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Clinical dermatology X Review article

Ageing and photoageing of keratinocytes and melanocytes

M. Yaar and B. A. Gilchrest
Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Summary An overview of keratinocyte and melanocyte function is provided. The processes of

cutaneous ageing and photoageing are defined, and age-associated modulations in
gene expression are described. The changes in keratinocytes and melanocytes that
occur with skin ageing and photoageing and the characteristics of chronologically aged
vs. photoaged skin are delineated. Mutations that are found in malignant and
premalignant tumors of epidermal origin are described.

environmental stimuli to maintain homeostasis and

minimize injury to the tissue.
Keratinocytes make up more than 95% of the epidermis, Melanocytes comprise approximately 1±2% of epider-
a self-renewing stratified and cornified epithelium mal cells and are the second most numerous epidermal
approximately 100 mm thick. During embryogenesis, cell type. They are derived from the neural crest and
epidermal keratinocytes also invaginate into the dermis migrate into the epidermis late in the first trimester of
to form epidermal appendages, including hair follicles development (reviewed in Reedy et al. 1998)3 after
that then cycle throughout the lifespan. The principal which they reside in the basal layer in contact with
product of the epidermis is the stratum corneum or neighbouring keratinocytes to form the epidermal
barrier layer, composed of highly compressed layers of melanin unit (reviewed in Jimbow et al. 1998)4 It is
corneocytes in a `brick and mortar' configuration that not clear where the presumptive melanocytic stem cells
retains water in the viable epidermis and virtually reside or which markers they express. Grichnik et al.
prohibits entry of microbes and most chemicals into the propose that melanocytic stem cells reside in the
body. Keratinocytic stem cells, located in the basal layer follicular infundibula,5 from which they can migrate
of the epidermis and the `bulge' region of the hair follicle either into the epidermis or down to the hair bulb
reviewed in Latkowski et al. 1999,1 give rise to transient during each anagen cycle. These cells express the
amplifying daughter cells that divide several times receptor for stem cell factor, c-kit, an important cytokine
before undergoing terminal differentiation and ascend- for melanocyte survival during embryogenesis. In
ing through the epidermis to the stratum corneum over contrast, Botchkareva et al.6 provide evidence that
a period of approximately 2 weeks.1 The cells then putative melanocytic stem cells reside in the secondary
undergo an apoptosis-like process, flatten, and progress hair germ (bulge) and that they are c-kit-negative.
outwardly over an additional 2 weeks to the skin Regardless, after relinquishing stem cell status, normal
surface, from which they are continuously shed. In melanocytes appear to have quite limited proliferative
addition to producing a barrier layer, keratinocytes are potential. Melanocytes are the body's sole source of
highly metabolically active, secreting cytokines and melanin and function throughout life to produce this
growth factors (reviewed in Stingl et al. 1999)2 that protective pigment and to transfer it to surrounding
regulate proliferation and differentiation of other cells in keratinocytes, where it is generally distributed as a
the skin. In this way, they respond to a wide variety of supranuclear cap, imposed between the keratinocyte
nucleus and the external environment. The extent and
Correspondence: Department of Dermatology J-508, Boston University
character of melanogenesis has strong genetic determi-
School of Medicine, 609 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118-2394 USA. nants that are as yet poorly understood. Melanin
Tel.: 1617 638-5538. Fax: 1617 638-3550. E-mail: production is also strongly up-regulated following

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Ageing and photoageing of keratinocytes and melanocytes X M. Yaar and B. A. Gilchrest

epidermal injury, classically exposure to ultraviolet (UV) responses, including those induced by oxidative damage,
light, but also thermal burns, harsh chemicals, mechan- were increased in old animals. Also, genes encoding
ical trauma, or other stimuli. This melanogenesis results proteins that are known to be up-regulated in response
in part directly from DNA damage (reviewed in Gilchrest to injury were increased, suggesting that incurred
and Eller 1999)7 and in part indirectly from the release damage to cellular components is not fully repaired
of hormones and inflammatory mediators by surround- over the lifespan and/or that repair mechanisms
ing keratinocytes (reviewed in Hadley and Levine deteriorate with ageing, as has been shown recently
1993).8 In hair, melanocytes transfer pigment to for human lymphocytes and dermal fibroblasts.15±17
differentiating keratinocytes that ultimately form the Not surprisingly, with ageing there was a decrease in the
hair shaft. They thus determine hair colour by the expression of genes encoding proteins that are involved
amount of pigment transferred, as well as by the ratio of in energy metabolism and biosynthetic activity. How-
eumelanin (black) to pheomelanin (red±yellow; ever, the study did not determine the temporal order of
reviewed in Ito 1993).9 these gene modulations. Interestingly, most alterations
Ageing and photoageing have profound effects on in gene expression were fully or partially abrogated in
keratinocytes and melanocytes that can be appreciated caloric-restricted animals, known to age more slowly
both in vivo and in vitro, as detailed below. than controls fed ad libitum, suggesting that caloric
restriction decreases the level of cumulative damage to
cellular components, perhaps by decreasing metabolic
What is ageing?
oxidative damage. Moreover, in humans a major
Ageing is a basic biologic process characteristic of all progeroid syndrome, the recessively inherited Werner's
living organisms. The rate of ageing differs strikingly disease, has recently been shown to result from
among species and moderately among members of the mutation in a DNA helicase involved in DNA repair
same species, but inevitably leads to reductions in and replication.18 Also, fibroblasts derived from patients
maximal function and reserve capacity in all organ with progeria, a rare inherited condition with features of
systems. From early to late adulthood, these reductions premature and accelerated ageing, show gene modula-
are on the order of 50% and render the individual tions similar to those observed in fibroblasts derived
progressively more susceptible to injury and disease. from old adults. In particular, the expression of genes
Ultimately, the functional losses are incompatible with encoding proteins that participate in cell cycle progres-
life. sion is decreased, including genes required for proper
Ageing is widely acknowledged to be the consequence assembly of the cytoskeleton during cell division,
of both a genetic program and cumulative environ- suggesting that with ageing mitotic errors may lead to
mental wear and tear. A thorough discussion of the defects in chromosome structure and consequently
multiple processes hypothesized to affect ageing is affect their function.19
beyond the scope of this article. However, central to
most theories of ageing is the balance between DNA
What is photoageing?
damage and repair capacity, with species lifespan
generally proportional to metabolic rate (reviewed in Cumulative DNA damage during ageing is expected to
Balin and Allen 1989)10 but also strongly influenced by result from the low but finite rate at which errors in
cellular ability to sustain and repair DNA damage DNA replication occur spontaneously or result from
(reviewed in Jazwinski 1996).11 Cumulative oxidative incompletely repaired DNA damage. The rate at which
DNA damage due to cellular metabolism is presumed to exogenous environmental damage accumulates in tissue
be the major contributor.11 As well, in lower organisms, might be expected to be greatest at interfaces between
so-called longevity genes have uniformly been found to the internal milieu and the environment e.g. the skin.
encode proteins involved in the prevention or repair of This is indeed the case, particularly in areas that are
the effects of environmental stresses such as tempera- habitually sun-exposed.
ture, UV irradiation and oxidative damage.12,13 In a Photoageing is the term given to the superposition of
recent study using the technique of gene arrays to chronic sun damage on the intrinsic ageing process
investigate modulations in gene expression between (reviewed in Kligman and Kligman 1999).20 The rate of
young and old adult mice, of more than 6000 genes photoageing varies even more strikingly among indivi-
surveyed, only 113 displayed more than a twofold duals than does the rate of intrinsic ageing, due in part
change with ageing.14 Interestingly, the expression of to variable sun exposure habits but also to widely
several genes encoding proteins that participate in stress differing individual ability to block sun damage and/or

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1995).22 Presumably, these decrements contribute,

respectively, to slow healing of minor injuries and
weaker surgical scars; as well as to a tendency to
nonhealing ulcers, the characteristically `dry', rough
and often pruritic skin of the elderly; and the decreased
inflammatory response of elderly skin to UV irradiation
or infection. Subtle changes can also be appreciated in
epidermal keratinocyte-derived skin appendages, in
which decreased cell proliferation results in thinner
and more slowly growing hair and nails and decreased
secretory rates for holocrine glands.21
Figure 1 Permanent hyperpigmentation of photoaged skin. This Clinically, intrinsically aged skin is thin and pale. A
54-year-old woman remained darkly tanned throughout the year flattened dermal±epidermal junction can be appreciated
in areas exposed by her sunbathing attire during the summer. histologically, presumably reflecting a reduction in the
more proliferative keratinocyte population normally
located in the rete ridges. Functionally, the time required
to repair damage to irradiated tissue. In general,
to heal an epidermal wound, for example to reepithe-
photoageing affects fair-skinned persons most severely.20
lialize a de-roofed suction blister, increases approxi-
A skin phototype I or II individual, particularly one of
mately 50% between young adulthood and late
Celtic ancestry, raised in a sunny climate, often has
adulthood (reviewed in Eaglstein 1989).23 In addition,
permanent sharp demarcations at the collar line or
increased ease of separation between the dermis and
bathing suit line (Fig. 1) and is additionally at high risk
epidermis can be documented as a reduced time for
for skin cancer (Fig. 2).
creation of experimental blisters or as ease of blistering
or epidermal tears following minor trauma to elderly
skin. The stratum corneum appears relatively normal
Characteristics of aged skin
and baseline stratum corneum barrier function is
minimally, if at all, reduced. However, as expected,
Keratinocyte-related changes
more striking age-associated differences are observed
Intrinsically aged (sun protected) skin manifests after injury. Of probable direct clinical relevance, the
changes due to losses in keratinocyte proliferative barrier to water loss is abrogated far more readily in
capacity (reviewed in Yaar and Gilchrest 1999),21 old adult than in young adult skin, and the time
ability to properly terminally differentiate in order to required to reconstitute an effective stratum corneum
form the stratum corneum,21 and ability to elaborate following tape stripping increases markedly, from
cytokines and other cell±cell signals appropriately in approximately 3 days in young adults to more than
response to environmental stimuli (reviewed in Yaar 6 days on average in elderly adults.24 Biochemical and
ultrastructural studies reveal that the decreased rate
of barrier regeneration is due at least in part to
decreased lipid synthetic capacity with ageing.24 A
significant influence of female hormones on stratum
corneum sphingolipid composition is also reported,25
with presumed consequent impact on postmenopausal

Melanocyte-related changes

Changes in the pigmentary system due to ageing alone

are minimal in skin, although the density of melano-
cytes (cells per unit area of skin surface) decrease
progressively during adulthood by approximately 10%
Figure 2 Concurrence of intrinsic ageing, photoageing, and skin
per decade.26 Loss of melanogenic capacity presumably
cancer. The squamous cell carcinoma on the dorsum of the hand is contributes to the pallor of old skin, which is also
surrounded by coarsely wrinkled elastotic skin. attributable in part to decreased vascularity.21 Loss of

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Ageing and photoageing of keratinocytes and melanocytes X M. Yaar and B. A. Gilchrest

cycle to repopulate the invaginating follicle and thus

contribute melanin pigment to the developing hair

Seborrhoeic keratoses

Seborrhoeic keratoses are curious age-associated skin

lesions in which both keratinocytes and melanocytes
participate prominently (Fig. 3). These benign neo-
plasms, the majority of which are monoclonal in
origin,29 are highly variable in size and colour. They
first begin to appear in the third to fifth decade and
become increasingly numerous in most individuals
throughout life, independent of sun exposure (reviewed
in Ho 1999).30 Indeed, these lesions have been
suggested to be the best biomarker of intrinsic ageing
in the skin. Presumably they represent a focal subtle loss
of homeostasis, with resulting over-proliferation of
keratinocytes and melanocytes, although the pathogen-
esis is not known. Recently, keratinocytes with basaloid
morphology in seborrhoeic keratoses were reported to
express high levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1), associated
with increased tyrosinase expression in the melano-
cytes, compared with control perilesional skin,31 sug-
gesting that ET-1-induced melanogenesis,32
dendricity, and melanocyte proliferation34 may play

a role in the evolution of this neoplasm.

Characteristics of photoaged skin

Figure 3 Seborrhoeic keratoses as a biomarker of intrinsic skin
ageing. These benign neoplasms begin to appear in most
individuals during the third or fourth decade and become Age-associated clinical and histological changes in
increasingly numerous with age. Many elderly persons, such as photoaged skin are generally more dramatic and also
this 70-year-old man, have numerous, prominent keratoses over more variable than those in sun-protected skin, being
the face, trunk, and extremities.
strongly influenced by the individual's complexion and
history of sun exposure.
The epidermis may be hyperplastic or severely
melanocytes with age has a more dramatic effect on atrophic, compared with sun-protected sites of the
hair, with approximately half the population having same individual, and at least some degree of cytologic
substantial `greying' or, more correctly, total depigmen- atypia and disorderly maturation of keratinocytes is
tation of many scalp hairs by 50 years of age.27 White common (reviewed in Kligman and Kligman 1999).20
hair is the result of decreased tyrosinase activity in hair More pronounced nuclear atypia and disorderly
bulb melanocytes, reduced and less efficient melanoso- maturation, so-called `loss of polarity' in the epidermis,
mal transfer and faulty melanocyte migration and/or is perceived clinically as an actinic keratosis, a rough
proliferation from a presumptive storage area to an area scaly often erythematous patch (reviewed in Schwartz
close to the dermal papilla.28 Absence of melanocytes and Stoll 1999).35 At the molecular level, this lesion is
from the follicular epithelium of anagen hairs could also characterized by mutation of the p53 tumour suppres-
reflect loss of proliferative capacity for stem cells or their sor protein36 that is presumably then nonfunctional but
progeny. Apparently, proliferating melanocytes, presum- is often overexpressed at the protein level.
ably of melanocytic stem cells, the progeny, are strongly Changes in melanocyte number and function are also
dependent on stem cell factor signaling6 and must prominent in sun-exposed skin, beginning in childhood.
divide extensively during the anagen phase of each hair In fair skinned individuals, freckling begins within the

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Ageing and photoageing of keratinocytes and melanocytes X M. Yaar and B. A. Gilchrest

first years of life and at a histological level consists of and melanocyte-derived malignancies (melanomas)
enlarged overactive melanocytes with an overall slight occur with exponentially increasing incidence during
increase in melanocyte density.37 Depending on the adulthood,47,48 relating risk strongly to chronologic
individual's complexion and total insolation, within a age. In addition, both types of malignancies are strongly
few decades exposed skin becomes chronically hyper- associated with photoageing.
pigmented (`tanned' or `bronzed'), remaining darker SCC and BCC occur overwhelmingly in habitually
than the sun-protected skin indefinitely, even in the sun-exposed skin of fair-skinned individuals (reviewed
absence of further sun exposure (Fig. 1), in part because in Leffell and Fitzgerald 1999;49 Schwartz and Stoll
of increased melanocyte density and increased epider- 1999).50 At least two-thirds of all melanomas are also
mal melanin and in part because of increased number of epidemiologically linked to sun exposure, although
dermal melanophages.38 The density of melanocytes in these lesions tend to occur in intensely but intermit-
such skin is approximately twice that in comparable tently sun-exposed skin, rather than in areas with
body sites not habitually sun exposed,26 presumably maximal lifetime exposure.51 UV-induced mutations in
reflecting melanocyte division in response to acute sun key cell cycle regulatory genes are widely believed to
exposures in the past. Increased melanin per cell is also be the principal cause of all three types of skin
observed, however, in late passage melanocytes `aged' in malignancies. In the case of SCC, UV-induced muta-
culture,39 suggesting that a differentiation-like phenom- tions in the p53 tumour suppressor gene are almost
enon may also contribute to this hyperpigmentation. universal and are believed to confer a critical growth
Well circumscribed dark brown macules, termed solar advantage to the mutated cells through impairing
lentigines or less appropriately `age spots' or `liver spots', apoptosis of cells that have suffered severe DNA
also appear on habitually sun-exposed skin (Fig. 4a). damage, thus allowing accumulation of multiple
Histologically, they consist of an increase in both mutations in single cells, sufficient to result in
number and activity of the melanocytes, as well as a malignancy.52,53 UV signature p53 mutations are also
characteristic increased prominence of rete ridges with a very common in BCC, and are found in approximately
deeply convoluted dermal±epidermal junction,40 sug- half of the tumours including those in xeroderma
gesting that proliferative keratinocytes also contribute in pigmentosum (XP) patients.53,54 However, the patched
some way to the development of these pigmented gene (PTCH), which encodes a transmembrane protein
lesions.41 Interestingly, it was shown recently that ET- that prevents cellular proliferation, is the gene that is
1 levels are increased in keratinocytes in solar lentigines specifically mutated in BCC.55 Mutations of other genes
and that the level of the ET-1 receptor is increased in the that participate in the PTCH signalling pathway are
melanocytes,42 in which tyrosinase expression is present as well.56,57 These include mutations in the
enhanced. Particularly in fair skinned individuals, growth promoting smoothened (SMO) gene that
habitually sun-exposed skin may also develop areas of encodes the transmembrane protein that complexes
total depigmentation (Fig. 4b), from which melanocytes with PTCH, and the growth promoting SHH gene that
are absent, presumably reflecting UV-mediated destruc- encodes sonic hedgehog, a protein that binds and
tion of this cell population. Naevi or moles are local inactivates PTCH.
proliferations of melanocytes at the dermal±epidermal The equivalent early mutation required for malignant
junction, often followed by invagination of the naevo- conversion of melanocytes has not been identified.
cellular nests into the dermis. Although naevi can occur Germline p16 mutations are frequently found in familial
on any body site and in individuals of any complexion, melanomas and in atypical melanocytic naevi in these
they are statistically linked to fair complexion and sun kindreds,58 but p16 UV signature mutations are
exposure43±46 and characteristically appear in sun- reported only occasionally in sporadic melanomas.59,60
exposed areas during childhood, following sufficient sun Still, the observation that melanoma cell lines have a
exposure.43 Most acquired naevi are harmless, but a high frequency of p16 mutations occurring at dipyr-
subset of acquired naevi appear clinically and histolo- imidine sites and occasional CC!TT mutations of the
gically atypical and have a higher risk of evolving into gene,61 suggests that this gene plays a role in UV-
malignant melanoma.44 induced sporadic melanoma as well. Moreover, in many
atypical (dysplastic) naevi there is loss of heterozygosity
on the short arm of chromosome 9 at a location
Relationship to malignancy
corresponding to the tumour suppressor gene p16/
Both keratinocyte-derived malignancies [basal cell CDKN2A.62 Other highly prevalent mutations in spora-
carcinomas (BCC) or squamous cell carcinomas (SCC)] dic atypical melanocytic naevi, mutations expected to

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Ageing and photoageing of keratinocytes and melanocytes X M. Yaar and B. A. Gilchrest

Figure 4 Pigmentary changes in photoaged skin. (a) Lentigines. These hyperpigmented macules are extremely common in some exposed
areas of fair-skinned and darker-skinned individuals. This 68-year-old man has numerous lentigines over the face and neck, interspersed
with seborrhoeic keratoses and with other markers of photoageing. (b) Depigmented pseudoscars. The dorsal forearm is a common site of
these lesions, here interspersed with actinic purpura and other photoageing changes.

influence melanoma development, have not been Particularly for SCC, a causative role for UV-induced
identified to date. However, cells isolated from sporadic DNA damage has been established by the finding of p53
atypical naevi display deficient DNA-damage repair,63,64 mutations at dipyrimidine sites CC!TT or C!T, the so-
suggesting that an a priori or acquired decreased called `UV signature' mutations.52,65 UVB induces
capacity to repair DNA damage may predispose to the lesions between two adjacent pyrimidines on the same
development of melanoma. DNA strand and the majority of these are removed by

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