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Year 1/2 Weekly Update

December 16-December 20

1 week now…with SO many exciting things going on this

Important Days

Wednesday- 1:40 dismiss

As a reminder- the Winter Concert will be Wednesday

afternoon at Dom Vojske- 1pm. More information will be
PE: Monday, Friday
coming soon about details to help the day go smoothly!



We are Learning About…

Reading- We will be reading some Holiday related stories and considering how the
images (drawn or photographs) support our understanding of the text. We will focus
on some winter fun

Writing- This week continue writing small moment stories and how images can aide
us in capturing details. We will continue to think about including only important
details, starting strong, and begin thinking about how to have a strong ending.

Math- We continue our fluency for addition and subtraction, place value, and
problem solving strategies this week. Year 1 will focus on composing and
decomposing numbers and how that is connected to addition and subtraction. Year 2
will focus on solving result unknown problems and making 10. Additionally we will
work on playing and making some math games that can be taken home for practice
over the winter break. Math Practice Focus:
Year 1/2 Weekly Update

Unit of Inquiry-This week we will focus on how design elements support

communication and how images help us learn about holiday/celebrations around
the world.

Transdisciplinary Theme- How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the
ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Central Idea-Images communicate ideas and information.

Lines of Inquiry-

The use of static and moving images in different media

How design elements of images support communication

How we interpret and respond to images

Learner Profile Focuses- Thinker, Communicator, Open-mided


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Read the book in the Read the book in the Read the book in the Read the book in the
homework bag and homework bag and homework bag and homework bag and
record in your record in your record in your record in your
Reading Log. Reading Log. Reading Log. Reading Log.

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