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Ethics Performance Task

The purpose of the Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct of the

Education Profession of Florida is an important document which serves as a set of guidelines for

professional conduct and teaching practices for educators. This code of ethics holds professional

educators to high standards, clearly outlines what is expected of educators, and hold them

accountable for their actions.

I have demonstrated many ethical principles as an intern this semester and throughout my

time as an intern; however, one particular principle I have demonstrated is 3e: Shall not

intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. When it comes

to addressing behaviors in my classroom, I try to have a positive approach such as recognizing

good behavior. There are times; however, when negative behavior needs to be addressed. During

these times, I have a few options. I can call the student out and embarrass them in front of the

class for their behavior, or I can call them in and have a private conversation with them. I can

remember a time when a particular student was playing around in line despite the expectations

being to walk quietly in a straight line. This student kept turning around, walking backward,

touching the walls, and bothering other students around him. Instead of calling this student out

and addressing his behavior for the whole class to hear, I quietly called his name and motioned

for him to come talk to me. The rest of the class kept walking in line while this student and I had

a quick conversation about making right choices and turning his behavior around. The situation

was handled in a calm manner without me calling this student out for their behavior or

embarrassing them.

This specific example is connected to the Code of Ethics because as teachers, we have a
huge impact on the life of each of our students. We help shape their character each day. If I had

yelled at this student, embarrassed them, and called them out, I would be setting a terrible

example of how I want my students to act. I would be negatively impacting their character. The

Code of Ethics helped govern my decisions to address behavior so that I could help my students

grow as individuals and shape their character in a positive way.

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