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TDK – HSE – MAN – 003


Approved by
Project Manager
Andy Maruli
Reviewed by
Craig Delaney Representtive
Doc. No. : TDK–HSE–MAN-001
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Manual HSE Management System



11. PLAN 18
12. SUPPORT 20
17. REPAIR 29
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Manual HSE Management System


The Manual HSE Management System explain the principles for all operation and maintenance
activities in the Inner City Toll Project in prioritizing and implementing the HSE Management System
that is in accordance with the needs of shareholders, customers, employees, contractors and the
community (social aspects) by complying with the requirements of legislation in achieving the
highest system.
The Manual HSE Management System categorized as public documents that are not confidential in
nature, which are the basic guidelines in the preparation of the Manual HSE Management System in
Proyek Tol Dalam Kota.
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Manual HSE Management System

1.1 Company Identity
Name of company : PT JTD Jaya Pratama
Type of Business Entity : PT ( Perseroan )
Address of company : Kantor Taman Bintaro Jaya Gedung B, Jalan Bintaro Raya
Jakarta, Indonesia
No. Telephone : (021) 7453105
No. Fax : (021) 736 3959
Email :
Zip code : 12330
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Manual HSE Management System

1.2 Toll Overview


1.3 VIsi
Being a leading consulting company in Indonesia, which is based on ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
1.4 Misi
1.4.1 Building a superior, professional, trustworthy and independent spirit
1.4.2 Develop a reputable operation and maintenance business
1.4.3 Running an organization with good corporate governance
1.4.4 Running a management system that guarantees the achievement of goals, quality,
safety, health and work environment
1.4.5 Develop information and communication technology as a vehicle for decision making
and corporate risk management
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4.1 Scope
The HSE Management System applied throughout the operation and maintenance work area in Tol
Dalam Kota

4.2 Development HSE Management System

In the preparation and application HSE Management System, The company considers various aspects
that affect the condition of the company both internally and externally, as follows:
4.2.1 Internal Context
Are Vision and Mission, HSE Management System policies, corporate governance, available
resources, information systems, and organizational structures.
4.2.2 External Context
Is the external environment that significantly affects the company in achieving its objectives,
including the culture of the community in which the project takes place, available work
infrastructure and equipment, geography, and natural conditions. In addition, it also
considers perceptions and values as well as relationships with the external stakeholders of
the organization.


5.1 HSE Management System Policy
The provisions stipulated as guidelines for carrying out all activities in Tol Dalam Kota prioritize
Occupational Safety and Health and the Environment.
5.2 Commitments
The highest leadership, acts as the person in charge of the implementation of the HSE Management
System and constantly monitors its effectiveness, and must be able to demonstrate the company's
commitment and provide competent resources to maintain the HSE Management System thoroughly
in Tol Dalam Kota.
All employees are responsible for implementing applicable work procedures and reporting procedural
irregularities and recording accordingly.
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5.3 Leadership
5.3.1 All Leaders must strive to the fullest, demonstrate leadership and participate actively in
determined to continuously prioritize and place the fulfillment of HSE Management System
and corporate culture as a very important goal in the company's business.
5.3.2 Demonstrating leadership includes placing employees who are able to work and actively
contribute to the HSE Management System and corporate culture. The head of the work unit
must be responsible for maintaining care for the HSE Management System and the corporate
culture that is an important part of daily activities, thereby preventing and reducing the
number of events that can harm humans, the environment, equipment, finance, and the
cessation of the company's business.
5.3.3 All leaders are responsible and must encourage the involvement of their subordinates and
empower them to build and practice solving problems related to HSE Management System
and corporate culture wherever the company operates.
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Provisions that have been established as a handle in carrying out activities in the Tol Dalam Kota and
endorsed by the Project Manager.


Management and all employees of Tol Dalam Kota are fully committed to;
1. Improve the quality of methods and results of work and prevent non-conformity at all stages
according to predetermined work standards and procedures, predetermined plans and
2. Carry out and strive for efforts in the field of health, work safety and environmental
management systems that are integrated with all work processes to maximize the prevention
of work accidents, occupational diseases and environmental pollution in all environments and
work activities;
3. Comply with government legislation and other stipulated requirements to increase satisfaction
and trust in relevant stakeholders and the community;
4. Develop human resources who are competent and professional in their fields through
continuous development efforts;
5. Develop effective communication and coordination channels both internally and externally for
the effectiveness of the quality, health, safety and environmental management systems; and
6. Conduct an evaluation and review of the quality, health, safety and environmental
management systems for continuous improvement.
This policy is made to be understood and implemented by all employees, implemented in every work
process and business unit to create a Safe, Healthy, Beautiful and Professional Tol Dalam Kota
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Manual HSE Management System


The highest responsibility for Occupational Health and Environmental Safety is the Directors. The
basic principle of HSE remains that everyone involved in this project in any way with ongoing
responsibility and accountability to identify and take action on each situation or series of
circumstances that have a negative impact on the health or safety of workers or property or
environmental pollution.
7.1 Responsibilities of the Directors
7.1.1 Review and approve the contents of the HSE program and request full implementation
through all levels of the organization, including consultants, suppliers and sub-contractors.
7.1.2 Review the statements, objectives and targets of HSE policies and instruct their distribution
and placement in all work areas related to the project.
7.1.3 Ensure that all resources needed to meet HSE objectives and requirements are provided when
and when needed.
7.1.4 Periodically conduct HSE inspections at work sites
7.1.5 Demonstrate ongoing commitment to the project HSE philosophy.
7.1.6 Demonstrate active support for inspection and audit review programs.
7.1.7 Implement an introduction program to recognize good behavior towards HSE
7.1.8 Responsible for reviewing and ensuring follow-up of lessons learned
7.1.9 Review and lead periodic audits to ensure individual HSE targets of all departments
7.1.10 Providing guarantees to stakeholders that the HSE management system is implemented

7.2 Responsibilities of Manager

7.2.1 Review the contents of the HSE program and ensure its effective application through all of its
7.2.2 Ensure HSE is actively supported in development, implementation and supervision
7.2.3 Ensure the resources needed to implement HSE include organization, job description,
education, equipment, labor, funding and time
7.2.4 Actively participating in the HSE Committee.

7.3 Responsibilities of Supervisor

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7.3.1 Ensure that suitable and qualified personnel are available / employed to implement HSE
7.3.2 Implement an introduction program to recognize good behavior towards HSE
7.3.3 Ensure that work method statements are developed, potential hazards are identified with safe
work practices developed
7.3.4 Ensure that all employees for the project in their area of responsibility are trained in HSE
orientation and are able to carry out the tasks assigned.
7.3.5 Attend supervisor training and responsibilities.

7.4 Responsibilities of HSE Manager

7.4.1 Ensuring consistent implementation of HSE for projects
7.4.2 Maintain HSE documents
7.4.3 Ensure that effective skills development programs are implemented
7.4.4 Report incidents, accidents, spills, injuries and deaths according to project requirements
7.4.5 Responsible for preparing overall HSE plans and their implementation in the field, including
reviewing, monitoring, auditing and reporting on project performance
7.4.6 Assess work and risk analysis of hazard assessment in the workplace.

7.5 Responsibilities of Safety Officer/Environmental Officer

7.5.1 Assist HSE managers in implementing HSE for projects consistently
7.5.2 Record and maintain HSE documents and subordinates
7.5.3 Implement skills development programs
7.5.4 Report and investigate every incident, accident, spill, injury and death in accordance with
project requirements
7.5.5 Assist HSE managers to review overall HSE plans and their implementation in the field,
including reviewing, monitoring, auditing and reporting on project performance
7.5.6 Assessing occupational risk assessment and risk analysis
7.5.7 Interfacing with the HSE consultant team.

7.6 Responsibilities of Staff

7.6.1 Comply with compulsory HSE orientation and skills development
7.6.2 Implement learning for specific job responsibilities and tasks
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7.6.3 Incorporate HSE requirements into daily work activities

7.6.4 Develop personnel performance goals for implementing HSE
7.6.5 Take responsibility for carrying out work in a safe and environmentally friendly manner
7.6.6 Identify, correct and report all known hazards
7.6.7 Use appropriate PPE and work safety equipment
7.6.8 Always keep the workplace in a condition that meets 5R
7.6.9 Report all incidents and accidents
7.6.10 Actively participating in HSE promotions and training
7.6.11 Recognizing and maintaining safe and responsible behavior for others
7.6.12 Assist in developing safe work practices and participate in incident inspections and

7.7 Responsibilities of Subcontractor

7.7.1 Ensuring full understanding and implementation of all work carried out under their direct
control meets these HSE requirements in all projects and conditions as in the contract,
including PPE, competent people employed in their respective fields.
7.7.2 Monitor changing situations that can cause unhealthy, unsafe, and / or unsafe environments.
7.7.3 Ensure that project materials, equipment, programs and policies meet or exceed HSE
standards relating to the project.
7.7.4 Ensure that personnel are trained to operate in a safe and environmentally friendly manner,
where they take necessary and reasonable actions to reduce hazards and prevent
environmental pollution.
7.7.5 Recognizing and appreciating safe and environmentally responsible behavior
7.7.6 Actively participating in HSE promotion and training
7.7.7 Report all types of hazards and HSE incidents

7.8 Responsibilities of Personal (Supplier, Konsultan, Visitor, etc)

7.8.1 Comply with all HSE requirements at the work site at any time
7.8.2 Actively participating in the achievement of HSE objectives through means such as reporting
unhealthy, unsafe, and / or environmentally-friendly conditions must attend safety induction
before going to the site.
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1.5 List of Abbreviations
ANSI : American National Standards Institute
APD : Alat Pelindung Diri
B3 : Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun
HOD : Head of Department
HR : Human Resources
HRGA : Human Resources dan General Affairs
HSE : Health, Safety and Environment
HSEA : Health, Safety and Environment Administration
HSED : Health, Safety and Environment Department
HSEP : Health, Safety and Environment Personnel
HSEM : Health, Safety and Environment Manager
HSEMS : Health Safety Environment Management System
JSA : Job Safety Analysis
LA : Lead Auditor
MCU : Medical Check Up
MR : Management Representative
MSDS : Material Safety Data Sheet
PM : Project Manager
SCO : Security Coordinator
SDP : Security Department
SNI : Standar Nasional Indonesia
SPV : Supervisor
TSP : Tujuan, Sasaran, dan Program
OTP : Objective, Target, and Program
WI : Work Instruction
1.6 List of Terms / Definitions
Accident : An unwanted event that can be detrimental to property, property, environment
and operations
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Aktivitas : Something that is done by employees or that is not done by employees

(assignments / behavior)
PPE : Equipment used by each worker to reduce hazard exposure and HSE risk.
Project Work Area: The area or location of the project where the work on the road is carried out within
a specified limit.
Audit : A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence
and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are met
Assembly point : Means of gathering points
Hazardous Chemicals: Hazardous Chemicals are chemicals in the singular or mixed form which are
based on chemical and or physical and / or toxicological properties that are
hazardous to labor, installations and the environment
Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3): Materials which due to their nature and / or concentration and /
or quantities, either directly or indirectly, can pollute and / or damage the
environment, and or can endanger the environment, health, survival of humans and
other living things
Danger: A source that has the potential to cause injury and poor health
Physical Hazards: Means chemicals that are scientifically proven that they are flammable liquids, toxic,
explosive, flammable, organic peroxide, oxidizing agents, pyrophoric, unstable
Health Hazards: Chemicals that have statistically significant evidence based on at least one study
conducted in accordance with the established scientific principle that acute or
chronic health effects can occur in exposed individuals. The term "health hazard"
includes chemicals that are arcinogens, poisons or agents that are very toxic,
reproductive poisons, irritants, corrosive, sensitizers, hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins,
neurotoxic agents that work on the hematopoietic system, and agents that damage
the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membranes
dB (Decibel) : Unit for measuring sound intensity. An equivalent decibel with a tenth of a bell.
KEMNAKER : Ministry of Manpower
Main Document (Master): Original document that has received approval and approval from the
competent authority.
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List of Master Documents: A list that records and loads all document title names and their
Emergency drill : Periodic exercises to evaluate preparedness, teams and equipment are in accordance
with needs
Ergonomics : The study of complex interactions between aspects of work including work
equipment, work procedures, work systems or systems and work environment with
human physical, physiological and psychological conditions of employees to adjust
aspects of work to the conditions that employees can work safely, efficiently and
more efficiently productive
Evacuation :Direct and rapid movement of people who move away from threats or actual events
from danger to safe places
Flammable and Combustible: Material that can burn and ignite
Grounding : Security system for devices that use electricity as a source of energy, from electrical
surges, lightning etc.
Hand tools : Hand tools that are used manually and not by machines. Some examples of hand
tools are hammers, spanners, pliers, screwdrivers and chisels. Hand tools are
generally not too dangerous when compared to electric tools.
Highly Toxic : Highly toxic substances produced by high doses can be deadly
Hazard identification: The process of knowing the existence of a hazard and determining its
Incident: An event that arises from, or during a trip, work that can or does not result in injury and poor
Work Instructions: Description of the implementation of a work carried out by one or more personnel.
Permission (Verguning): A determination that is a dispensation rather than a prohibition by law.
Emergencies : A sudden situation or an undesirable situation / condition that develops and can
cause harm or harm to the company, employees or damage to the environment that
requires immediate action to reduce the consequences arising, and if possible take
action to control the situation
Policy : Intention and direction of the organization, as formally stated by top management
Noise : All unwanted sounds originating from production process equipment and / or
working tools at a certain level can cause hearing loss
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Fatigue : Reduction of work capacity & endurance (Efficiency & Resilience) Non-compliance:
Fulfillment of requirements
Competence : The ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results
Contractor : An external organization that provides services to the organization in accordance
with agreed specifications, terms and conditions
This manual : Documents that contain the scope of the HSE management system, including
details of exceptions and reasons for exclusion, documented procedures and
descriptions of interactions between processes.
MSDS : A guidance sheet containing information on chemicals including physical, chemical
properties, types of hazards caused, methods of handling, special actions in an
emergency and other information needed
NAV (Threshold Value): The standard hazard factor is fired as the level of average intensity that can be
received by the workforce without causing illness or health problems in daily work
Workers : People who carry out work or activities related to work that are under the control
of the Inner City Toll Project
Traffic Arrangement: The process of regulating the movement of vehicles on the road for certain
Traffic Maintenance: Efforts to maintain the situation of traffic management conditions to remain
smooth, safe and comfortable from disruption due to road maintenance work, road
widening, operation and maintenance or due to accidents.
Work on the Road: All activities or physical work that takes place on the road or regional property that
has the potential to disrupt road traffic both physically and non-physically. Included
in this sense are road maintenance work, road widening, operation and
maintenance carried out by certain parties.
Appointment Manual: Activity of a person or group to move an object manually or by using a tool.
Activities included in the manual appointment include lifting, pulling, pushing,
launching, rolling, stacking, carrying and holding
Road Users : Drivers of two-wheeled vehicles, four or more.
Risk Assessment: The process of evaluating risks caused by the existence of hazards by taking into
account the adequacy of the controls owned and determining whether the risks are
acceptable or not
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Special medical team care: Accidents that require special (medical) team help
Legal requirements and other requirements: Legal requirements that the organization must comply
with and other requirements that the organization must or must comply with
First aid : Small accidents that do not involve special handlers
Phase 1 : The electricity network that uses only two connecting wires as the phase wire (L)
and the second as the neutral wire (N). Generally 1 phase electricity has a voltage of
220-240 volts which is used by many people.
Phase 3 : Electric networks that use three Phase wires (R, S, T) and one neutral (N) wire or
often called ground wire. According to the term Electricity 3 Phase consists of 3
electric cables and 1 neutral cable. Generally electricity 3 Phase 380 volt electricity
that is widely used by industry or factories.
Power Tools : Equipment that is driven or operated using energy derived from a source of power
supply, Power Tool Power sources include using electric motors sourced from
electric current, internal combustion engine ICE ignition and compressed air.
Procedure : a method determined to carry out an activity or process
Static projects: Projects where the work location does not move with a period of more than 3
Movable Projects : Projects for the location of work move around to do work on the road
RCD (Residual Current Device): Electrical Installation Device (Gawai) which functions to detect the
occurrence of electric current in an imbalance between phase and neutral
conductors caused by overcurrent and / or leakage current through body contact
Records : All records or data obtained from the results of implementing HSE Management
System activities
Risk : Effects of uncertainty (Uncertainty is a condition, even in part, of a lack of
information related to, understanding or knowledge of an event, its consequences,
or possibilities.
Risks Can Be Accepted: Risks that have been reduced to a level that can be tolerated by the
organization to meet HSE regulations and policies
Risk Register : Tool to document all risks and actions to manage each risk
Controlled copy : A copy of the master document whose circulation is controlled by the Document
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Uncontrolled copy: a copy of the document given to another party who needs information opinion,
but does not have to be notified when a change occurs.
Management System: Regulates interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to establish
policies and objectives and processes to achieve these objectives
HSEMS : Management system or part of the management system used to achieve
Occupational Safety and Health policies
Guests : everyone who comes from outside parties, who visits the Inner City Toll Project for
a short duration
TBM / P5M : Tool box meetings or 5-minute talks are carried out before starting work
Workplace : A place under the control of an organization where someone must or goes for work
Change or Revision: changes made to the content or material of the document.
Project area : the area or work area of the Inner City Toll Project
Road Area : Coverage area which includes traffic lanes, road shoulder, road-owned area to road
supervision area, connecting road, including rest area, pedestrians as determined by
Presidential Decree
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Participation of all employees, stakeholders, sub-contractors and community is fundamental in
achieving the performance of the HSE Management System effectively and efficiently. If there are
related and important issues for the company, employees and other parties have the right to submit
their input and consult with the relevant departments or through regular meetings. Employees and
other parties involved in the HSE Management System participate in :
1.7 Identify potential hazards that can result in workplace accidents, occupational diseases and
environmental pollution, social impact on surrounding community and take appropriate
control measures, and report them to the relevant manager.
1.8 Report any accidents that occur and actively engage in the success of the investigations carried
1.9 Engage in observing activities that have an impact on financial losses, occupational safety and
health, environment and social.
1.10 Employees are expected to be able to provide input and advice to coworkers on the
importance of carrying out important aspects for the company.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-005 HSE Induction
TDK-HSE-WP-006 HSE accident & investigation
TDK-HSE-WP-010 HSE Communication & Consultation
TDK-HSE-WP-011 Document Control
TDK-HSE-WP-012 Record Control

11. PLAN
11.1 Risk Management
11.1.1 All Managers act as risk owners, who are responsible for managing the risks associated
with the work site that they are responsible for.
11.1.2 Every aspect of the activities and facilities related to the scope of the application of the
HSE Management System must be identified with its impact on finance, company
image, productivity, occupational diseases, workplace accidents, environmental
pollution, and social impacts on surrounding community.
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11.1.3 Appropriate controls are applied to reduce the impact that can occur at any time which
can lead to financial losses, declining company image, occupational diseases, workplace
accidents environmental pollution and social impacts on surrounding community.
11.1.4 All relevant Managers must ensure all personnel in their part understand the work risks
at their work location before starting work and how to overcome them.
11.1.5 The results of the related risk assessment must take control measures in accordance
with the level of risk and continuously monitor their effectiveness.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-001 Risk and Opportunity Management

11.2 Identification of other regulations and requirements

11.2.1 Tol Dalam Kota identify legislation and requirements related to all company activities.
11.2.2 Compliance with these regulations will be reviewed periodically or if there are changes
in conditions that have significant impacts, such as changes in work processes or with
newer regulations.
11.2.3 These relevant regulations and other requirements include Laws, Government
Regulations, Ministerial Decrees, Licenses, Business and Industrial Standards, and
standards set by customers.
11.2.4 Tol Dalam Kota at any time planned to evaluate compliance with applicable
government regulations. If there are government regulations that have not been
fulfilled, they will be discussed in a meeting to be included in the company's program.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-002 Identified Legal Compliances and Other Requirement

11.3 Objectives, Target and Program

11.3.1 Tol Dalam Kota ensure all results of risk identification, identification of regulatory
compliance, requirements of other interested parties are managed in a specific,
measurable, realistic and capable goal, target and program and are ensured that there
is a target time for achievement and the appropriate person in charge.
11.3.2 Targets are set based on the priority results of the risk assessment, statistical analysis of
potential events and based on the results of regulatory compliance analysis.
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11.3.3 The goals made must be measurable, achievable, and realistic and have a period of
achievement. If necessary, setting targets also involves existing contractors and sub-
11.3.4 Targeting must prioritize actions that prevent the occurrence of hazards that can occur
(if not addressed immediately, can potentially cause occupational diseases, accidents,
environmental pollution, customer complaints and cessation of business processes).
Targeting also takes into account the financial conditions and available resources. Goals
can be changed by following developments and changing conditions of the company
and external parties.
11.3.5 In the context of achieving the target, the Proyek Tol Dalam Kota prepares an annual
program taking into account the resources needed (finance, human and infrastructure)
and the activities carried out to achieve the program.
11.3.6 11.3.6 To ensure that the program that has been prepared can be managed properly,
the Proyek Tol Dalam Kota establishes program responsibility, namely that each
Department Manager is involved, including the time of achievement and periodically
evaluated to ensure compliance.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-003 Objective, Target and Program of HSE

12.1 Management of Resources
12.1.1 Tol Dalam Kota ensure that all employees who play a role in the fulfillment and
supervision of risk, information, occupational health, safety and the environment that
support the achievement of company policies, objectives, targets and programs have
appropriate competencies based on their work descriptions, responsibilities and
12.1.2 The qualifications of employees are determined to include education, skills and
experience requirements. The competencies prepared take into account industry
requirements, customer demand, legislation and also the company's internal needs. For
the qualifications that require training, the Proyek Tol Dalam Kota ensures that the
training is included in the company's priorities.
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12.1.3 In Tol Dalam Kota stipulate that only competent employees can carry out high-risk
work. Competencies related to company requirements are compiled and maintained in
an integrated manner with other competency requirements.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-009 HSE Training & competence

12.2 Competence, Training and Concern.

12.2.1 Employee qualifications are evaluated during the recruitment, transfer or promotion
process. The HRGA department is responsible for keeping records of employee
qualifications. If the competencies held are not in accordance with the specified
qualifications, the company will follow up its fulfillment by providing training or other
appropriate actions. Results related to this activity are evaluated to ensure their
12.2.2 Employee Certification / Periodic Training
A formally certified training program must be implemented to ensure that all
employees have the ability according to their job responsibilities. Ability and skills must
be periodically assessed to determine effectiveness and still be in accordance with the
company's progress.
Every Manager must ensure that each employee has the right qualifications by referring
to the national and international standards that have been made in the training matrix.
12.2.3 Employee Direction
New employees, transfers, suppliers and guests must get general direction by
personnel who have the ability and skills in their field, and will then get specific
instructions about the work by the supervisor according to the relevant department.
Related document :
TDK-HSE-WP-009 HSE Training & competence

12.3 Communication
12.3.1 Internal Communication
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The Proyek Tol Dalam Kota ensures that all information related to performance and
information related to the company is informed to employees. Important
communication and information is done by using appropriate media to ensure its
12.3.2 External Communication
All requests for information related to the HSE Management System are managed by
the company. Communication regulated by external parties, among others : Communication and reporting carried out during an emergency. Communication and reporting on accident / incident investigation result
and its corrective actions. Communication and reporting to government institutions Communication to shareholders, customers and the surrounding
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-010 HSE Communication & Consultation

12.4 Documentation Requirements

12.4.1 Tol Dalam Kota establish two types of documents, namely internal documents and
external documents. Internal documents are documents issued in the Proyek Tol Dalam
Kota, while external documents are documents issued by the Government, Customers,
Industry Associations, National Standards and International Standards. All external
documents are the implementation and control refers to point 11.2 Identification of
Legislation and Other Requirements.
12.4.2 Document hierarchy
The Tol Dalam Kota establishes a documentation system according to the scale and type
of company. The purpose of the documentation system is that all activities are well
managed, directed, systematic and organized.
12.4.3 All documents published internally are divided as follows: Policy Manual Work Procedures
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Manual HSE Management System Work Instructions Program Risk Assessment (Includes Risk Register) Form/Record and others related documents Training Package
12.4.4 Control of Internal Documents
Tol Dalam Kota stipulates that internal documents must be controlled in a way : Documents are authorized before being distributed Compliance has been reviewed. All changes or status changes to the document are clearly identified. Ensure that applicable documents are clearly placed and available at the
location of use. Can be easily placed and the latest version available and easy to read. Old versions must be discarded immediately to avoid accidental use. Ensure confidential documents must be stored in a storage cabinet,
maintained and identified. In accordance with the nature of the document
that access to confidential documents must get approval from the relevant
Manager. Storage of documents is determined according to the period specified by
the relevant manager. Destruction of unused documents in accordance
with the Manager's recommendations. Destruction must refer to the
security and confidentiality of documents to be destroyed.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-011 Document Control

12.4.5 Record Control Tol Dalam Kota ensure that the record set as proof of conformity to the
requirements and effective operation of the HSE Management System is
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Manual HSE Management System Tol Dalam Kota stipulates that all records relating to all activities including
risk, financial, occupational safety and environmental health aspects have
been identified, can be read, maintained and have a retention period. Tol Dalam Kota ensure controlled records according to the level of
confidentiality and importance of the tape.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-012 Control of Record & Recording

13.1 Change Management
Tol Dalam Kota manages and controls any changes that affect risk. These changes include
changes in processes, activities, material use facilities and so forth. Risk assessment is carried
out before the changes are approved and implemented..
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-018 Change Management

13.2 PPE
Use of Personal Protective Equipment for workers who because the character of the work does
not allow for control of the workings, tools, materials and workplace, so that Personal Protective
Equipment is the last choice to protect workers.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-008 Personal Protective Equipment

13.3 Application of signs and safety signs on work tools, materials, facilities and workplaces. Signs and
signs of safety must meet the communicative element, which can be easily recognized and easily
understood by workers, visitors, customers or other interested parties regarding work safety
regulations and requirements in the Tol Dalam Kota.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-021 Traffic Management
TDK-HSE-WP-026 Barricades and Safety Signs
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13.4 Electric Works

Only employees who have permission and qualifications do electrical work. All electricity work
must be planned and assessed at risk. The Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) system must be practiced to
reduce or eliminate risk.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-023 Electricity

13.5 Material and Waste Control

Tol Dalam Kota identify material based on existing materials, hazardous and toxic waste (B3) in
its business operations. This includes handling, temporary storage, management and
transportation / transfer of hazardous materials and waste in accordance with applicable
environmental legislation. The company develops a hazardous and toxic material management
system and a WP that includes the procurement of material safety data sheets (labeling for
material safety data), labeling and labeling of hazards, training for employees involved or
affected by B3 material and waste.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-020 Chemical Management
TDK-HSE-WP-035 B3 waste management and non B3

13.6 Maintenance of facilities, facilities and infrastructure

PTol Dalam Kota ensure that all facilities, facilities and infrastructure are maintained in
accordance with government requirements and operation and maintenance standards.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-013 Maintenance & HSE Inspection
TDK-HSE-WP-024 Handtool and powertool

13.7 Fatigue Management

Tol Dalam Kota responsible for maintaining and managing physical and psychological fatigue and
preparing facilities to reduce the impact of fatigue. However, each individual is responsible for
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ensuring that activities outside of working hours do not interfere with their fitness or ability to
perform tasks.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-025 Fatigue Management

13.8 Reporting system

Periodically, every manager conducts regular meetings that discuss the performance
achievements that have been set. The results of these activities are reported to related parties
within the company. Reporting to the government, customers, shareholders is carried out in
accordance with the level of importance. The reporting method is regulated in accordance with
the stipulated conditions.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-015 HSE Reports
TDK-HSE-WP-027 Handling and Reporting of Occupational Illness

13.9 Health and Work Environment Examination

Tol Dalam Kota ensure facilities and work space are provided in safe and healthy conditions for
employees. To ensure that the facilities provided guarantee health, the company identifies
potential work-related diseases in all work locations by conducting monitoring of physical factors
including work climate, information, vibration, noise and periodic measurements of employee
health. The purpose of periodic health checks is to take preventive and corrective actions if
conditions are found that result in the occurrence of Occupational Diseases so that the company
can make repairs to work facilities and provide appropriate controls
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-028 Medical Check Up
TDK-HSE-WP-031 Work Environment Management
TDK-HSE-WP-016 Monitoring & Measurement of HSE Characteristic
TDK-HSE-WP-029 Occupational Health Management

13.10 Pengelolaan dan Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup

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Pengukuran lingkungan memastikan kondisi lingkungan hidup dan buangan limbah yang
dihasilkan tidak melebihi baku mutu lingkungan hidup yang dipersyaratkan.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-035 B3 waste management and non B3
TDK-HSE-WP-016 Monitoring & Measurement of HSE Characteristic

13.11 Evaluation and Non-Conformity

As part of the implementation of the HSE Management System Policy, the Tol Dalam Kota
periodically reviews its compliance with government regulations and legislation that applies at
least once a year, the results of evaluating the fulfillment of these requirements are discussed in
the meeting for appropriate follow-up.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-019 Non Conformance and Corrective Action
TDK-HSE-WP-017 Management Review


14.1 Tol Dalam Kota ensure that the facilities they have are managed properly to prevent various
damage from various loss events, potential emergency and unexpected disasters.
14.2 To manage all emergency conditions that can occur, the Tol Dalam Kota ensures that all
emergency conditions are identified, form teams, provide training, make Work Procedures and
simulations accordingly.
14.3 Tol Dalam Kota ensure that the Emergency Response Team set up has appropriate training to
develop their skills. Tol Dalam Kota also ensures that all emergency response facilities are
14.4 Emergency Response Simulation is carried out periodically to ensure that the team and
equipment in the system are reliable if at any time an emergency occurs.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-007 Pengelolaan Keadaan Darurat
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15.1 Audit Program
Tol Dalam Kota ensure that all audit activities that have been programmed related to the HSE
Management System have been controlled and evaluated for effectiveness. An audit program is
made to ensure that critical aspects can be evaluated for their suitability and identify
opportunities for systemic improvement. Internal audits are carried out at least once a year.
15.2 Audit Results
The results of internal audit and external audits are reviewed and evaluated by involving
relevant departments. Corrective actions must be taken to ensure the findings obtained during
the audit can be corrected and prevent their repetition. The Manager evaluates the
effectiveness of the audit program carried out including the auditor's competence, and the
results of the audit to improve the next audit program.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-014 Internal of Audit HSEMS


Tol Dalam Kota ensure that all nonconformities (inspection results, audits and accidents) are
immediately corrected to prevent significant impacts. All activities for handling this non-conformity
are recorded and reported to the relevant team.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-019 Non Conformance and Corrective Action

17.1 Continuous Improvement
Tol Dalam Kota continuously improve the effectiveness of the HSE Management System. The
improvement program will be focused on improving HSE Management System, infrastructure
and employee behavior
17.2 Events, Nonconformities, Corrective Actions and Corrective Actions
17.2.1 Tol Dalam Kota ensure the contribution of employees to the reporting system as a key
element in the management of the company to determine the underlying causes of
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events and to prevent more severe impacts. Any potential or occurrence of

nonconformities must be reported as soon as possible.
17.2.2 Any potential or occurrence of HSE-related non-conformities that occur will be carried
out an appropriate investigation action in order to obtain the root cause for action.
17.2.3 Investigations are independent, objective and documented. The investigation team
gets the freedom / authority to obtain information related to the cause of the
potential or incident and non-conformity.
17.2.4 Data on potential or events and incompatibilities that have been collected will be input
into the implementation of the next company program.
17.2.5 Tol Dalam Kota stipulate the results of investigations to be followed up promptly and
ensure that preventive and / or corrective actions taken can prevent similar incidents.
Related document:
TDK-HSE-WP-006 HSE accident & investigation
TDK-HSE-WP-019 Non Conformance and Corrective Action

18.1 ISO 9001:2015
18.2 ISO 14001:2015
18.3 ISO 45001:2018

1.11 Correlation ISO 14001 and 45001
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Manual HSE Management System

Topic Work Procedure
ISO 14001 ISO 45001
4.3 4.3 The scope of the Management System Manual Item Number 4.1
4.4 4.4 Management System Manual Item Number 4.2
5.1 5.1 Leadership and commitment Manual Item Number 5.2, 5.3
5.2 5.2 Policy Manual Item Number 6
Organizational Roles, Responsibilities Manual Item Number 7
5.3 5.3
and Authorities
Consultation & participation of TDK-HSE-WP-005 Induksi, TDK-HSE-WP-006 Investigasi Kecelakaan, TDK-HSE-WP-
5.4 5.4 workers 010 Komunikasi HSE

6 6 Planning (Title Only) -

Actions to Address Risks and TDK-HSE-WP-001 Pengelolaan Risiko
6.1 6.1
6.1.1 6.1.1 General TDK-HSE-WP-001 Pengelolaan Risiko
6.1.2 6.1.2 HIRA and opportunities TDK-HSE-WP-001 Pengelolaan Risiko
Determination of legal requirements and TDK-HSE-WP-002 Identifikasi peraturan perundang-undangan dan persyaratan
6.1.3 6.1.3
other lainnya
TDK-HSE-WP-002 Identifikasi peraturan perundang-undangan dan persyaratan
6.1.4 6.1.4 Planning Action
6.2 6.2 Objectives and Plannning to Achieve Them TDK-HSE-WP-003 Tujuan, Sasaran dan Program HSE
6.2.1 6.2.1 OHS Objectives TDK-HSE-WP-003 Tujuan, Sasaran dan Program HSE
Planning Actions to Achieve OHS TDK-HSE-WP-003 Tujuan, Sasaran dan Program HSE
6.2.2 6.2.2
7 7 Support (Title Only) -
7.1 7.1 Resources TDK-HSE-WP-009 Pelatihan dan Kompetensi HSE
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7.2 7.2 Competence TDK-HSE-WP-009 Pelatihan dan Kompetensi HSE

7.3 7.3 Awareness TDK-HSE-WP-009 Pelatihan dan Kompetensi HSE
7.4 7.4 Communication TDK-HSE-WP-010 Komunikasi dan Konsultasi HSE
TDK-HSE-WP-011 Pengendalian Dokumen
7.5 7.5 Documented Information
TDK-HSE-WP-012 Pengendalian Rekaman
8 8 Operation (Title Only) -
8.1 8.1 Operational Planning and Control TDK-HSE-WP-001 Pengelolaan Risiko
8.1.1 8.1.1 General -
TDK-HSE-WP-001 Pengelolaan Risiko
TDK-HSE-WP-008 Alat Pelindung Diri
TDK-HSE-WP-021 Pengaturan Lalu Lintas pekerjaan di jalan
TDK-HSE-WP-026 Barikade dan Papan Tanda Keselamatan
TDK-HSE-WP-023 Elektrikal
TDK-HSE-WP-020 Penanganan Bahan Kimia
TDK-HSE-WP-035 Pengelolaan limbah B3 dan non B3
TDK-HSE-WP-013 Perawatan dan Inspeksi HSE
8.1.2 8.1.2 Eliminating hazard & reducing OHS risks
TDK-HSE-WP-024 Handtool dan powertool
TDK-HSE-WP-025 Manajemen Kelelahan
TDK-HSE-WP-015 Pelaporan HSE
TDK-HSE-WP-027 Penanganan & Pelaporan PAK
TDK-HSE-WP-028 Pemeriksaan Kesehatan
TDK-HSE-WP-031 Pengelolaan Lingkungan Kerja
TDK-HSE-WP-016 Pemantauan dan pengukuran karakteristik HSE
TDK-HSE-WP-029 Pengelolaan Kesehatan kerja
8.1.3 8.1.3 Management of change TDK-HSE-WP-018 Manajemen Perubahan
8.1.4 8.1.4 Procurement TDK-HSE-WP-004 Pengelolaan Kontraktor/Subkontraktor HSE
8.2 8.2 Emergency Preparedness and Response TDK-HSE-WP-007 Pengelolaan Keadaan Darurat
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9 9 Performance Evaluation (Title Only) -

TDK-HSE-WP-002 Identifikasi peraturan perundang-undangan dan persyaratan
Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and TDK-HSE-WP-019 Ketidaksesuaian dan Tindakan Perbaikan
9.1 9.1
Evaluation TDK-HSE-WP-016 Pemantauan dan pengukuran karakteristik HSE
TDK-HSE-WP-015 Pelaporan HSE

TDK-HSE-WP-014 Audit Internal Sistem Manajemen HSE

9.2 9.2 Internal Audit
9.3 9.3 Management Review TDK-HSE-WP-017 Tinjauan Management
10 10 Improvement (Title Only) -
10.1 10.1 General -
Incident, nonconformity and Corrective TDK-HSE-WP-006 Investigasi Insiden dan Kecelakaan Kerja
10.2 10.2
10.3 10.3 Continual Improvement TDK-HSE-WP-019 Ketidaksesuaian dan Tindakan Perbaikan

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