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Marvin & Smith’s Coffee Shop


While things are fast moving in all areas, Sweden is the country that has made major
changes in the human resources sector. An important international experiment in the
world was a 6 hours working day ( experienced in the Center of Toyota, Gothenburg,
Sweden). It has been noted that the productivity and production of the company
have increased ,as well the satisfaction of employees and also the management.
Swedish companies are leaders in human resources and also in successful
tehnological implementations ( clever Henry – designed to share feedback in the
team). Human resource professionals have participated in the study and they
discovered that the employees have no hesitation to move for better salary ,
employment opportunities or a lifestyle different.

Marvin and Smith have understood that they need to pay more attention to human
resources for business success . The employees of the company have been trained
to think positively, always the answer is ,,YES” , for to make sure customers are
happy. The HR manager dealing with recruiting for Marvin & Smith’s Coffee Shop
will present candidates the job responsibilities and they are ensure the people have
enough knowledge and ability to carry out tasks (“Job analysis”, 2006). By choosing
the best candidate the Marvin & Smith’s Coffee Shop will get good performance of
its employees. By hiring the right applicants, the company saves time and money
(“Employee Selection Process,” 2012). Marvin and Smith look for employees
qualities such as reliability, adaptability and the ability to work. For to make goog
hiring the interview is the way to gather information about candidates.In the hiring
process the resume has the basic information of the candidats and the interview
offers informations about qualifying or experience in another coffee shop.

In growing companies , the management team are very important. To form a

leadership team, we need to delegate people’s responsabilities according to their
level of qualification. For Marvin and Smith companie’s development and success,
the training of employees is essential. The employee will be more productive and
efficient with proper training. The basic elements of the treining are : courses for new
employees ( learn rules and objectives of the company); courses for to improve
knowledge ; courses for to implement a new tehnology. Barista , the person whose
job involves preparing and serving coffee or the partner ,need to follow an serious
training before working including customer service or coffee history. The company of
Marvin and Smith start recruiting with 8 weeks before opening.

Employee welfare and compensation have a decisive role for their satisfaction , so,
that they are treated well will treats clients well. Employee motivation throught a
flexible wage, vision insurance, health insurance, created funds than can help
employees in times of crisis – all this can loyalty the employees and the company
can retain competent employees. For Marvin & Smith’s Coffee Shop, the success
of a company depends on its employees because employees can break or make a

In Sweden , the development of the business represents more than just procedures
and costs, it is an adaptation to the culture and the customs of citizens in the
country.This can be achieved through an efficient market. In Sweden, the regulation
of advertising is strict and promotions have to be fair and the false statements can
lead to prosecution of penalties. The most important form of advertising is
newspapers with national circulation - representing half of the expenses. Another
form of promotion is direct mail where Marvin and Smith can promote the Coffee
Shop and represents less than half of the expenses. The internet, another form of
promo and to make it known Marvin & Smith’s Coffee Shop. The cultural sensitivity
protocol is important for proper marketing.Swedish coffee culture bring new business
opportunities. After Finland, Sweden is the second places on the list of coffee
consumption. Then, offering good quality services of the product, with a healthy
philosophy that focused on the social responsibility, traceability and innovation,
Marvin and Smith have the success guaranteed. A good coffee, appreciated by
customers in Sweden, contains good ingredients : soft water ( the calcium
neutralizes the coffee acids ) and good coffee beans.The coffee content caffeine it is
not only prepared from roosted coffee beans. The ritual of drinking coffee in the
morning is common in Sweden, reason for Marvin and Smith to open the coffee shop
early in the morning. The coffee shop it is a place of social interaction with nice side

Nordic countries ( Sweden, Finland ), do not produce coffee but depend on

commercial supplies. Brazil is the largest coffee supplier for Sweden, about 890,8
milion Swedish kroner per year.The coffee is the second most trading commodity in
the world.Being a hight demand for coffee on the market and prices are greatly
proportional to demand. Guatemala is a country that produced coffee and can offer
for Marvin and Smith a good opportunity because it offers lower prices than
conquering. The competitive advantage of Guatemala it is the advantage gained
from the competitors by offering additional benefits, lower prices and greater value.
Guatemala can offer this because it benefits from natural resources for producing
coffee ( micro-climates, altitude, volcanic soil ) and also the technology. Vietnam,
Colombia and Brazil have great influence directing on the price mondial of coffee but
Guatemala offers competitive advantage agreed by players. The quality is important
and determines the education of consumers who pay a higher price for an ethically
certified product, claiming to pay a fair price. The coffee can be differentiated
according to quality and ethical certification and denomination of origin. The ethical
certification guarantees ethical performance environmental, economic, social.
Flucturations of the coffee price influences the stability and requires a good
research for Marvin and Smith , to keep the business going well.

References :

Twelve Marketing Lessons You Can Apply To Recruitment.

Available at: Accessed on : 10.12.2018.

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