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Socio-Demographic Profile
Sex: ________
 18-25
 26-35
 36-45
 46-55
 56-65

Educational Attainment:
 Primary Education
 Secondary/High School
 College
 Vocational Course (Specify) :_______________

Monthly Income:
 10000 -  20001-  30,001 –  40,001and
20000 30000 40,000 above

2. Perceptions of Business License Applicants

1. The information is being organized by your need or issue.
2. The procedure is simple and clear.
3. Applying online is often easier.
1. It saves transportation expenses.
2. It is easy to search for what you want.
3. It can save time
Personal Preferences
1. It is easy to communicate.
2. It is available 24/7.
3. It guarantees security and service.

1. The location is convenient.
2. The requirements can be carried out in this location.
3. The benefits of having them all are implemented in-house.

3. Performance of the Elements of Technological Enablers

Database Consolidation
1. It reduces spending.
2. The consolidation of data will lead to optimized operation and it increase
3. It Improve overall information capability.

Data Standardization
1. It gives consistent data and cost Reduction
2. It improves productivity
3. It delivers Accurate data, cleansed and standardize.
1. It improves in decision making of business processes.
2. It promotes media access with high quality information.
3. It lets you access different government services.
User Authentication
1. Creating of an account is easy (username/user ID and password)
2. It protects your information from unauthorized access of identity theft.
3. It gives you security and trusted environment.
Mobile Technologies
1. It delivers greater access to modern apps and services
2. It gives higher efficiency and productivity.
3. It gives ability to increased communication of citizens to services.
Big Data Analytics
1. It Improved customer service.
2. It increased productivity.
3. It gives better decision making and reduced costs.

Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

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