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Weekly Progress Report (9/30-10/4)

Monday (9/30): This day was a practice day for me. I continued to practice for business
symposium and worked on becoming familiar with my questions. In class I also practiced with
other students, including mock interviews.

Tuesday (10/1): I continued practicing and made final edits on my resume. I practiced my
networking skills and also worked on my responses to the interview questions. I set up my
portfolio with a notebook, and 5 copies of my resume. I had my formal dressing prepared.

Wednesday (10/2): Day of business symposium. First I networked with professionals and
learned about their professions and experiences. Second, I immediately moved to the interview
stage. During both interviews, I was able to discuss my influences and how to improve my
resume. Afterwards, I was able to talk with other ism students at various campuses and expand
my social network. Later on, I was able to meet the ISM alumni students and learned about their
experiences though the ISM program.

Thursday (10/3): After business symposium, I was able to reflect on my experiences, and made
the necessary edits to my resume. I then moved on to working on my research assessment 3,
which I am going to incorporate elements of business symposium into.

Friday (10/4): I continued working on my research assessment, and was able to complete half
of it. I also continued to work on practicing to make phone calls and schedule interviews with
professionals. I made changes to my phone call and voicemail scripts as well.

Upcoming Goals: Now that business symposium is over, my main focus has shifted to my
phone calls with professionals. I feel confident to start making phone calls the next week. My
upcoming goals include to schedule at least 2 interviews by the end of next week.

Reflection: I believe that my week was very productive, especially that I feel more confident
talking to professionals due to business symposium. Although I felt nervous before, going
through the networking and interviews made me feel more confident about the way I approach
professionals. It also helped me to develop my professional skills such as communication,
listening, hand gestures, handshake, and facial expressions. Overall, this week has allowed me
to feel more confident about my future conversations with professionals.

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