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Portaria de instalação SEE Nº 399/1980 de 04/10/1980
Nº 7919/81 MG 09/01/81 - Resolução SEE Nº 746/2005 MG 28/12/2005
Lei Portaria nº 51/2013 MG: 11/01/2013 – Tipologia: R040A2
Rua Principal S/Nº - Distrito de Cubas - CEP 35.806-000 - Tel.: (31) 3863-30



ASS. DO(A) ALUNO(A): _____________________________________________________
ASS. DO(A) APLICADOR(A) DA AVALIAÇÃO:___________________________________
TURMA: 1º ano Ensino Médio DATA: ___/____/2019
VALOR: 100 pontos NOTA OBTIDA:_____
The doctor
Dylan is a doctor. He looks after sick people. He usually gets up at 6.00 o’clock.
Today he is late, it is 6.30 and he is still in bed. He usually goes to work by train but
today he is driving to work. He arrives at work at 6.30 every morning but it is 7.30 now
and he is still driving. It’s 12.00 o’clock now. He always has his lunch at 12.00 but
today he isn’t having lunch at 12.00, he is looking after his sick patients. It is half past
seven now, Dylan is watching TV. He usually watches TV at half past seven because his
favorite programme starts at half past seven.
Dylan has his dinner at 8.30 everyday and he is having dinner now. It is 24.00 now
Dylan is going to bed. He always goes to bed at 24.00.

1.Quem é Dylan?

2.De acordo com o texto, Dylan costuma se levantar às 6 horas, mas o que
aconteceu para ele acordar 6h30min e ir mais tarde para o trabalho?

3.Qual horário Dylan costuma chegar em seu trabalho?
4.De acordo com o texto, são 7h30min e Dylan ainda:
a.está dirigindo.

b.está tomando o café da manhã.

c.está entrando no carro.

d.ainda está dando beijo nas crianças.

05) Escreva o passado dos seguintes verbos:

a) To answer__________________ e) To paint:____________________
b) To call:____________________ f) To rest:_____________________
c) To cross:__________________ g) To save:____________________
d) To dance:_________________ h) To listen:_____________________
06) Preencha os espaços com ´´have to´´ ou ´´has to´´.
a) They_________________ study more.
b) They ________________learn new words.
c) They _______________ pay their debts.
d) She _______________ go now.
e) You ______________ eat more.

07) Complete the questions with who, what, where, how.

Where is the bus stop? At the end of the street.
a._______ are your parents? They´re very well.
b._______ colour are your new shoes? Red.
c._______ is the woman in this photograph? That´s my mother.
d._______ is your favourite sport? Football.
e._______ much are these apples? US $ 1,30 a kilo.
f._______ old are your children? Six, eight and eleven.
08) Put in am, is or are:
a.This bag ______ heavy.
b.These bags ______ heavy.
c.I ______ not tired.
d.Look! There ______ Katy.
e.My sister and I ______ good tennis players.
f.Ann ______ at home. Her children ______ at school.
g.The weather ______ nice today.
h.I ______ a taxi driver. My sister ______ a nurse.

09) Siga o modelo, escrevendo as preposições on,in,at de acordo com as frases:

a) I was born in 1964.
b) _____________________ May.
c) ______________________ a Sunday.
d) ______________________ March 7th.
e) ______________________ Brazil.
f) _____________________ Florida Street.

Disponível em: < >. Acesso em: 27 mar. 2016.

Cartuns abordam diferentes temas relevantes para a sociedade. O cartum em questão:

A defende os direitos dos povos indígenas.

B denuncia o despejo de lixo em terras indígenas.
C valoriza a sabedoria popular sobre o uso da terra.
D defende o retorno dos povos indígenas às suas terras.
E critica o uso inadequado da terra para despejo de lixo.
11)Marque as frases em que o verbo to be está empregado de forma correta.
a) ( ) I am a doctor.
b) ( ) You is my friend .
c) ( ) He are my best soccer player.
d) ( ) She is my secretary.
12)Circule os Pronomes Pessoais das frases seguintes.
a) We are English teachers.
b) You are politicians.
c) They are Alex’s parents.
d) He is an intelligent student.
13) Passe para a forma interrogativa:
a)You are a teacher: Are you a teacher?_____________________________________
b)She is a secretary: ________________________________________________________
c)It is an Orange: ___________________________________________________________
d)They are doctors: __________________________________________________________
e)We are good studentes: ____________________________________________________
f)You are well: _____________________________________________________________
g)he is late: ______________________________________________________________
14) Passe para a forma negativa:
a)He is a doctor: He is not a doctor_____________________________________________________
b)She is a painter: _________________________________________________________
c)You are a good singer: ____________________________________________________
d)It is na apple: ___________________________________________________________
e)John is well: ____________________________________________________________
15) Faça um diálogo em inglês com as palavras que você já tem conhecimento:
Good luck!

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