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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin wassolatu wassola mu ‘ala asrofil hambiya

himursalin wa’ala alihi wasohbihi rosulillahi ajma’in.

For the first and main all, let us pray praise and gratitude to the presence of our God
Allah SWT who has given mercy and grace to all of us so that we can come and gather in the
school that we love. And then invocation and greetings also we gave to the prophet the master of
nature, west of the prophet MUHAMMAD SAW, who has brought his people from the times of
ignorance up to the time of that knowledge as we perceive at this moment.

Second, My respect for the head of this school our Headmaster Mr. Syaiful S.Pd, and
then Mrs. Vice of Headmaster. Next my respect for all teachers and also official employees, and
the last my love for all friends who in arms with me in this school SMPN 5 Kec. Kapur IX.

Okay, I will not extend the words of the preamble I will read the arrangement of the event
in this morning.

First : the protocol who has go on

Second : Recitation Al Quran and the meaning by Fajru and Suci. For Fajru and Suci time is

Third : Reading of Speech by Hanifa and Hawa. For Hanifa and Hawa please come to the

Next : Reading Ayat Kursi recited by falen. To falen is welcome

Next : Recitation of short verses by vigal. To vigal time is yours.

Then : Reading the pillars of faith done by zikri. To zikri please come to the front.

Then : Recitation the pillars of islam done by Devan. To Devan time is yours.

After That : Recitation the name of the God Angel and their duties done by Raisya. To Raisya
please come to the forward

Next : Reading the name of Prophet who done by David. To David please come to the front.

Then : Reading the hijri months by Putri. To Putri time is yours.

After that : Entertainments event who done by Neza and Nesa. To nesa and neza are welcome
Then : Saying a few words by the headmaster Mr. Syaiful S.Pd. to the headmaster time is yours

And the last is prayer who done by Aqkbar. To Aqkbar please come to the front.

With the end of reading the prayer, so that ended our events on this day. I am as protocol
and all my friends from (VIII.2) eight two please apologize if there are mistakes that intentional
or not. I’ve been by Wabillahitaufik walhidayah.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin wassolatu wassola mu ‘ala asrofil hambiya

himursalin wa’ala alihi wasohbihi rosulillahi ajma’in.

For the first and main all, let us pray praise and gratitude to the presence of our God
Allah SWT who has given mercy and grace to all of us so that we can come and gather in the
school that we love. And then invocation and greetings also we gave to the prophet the master of
nature, west of the prophet MUHAMMAD SAW, who has brought his people from the times of
ignorance up to the time of that knowledge as we perceive at this moment.

Second, My respect for the head of this school our Headmaster Mr. Syaiful S.Pd, and
then Mrs. Vice of Headmaster. Next my respect for all teachers and also official employees, and
the last my love for all friends who in arms with me in this school SMPN 5 Kec. Kapur IX.

Okay, I will not extend the words of the preamble I will read my speech that entitled “DO

As muslim people we are not justified in daily life underestimate little sins that has been
done. Because, if we always do that, so it will be continues and would be a big sins. By belittle a
small sin, then it means that arise in her/his heart the intention to do everything that is
disobedience to the God. And if this continues to be done and always repeated then we will
include a servant who is dammed by God.

Mister, Misses, and my friends that I love…

In this regard, the prophet Muhammad SAW said a message :

A’u zubillahi minasyaitonirrojim… Bismillahirrahmanirrohim …

The meaning is “Do not underestimate the small sins, because that’s where the blossomed
branches of a big sins.”

To achieve the safety and happiness of the world more so in the hereafter, then all evil
even if we think small must we avoids. And we ask the forgiveness to Allah SWT earnestly
thought only a small sin, so that we avoid the big sins so will be a God servant.

That’s all ours event today, hopefully what I say can be useful for all of us especially for myself
as preacher. Please forgive me if there are mistakes that I have been done. The last word is
Wabillahitaufik walhidayah.

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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