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Referensi UI/UX Indonesia

Kumpulan referensi belajar UI, UX, Copywriting dan segala hal tentang Product Design Bahasa Indonesia.

Format Nama Platform Notes

Dwinawan Hariwijaya Medium Co-Founder Paperpillar and Insight Design

#BelajarDesain Medium Artikel harian tentang panduan dasar #BelajarDesain dalam bahasa Indonesia. Setiap Senin sampai Jumat.
Life at Work Medium Cerita dinamika dunia kerja
Insight Design Medium UI, UX, dan Bisnis Design
Borrys Hasian Medium Belajar UX Design, Design Sprint, Design Leadership dan Inovasi
Yoel Sumitro Medium Solo - Seattle - Singapore - Germany - Nomad - and finally Kemang!
Anggit Yuniar Pradito Medium Designing User Happiness in Omnicreativora Studio
Muhammad Raufan Yusup Medium Indonesian Product Designer
Briandito Priambodo Medium Product Designer and Writer
Paperpillar Medium A team of passionate designers and developers from Yogyakarta
Traveloka Design Medium All about design in Traveloka
Thomas Budiman Medium Product designer & creative director working on digital products based in Jakarta Product + Tech Medium Design is a journey of Discovery
Moch. Zamroni Medium Aktif di medium product + tech
Azis Pradana Medium Live for bike, photography, and design. Living life in Indonesia 🇮🇩
Budi Kontak Medium Interaction designer • Writing only in indonesian language
Ghani Pradita Medium Designer and Illustrator at Paperpillar
Rizki Mardita Medium Pixel-perfect pusher, writer, & product design thinker.
Fahmy Habibullah Medium User Interface & Experience Designer
Arnold Saputra Medium Blog Designer and Consultant in Jakarta

Dunia Dalam Desain Spotify Instagram #Podcast & thoughts about #productdesign and other stuffs around 'em. Brought to you by the best practitioners in town.
Sit, Talk, Design Spotify Instagram Poscast about design culture, people and its process.
Belajar UX bersama Borrys Hassian. Spotify Anchor Podcast about Design, Life, and anything in-between. Mainly in Bahasa Indonesia, sometimes in English.
Podcast Omniangle Spotify Instagram Podcast santai yang berbincang tentang dunia kreatif dari berbagai sudut pandang.
Warung Copy Spotify Instagram Meet bunch of writers from 🇮🇩 Hosted by @edwinmohammad
Warmindux Spotify Instagram We talk about digital product design, UI design, and UX based on college student perspective.
Ngobras di Jalan Spotify Instagram Podcast ngobrol dengan grup musik, Ngobrol dengan komunitas, Ngobrol bareng juga dengan temen2 di Industri Kreatif.

Rio Purba Youtube Instagram Indonesian Designer who is always seeking opportunities to share stories & serve others thru design.
Cerita Desainer Youtube Instagram Ngobrol santai bareng teman-teman desainer nusantara. Dipandu oleh @sudutlancip dan @gvrooster.
Uxmarker Youtube Instagram Award Winning Digital Product Design Advisory
BuildWith Angga Youtube Instagram Tempat untuk upgrade ilmu IT terkait design, programming, dan karir (Freelancer)
Mas KukuhAldy Youtube Instagram Co-founder of @duosweb • Share design tips on Instagram & Youtube
Life at Gojek Youtube Instagram A behind the scenes look at some of the awesome people behind one of the most socially impactful apps in Indonesia, Gojek.

Bukalapak Design Instagram Place for activities, explorations, and works by Bukalapak Design team members ✨
Tokopedia Design Instagram A journal of #TokopediaDesign team
Tiket Design Instagram A stories about Design around @tiketcom
Gojek Design Instagram Gojek Design Team
Traveloka Design Instagram Officially managed by @traveloka Design team 🇮🇩 🇲🇾 🇸🇬 🇹🇭 🇻🇳 🇵🇭
Ovo Design Instagram Our behind the scenes, design processes, research insights & other fun posts!
Post & Story Telkom Design Instagram Official Account of Telkom UX and UI Design Team. (Chapter DEX)
UX Orbit Design Instagram We learn, we share, and we collaborate
DKV Daily Instagram #Salamsatulayer
Dwinawan Hariwijaya Instagram UI Design guy who like to discuss about UI, UX and Business of Design
Anton Candra Instagram Interaction Designer & DesignOps at Gojek - Check highlight stories
Pixel Ninja Instagram Jadi pemula ngga selamanya, yuk belajar bareng disini.
Giza Lab Instagram Helping agencies and companies designing the best experience for their projects and products.

UXID Bandung Telegram Kanal lanjutan dari UXiD Bandung untuk berkomunikasi sesama member UXiD di Kota Bandung khususnya.
Figma Discussion Telegram Berbagi dan diskusi semua tentang Figma
Penggiat Desain Telegram Design Channel by @rizkimardita
Forum Diskusi
IDF Indonesia Telegram Interaction Design Foundation Indonesia
UI/UX Indonesia Telegram Group diskusi tentang topik UI/X yg merupakan genre penting di Dunia IT
UXID (UX Community in Indonesia) Facebook Slack Tempat diskusi dan share utk hal-hal yg berbau UX (User Experience)

UXID (UX Indonesia) Instagram The biggest UX Community in Indonesia. Come Learn, Participate, & Connect!
UXID Jakarta Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Jakarta.
UXID Bandung Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Bandung.
UXID Jogja Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Jogja.
UXID Purwokerto Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Purwokerto.
UXID Batam Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Batam.
UXID Semarang Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Semarang.
Talkshow / Meetup
UXID Pekanbaru Instagram Official Instagram of UXiD Chapter Pekanbaru.
Roundup - Bukalapak Instagram Bimonthly design talk, hosted with love by Bukalapak Product Design team.
Ngopiyux - Gojek Instagram Ngopi santai sambil ngobrolin user experience by @designatgojek
After Hours - Tokopedia Instagram A journal of #TokopediaDesign team
TLVK Design - Traveloka Instagram Officially managed by @traveloka Design team 🇮🇩 🇲🇾 🇸🇬 🇹🇭 🇻🇳 🇵🇭
Provotype - Ovo Instagram A brand new platform to explore how our industry is evolving.
IxDA Malang Instagram Interacation Design Association Local Group in Malang, Indonesia

Quix DS Instagram A Digital Product Design Team based in Bandung. We do Design Workshops and Classes.
Akademi Desain Instagram Kelas desain intensif yang diselenggarakan oleh @sebostudio
DDD Class Instagram Belajar on-site (di kelas) digital product design dari mulai research, UX, UI, prototyping, copywriting, testing, presenting.
UXSpecialty Instagram Training UX • Supported by UXMaster Certified 1st Indonesian UXMaster From NN/g
Workshop / Bootcamp Purwadhika School Instagram Website Purwadhika adalah sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang bergerak di bidang Startup dan Coding.
Binar Academy Instagram Website Our academy fosters and inspires passionate people by transmitting practical knowledge and extraordinary experiences.
UX Indo Instagram Website Trusted by companies around the world in UX Research, Consulting, Training and Certification.
Referensi UI/UX Indonesia
Workshop / Bootcamp
Kumpulan referensi belajar UI, UX, Copywriting dan segala hal tentang Product Design Bahasa Indonesia.

Format Nama Platform Notes

Somia Academy Instagram Website Place to learn practical skills related to user experience, design thinking, and human-centered design.
BuildWith Angga Instagram Website Tempat untuk upgrade ilmu IT terkait design, programming, dan karir (Freelancer)

Buku Coming soon!

Langsung isi di bawah sini aja Oiya, makasih udah ikut berkontribusi nambahin referensi belajar untuk teman-teman yg lain.

Format Nama Platform Notes

Artikel Muhammad Wildan Wari Medium UI/UX Designer @ CV Greatcode Sukses Bersama
Video Uxlore Instagram Atomic UI & UX Practices, just 8 Second
Artikel Bahni Mahariasha Medium Product Manager at GOJEK
Artikel Rakhmat Fadhillah Medium Remote UI Design @P3 Multisolutions IT Services Pvt Ltd
Artikel Ryan Handy Medium | Experience Designer
Workshop / Bootcamp Product design academy - Tokopedia Instagram
Workshop / Bootcamp Vektoria Instagram website kelas illustrasi flat design
Post & Story Afif B. Instagram Founder @agensip & @jogjawork, UI/UX design tips microblog
Artikel Laws of UX Website
Buku Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug Buku
Workshop / Bootcamp Kelas Online Belajar Icon Design Instagram Kelas Online Icon Design by Inipagi & Iniselasar
Artikel Togiberlin website Roadmap (tahapan) belajar UI/UX designer
Post & Story Rumah UX Instagram Komunitas UI/UX dari UIN Jakarta
Post & Story Halo Designers Instagram Design Career insight, Tips and UX Jobs

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