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Exterior Shading Device at Zhongshan Building

Har Jun Hao 0332243

Erica Chung Ai Yen 0332856
Tong Tzu Ting 0332769
Tan Ciu Ning 0332256
Chew Jia Hui 0332239
Nicholas Lim Chen Yang 0332802
Ryan Lien Khar Sheng 0333035


The awning helps to block direct sunlight while keeping the natural ventilation of the
building. The awning placing high can provide natural light and ventilation, while
keeping the compromising privacy. The high placement of the awning also provides
maximum height for design aspects for the balcony. Attached above the balcony can
reduce the heat gain of the platform up to 65%. Besides the balcony mounted at an
angle of 45 degrees being aesthetically pleasing, it is also at the perfect angle of not
blocking too much of the view from the window. Removable shading device providing
minimal shading for the users at the balcony. Awnings are generally weather-tight
construction, which is perfect at the damp and rainy climate of Malaysia.

To the disadvantages of it, the awning are more exposed to the unpleasing climate
therefore it needs higher maintenance, it is also why they chose to utilize the device
with black coloured fabric. Therefore heat absorption is higher and is less double duty
reflecting sunlight than using a light-coloured awning.

The balcony of ZhongShan building acts as overhangs for shading of level below. It is
a platform projecting from a wall of a building, enclosed with balustrade. With basic
usage of geometric design, the style became a prototype of universal architecture that
was popularised by the modern architects such as Walter Gropius, Mies van der Rohe,
Le Corbusier and Rietveld Gerry (Curtis,1996). The architectural design emphasised
the concept of 'purity' (originality) in using geometric forms and shapes. The concept
design was also influenced by engineering design technique in modern era which has
an emphasis on mechanical design using basic geometric elements such as
rectangular and square boxed form.

The result shows that role of sunshade projection as a part of the front facade design
working as the sunshade projection was very effective at shading south facing
windows in the summer when sun angles are high. However, the same horizontal
device is ineffective at blocking low afternoon sun from entering west facing window
during peak heat gain. The amount of shading area casted by the overhangs was
relatively small. During these times, the house facades had more than 60% exposed
to direct sunlight which caused solar radiation to the facade surfaces.


Vertical fins are screening systems which is useful in a building when faced with
particular problems as they are often an affordable option with lightweight construction.
Screens can be used to obscure unwanted buildings or objects to make it more
aesthetically pleasing. These vertical fins does not block the sun around high noon, at
some other time it lowers the effect of solar glare whilst allowing light into the building.
Vertical devices are primarily useful for east and west exposure improving insulation
value of glass. With harsh weather conditions that engages the importance of cooling
ventilation, these minimal elements allows constant airflow.

However, fixed devices are not as effective as mobile devices to combat overheating
in buildings. Moreover, they are not enough to provide effective protection from the
low-angled sunlight of morning and afternoon, particularly on the east and west


The regular roof architectural form at the south west recessed entrance are well
proportioned, and the self shading effect of the building is remarkable. The building
also receives a portion of exterior space at the recessed entrance.
Recessed entrances is created by subtractive design method in the form of the building
to be shaded by the horizontal surfaces of the recess. The subtracted form of space
reinforced its boundaries and emphasize its entrance, forming a large shaded area to
address the sun stroke problem. At the same time, it is as an approach that may
contrast with what is confronted at its termination, continuing onto the building's interior
sequence of spaces, obscuring the distinction between inside and outside.
The recess building structure provides a functional shading area for the users which
is comfortable enough to serve as a welcoming entrance.
Experimental design on shading devices
Har Jun Hao 0332243
Erica Chung Ai Yen 0332856
Tong Tzu Ting 0332769
Tan Ciu Ning 0332256
Chew Jia Hui 0332239
Nicholas Lim Chen Yang 0332802
Ryan Lien Khar Sheng 0333035

Brise Soleil

Brise Soleil systems can prevent glare and overheating during the summer months,
which minimise the need for internal blinds and air conditioning systems. This is
especially important in commercial premises, where employees are expected to
perform at a high level all year round.
The selected element is specified for a number of purposes, primary function being to
provide an easily ventilated screen to plant any further machinery or duct work, hence
minimising the energy requirements that come with cooling without damaging the
conservative facade.
The brise soleil is a largely overlooked and untapped potential to utilise these systems
as completely bespoke, full facade features that can enhance the heritage building
and make it a landmark of its surroundings. The modernistic installation allow most
suitable design customisation to the commercial visual and aesthetic related to the
building function.

With energy becoming more expensive in Malaysia, the use of passive cooling design
strategies is highly encouraged for a sustainable solution. A louvre screening system serves
as a well-designed solar shading system that improves the internal environment prioritizing a
greater comfort for occupants.

However, different facades require different external shading. By analyzing the sun angles,
design project specific sun shading applications and orientation that protect windows from
unwanted heat gain in summer, maximize acceptable natural light usage to the interior. At
the same time, openings at the louvre enable better air ventilation, reduce cooling loads and
minimizing energy cost with the added benefit of contributing to the buildings' architectural

The high level of airflow emphasises on how well the device will work in a hot and damp
climate. This screening application is the simplest form of a performance perspective, and it
is arguably the most demanding shading device from the viewpoint of aesthetics and

The horizontal overhang has the ability to cut out the lower rays of the sun, which is effective
on the south, east, and west facade of the building. Without discarding the existing vertical
fins, overhangs that improves user visual comfort are further implemented , offering the
opportunity of differentiating one building facade from another elevations, providing interest
and human scale to an otherwise undistinguished design. Therefore original sense of facade
design is partly reserved.

When overhang shade is correctly designed and used on the south-facing facade, the
horizontal overhang can provide complete shading during midsummer. The overhang length
is designed longer according to the south west facing facade, to ensure the overhang can
shade the low angle of sunlight. The depth is determined by latitude, window height, and the
vertical distance between the window and the overhang of Zhong Shan building.

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