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Assignment 1: Lesson Introduction – Video recording, lesson plan and critical reflection

Jessica Woods S00112916

Lesson Plan

Date: 23/08/13 Time: 9am – 10am

Unit: Text Structure and Organisation

Lesson: Using Quotation Marks

Level: Year 4


Year 4 Achievement Standard

Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)
Students use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. They understand
how to express an opinion based on information in a text. They create texts that show understanding
of how images and detail can be used to extend key ideas.

Students create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. They make presentations
and contribute actively to class and group discussions, varying language according to context. They
demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of resources and use
accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to improve meaning.

Lesson Objectives:
Recognise how quotation marks are used in texts to signal dialogue, titles and quoted (direct) speech
 Exploring texts to identify the use of quotation marks
 Experimenting with the use of quotation marks in students‟ own writing including
paragraphing and punctuation.

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students have a basic knowledge of Quotation marks when reading and discussing texts. We have
discussed as a group where quotation marks are used in texts to signal dialogue, titles and direct
speech. Their writing has indicated that they are working towards an understanding of the
punctuation; however, they need to revise the correct use of the quotation marks in written dialogue.


Time Introduction & Motivation: Teaching Approaches &


10 – 1min Clap hands and allow time for children to settle into Wait for the sound of silence
15 min their desks and take out pen, pencil and their English before giving further
workbooks. Wait at the front of the class for student‟s full instruction, so students know
attention, point out children who are „ready to learn‟. my expectations.
2min Introduce our topic for the day – Using Quotation
Draw student‟s attention to our learning goals for the week. Have learning goals to work
One of the learning goals this week is, “Revise the correct towards.
use of Quotation Marks in direct speech”. Use data from the Concept
Discuss that we will be focussing on this learning goal for map in order to guide
the lesson and it should help the student‟s to improve their teaching and learning.
writing as they will be able to quote direct speech in order
show the reader when someone is talking. We will also be - Children‟s learning goals
discussing some of the verbs we could use to show poster for the week
someone is talking. - Whiteboard and Coloured
3min Concept map - Big comic strip on the
Gauge the students understanding of the topic by creating a whiteboard (See Appendix 1)
concept map. Ask the students what they think direct - Children‟s understanding
speech is and how we might use “Quotation marks” in a indicator on the whiteboard
text. I will write student responses on the concept map, (See Appendix 2)
which will act as our rules to follow for the rest of the - Quotation mark rules (See
lesson. Appendix 3)
Some questions:
Q: What words do we place in Quotation marks?
A: Only the words spoken are placed in Quotation Marks.
Q: What special marks can we use to to draw attention to a
fact that the speaker has used certain words.
A: Quotation marks
Q: Where does the punctuation go?
A: Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks when it is
part of the actual quotation e.g. “I wish,” he shouted, “you
would stop doing that!”
Q: What verbs could we use to show the speaker is
talking/shouting/whispering etc.
A: Said, shouted etc.
Q: When don‟t we use quotation marks?
A: We do not use quotation marks when reporting what
someone has said. This is called reported speech.

Ask students to look at our concept map and reflect on Value reflective feedback from
their understanding of Quotation marks by giving students.
themselves a rating from 1 – 5. 1 being “I don‟t understand - Show me boards (small
the learning goal” 5 being “I understand the learning goal white board for each child and
so well I can teach it to others” Hold the number up on a white board marker)
your show me board.

10min Modelling
Draw students attention to the comic strip on the board and Students need to be familiar
ask the students to name our characters. with the characters in order to
Ask them, “How do we know when someone is talking?” write who is speaking and it
Expected response: The words are in a speech bubble/ gives students ownership of
there is a line pointing to the person the learning.

Model changing the first frame and second frame to direct Charlie said, “….”
speech on the board. Explain the steps I am taking as I - Favourite animal comic strip

Ask students, “So if I were to change this third cartoon Discussing the answer before
frame to direct speech, what words would I include inside I call the child up, will give
my quotation marks?” them more confidence in their
Call one of the students to come up to the board and answer.
convert the third comic strip to direct speech. Ask students Encourage an atmosphere
if they feel that his/her answer is correct. Were there any where it is okay to make
errors? mistakes.

Blutac the 4th cartoon‟s words and punctuation (broken up)

onto the board. Choose 2 children who haven‟t had a turn - Comic strip words and
at answering questions to come up to the front of the class punctuation written on
and organise the words and punctuation correctly. different strips of paper
“I like Dinosaurs! I have a Dinosaur Fossil Tooth. Would
you like to see it?” asked Ben.
Ask students still at their desks, if they have done it right.
Fix any errors.

Time Main Content: Teaching Approaches &

30 min Activity Students take responsibility
Request students re-visit their understanding of quotation for their own learning
marks and direct speech now that we have worked through - Show me boards
some examples. Give themselves a rating out of 5 on their
„show me board‟ and hold it up.

Pair students together with children of a high Children with a high

understanding and children who have a lower understanding of the concept
understanding. Students can find their own partners, by will be able to scaffold the
looking at their „show me board‟ ratings. Help any children learning of their peers.
who don‟t have a partner.

Give each pair a quotation mark poser and some short Ensure students are engaged
curly noodles, which will act as quotation marks. Together in a cognitively demanding
the children need to place the quotation mark noodles in and interesting task.
the correct places and add in any missing punctuation with - Quotation mark worksheet
their pencils. with large writing.
- Curly noodles
- pencil
- English book

Check the students‟ noodle quotation marks are in the right

place, before allowing them to write the sentences in their
Propose that the children colour in the quotation marks,
other punctuation marks and the talking verbs with
different colours, to make them stand out.

Draw a cartoon on the board for the children to convert Draw the cartoon while
into direct speech, without the help of their peer. Get the children are doing their
peers to double check their partner‟s work after they have noodle quotation marks.
finished, remembering to check punctuation, if the Children have the opportunity
quotation marks are in the right place and if they have used to reflect on their own work
appropriate saying verbs. and the work of their peers.

Support and/or Extension Activities

There is child with a mild hearing impairment in the Double check that she has
classroom. heard and understood my
- She needs to be seated at the front of the class so explanation before moving on
she can hear my voice clearly. with the task.

Early finishers can challenge

Early finisher task cards: themselves with a fun task
Practise card game for after the children have learnt the card game from the literacy
Quotation rules. There are some more challenging cards centre.
which include song and poem titles, quotes within quotes Children can work in groups
and Interrogative sentences. of up to four.

Time Conclusion: Teaching Approaches &

10 min Clap hands to get students attention. Wait for the sound of silence
Revisit the concept map and identify some of the rules we before giving further
have learnt today. I will also let the children know how instruction.
knowing and using these skills will help to improve their Students understand how these
writing and make it easier to read. skills will help them in the real
world context.

Ask children to come up and get a feedback card from the - Feedback cards (small
desk in the front of the class and write how they felt the square paper)
lesson went today, what rating from 1 – 5 would they give - Feedback box
themselves on their understanding at the end of the lesson Reflect on the feedback cards
and any new skills they may have learnt. When they have to gauge how the students
finished, they can put the card in the feedback box on the enjoyed the lesson and if there
teacher‟s desk. were any gaps in their
understanding of quotation
marks and direct speech

Request children put away their English books and sit at

their desks ready for the next lesson.

Assessment of Learning
Formative assessment - Gather feedback that can be used to guide improvements in the ongoing
teaching and learning context. Learning goal scale, classroom interactions and feedback sheets are
used to judge this.
Students are successful in this lesson when they can
Demonstrate an understanding of using quotation marks to signal direct speech.
Select appropriate vocabulary to describe how the person is talking.
Punctuate the direct speech.
Edit their work to improve meaning.

Evaluation Checklist
Were my expectations for the lesson achievable?
Was I asking appropriate questions?
Was my pace easy to follow?
Did I model the concept clearly before allowing the students to try?
Were my visual aids effective?
Were the children engaged in their task?
Did the peer scaffolding benefit the children?
Were the children successfully able to do the activities?
Did I have all the materials I needed?
Was the early finisher task engaging and fun?
What was the noise level in the classroom?
Did the students finish their work in a timely manner?
What was the student‟s feedback on the lesson?
Did we achieve our learning goal?

Safety Considerations
Children should be aware that they are not to eat the raw pasta noodles.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (2013). Uusing quotation
mark: Year 4. Retrieved from

Goebel, G., & Seabert, D. (2006). Put on your thinking hats. American School Health
Association, 76(7), 393. Retrieved from|A152195904&v=2.1&u=acu

Fellowes, J., & Oakley, G. (2010). Language, literacy and early childhood education.
SouthMelbourne, VIC: Oxford University Press.

Marsh, C. (2010). Becoming a teacher: Knowledge, skills and issues (5th ed.). Frenchs
Forest, NSW: Pearson Australia.

Marsh, C. (1996). Handbook for beginning teachers. Melbourne: Longman Australia .

Skwirk Interactive Schooling. (2013). When do we use quotation marks? Retrieved from

Tompkins, G.E., Campbell, D., & Green, D. (2012). Literacy for the 21st Century: A
balanced approach (5th ed.). Frenchs Forrest: Pearson.

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