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The clock was ticking, it was around 3 am. There was a familiar sound coming from outside the room.
No, it wasn’t the roaster doing his daily routine this early, it was the baby, our baby crying on his cradle.
None of us knew who get from his or her side of the bed to comfort the soul. I was far from sure that it
would be him. He was snoring loud, louder than the previous night. Maybe he had a good day earlier of
sitting in sofa and blogging his thoughts onto his thousand dollar Macbook. Oh, it’s the latest one, He
likes to be updated with the world, making himself out track from the physical one thought. Over the
past few years of relationship we did sought out bed side issue, but didn’t get enough time to sought
out the responsibilities of life. I mean, how could I sought out if it was a new discovery all the time. 7
years I don’t see any changes, the changes which I want to see in him. Being suited up, attending
delegates meetings, bring cash back home. A far fetched dream. But then everything turns out to be
normal after a chaos since he is one of the good guy I have met. If not his actions, his words are
powerful enough to carry mass or to effect a life or someone. I am sure if I continue to do the physical
task behind the baby and live the emotional or spiritual matter onto him. He would turned the baby into
a talented or the most confident human being. Well it would be in the gene though to be charming in
charismatic. Because I didn’t fall for a blank paper but a structured form of philosophy.

But then it’s a fact, I have a super lazy boy, as my friend and the deal breaker is keeps on coming.

Family responsibilities, I am not only speaking about my family but his family issues which I have to deal.
I have no clue why I have keep with his customs and traditions, and no matter how much I try to keep
up, it is never enough. I like Sarees, their traditional dress but it does not necessarily means that I need
to wear them in functions and events. It just too much for me to take. I guess keeping up with
kardashians seems much easier. So much of emotions and dramas inflows. His mind and heart is divided
into so many elements. One part for me, another for his siblings and another I don’t know for whom.
And these elements are affecting my life.

As I am getting aged and trying to better myself, I tend to ignore the things that I once found annoying
yet bearable. I.e thinking wedding is bullshit, kids are annoying, birds aren't lovely. Becoming a total deal

He has a phenomenal Sunday routine when he does not have work. Wake up around noon, smoke his
fresh pack of cigarette, eat lunch with cheese and meat, take a quick nap, eat a bit more, go back to his
side of the bed. It seems a glorious break from the full course of workload. But the funny fact is, his
everyday is Sunday.

While I stayed up countless nights taking of the baby, doing chores. He played with his laptop to preach
his 1000 of followers who actually envy him. I am getting tired of taking of baby, him and myself. I don’t
find me in this family anymore.

In the past, although out breakup were due to several conventional reasons which were not for a
normal Austrian couple. But there were few like occasional lying, habitual snooping, his lack of ambition
and unwillingness in life to become someone persistent. I can't ignore or kill the guy, So I just used to
walk away. But then I loved him, a lot. He is the same guy with I have spend so much of memories and
years. He knows my deal and way of getting intimate or foresee a relationship. I am sure, anyone else
would also know if I give the other person enough time. But he knew already and he knew it better.

It's not that I wasn’t aware of his laziness and incompetence before out marriage. We started dating
during our sophomore. But everyone is lazy during their sophomore. It's an excuse which gets over the
time. But he carried it until now.

I am not a stupid when it comes to being in a relationships; I know that I can't change anyone no matter
how much you nag and nag and nag. But I thought, if I helped him to understand his potential or pushed
him to achieve his goals, then even his slightest self esteem would kick in and he would start taking
steps. The steps would be in right direction.

I am sure if I ask him about his biggest passion in life. He would give a terrific answer, which would
charismatic and so on but it would nowhere related to reality check to support a relation or future

Am I being completely surreal for expecting a husband to at least have a imaginary goal for some type of
steady career.

But coming back to reality out of own virtue and thoughts. I am also being too picky for a person who
has been through a great health stress and lot of laziness in life. He has been in cocoon of his close
relatives. Having a normal life of 8:00-16:00 would only affect his health further. He is good at he does,
he is one of the best among acquaintances. Maybe that is what he is build for. Probably I should also
stop setting boundaries far ahead of his vision. Life is flexible is I ignore facts which I see normal married
couple does. Living with someone who does everything that I expect him to do wouldn’t also give me a
best relationship.

Oh look! While I was busy thinking about life. He already took care of the baby and made the baby sleep
again. Some happiness comes unexpected. Funny but it should be a way to lead a life :)

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