. Orinde te uiti daca ai sufletul deschis vezi fericire.Fericirea
este un lucr personal pe care fiecare il percepe in mod diferit.Pt cineva fericirea inseamna
dragoste, poate pentru altcineva fericirea inseamna bani sau cariera. Pe mine ma fac
fericita multe lucruri, sunt fericita atunci cand toate imi merg bine, cand vad ca pot face pe
altcineva fericit. Ma simt fericita cand sunt iubita si iubesc si eu, cand ascult melodii ce-mi
alinta sufletul, cand primesc o floare in dar, dar nu la ocazii speciale, cand afara este
soare. Simt fericirea ce am avut cu ceva timp in urma si asta imi mai smulge in zambet. Ca
sa fii fericit, da, trebuie sa ai o constiinta curata, sa fii multumita de tine si sa iubesti pe cel
de langa tine.
Stiu ca fericirea nu este usor de atins, dar daca stii sa lupti si sa crezi, cu siguranta vei
ajunge in acel punct de maxima importanta pentru tine insati. De multe ori am crezut ca nu
mai pot face inca in pas inainte, dar am ajuns sa fac parte dintre cei care cred ca totul este
posibil si am ajuns sa fiu fericita.

Happiness is that feeling of accomplishment, optimism, joy, feel like you are on top of the world...I belive that every person
there is a desire, need I would say, be happy, to feel happiness, to feel good with herself and loved ones.
Happiness is everywhere. Happiness is everywhere. Wherever you look if you see happiness.Happiness soul opened up a
personal thing on which each perceives differently. Happiness means love for someone, perhaps someone else happiness is
money or career.I’m also happy doing many things, I’m happy when all goes well, you see that can make someone else happy.
I feel happily when I am loved and I love also, when I listen to songs that come to me to the soul, when I receive flowers but
that is not of ocaciones special and when out there is the Sun.To be happy, yes, you must have a clear conscience, to be happy
with you and to love the persons beside you.
I know that happiness is not easy to achieve, but if you know to fight and you certainly will get to that point of paramount
importance to yourself.Many times I tought I still can not step forward, but I got to do some of those who believe that
everything is possible and I got to be happy.

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