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Anecdotal Record

Child’s Name: Haylee Age: 3

Observer: Amanda Date: 11-11-19

Anecdotal Note: Describe what you saw the child do and/or heard
the child say.

At 7:10am Haylee was getting her shoes and coat on to go to school normally Haylee asked for
help to zip her coat up. But this morning she said Mrs. Amanda look what I did I zipped my coat
up all by myself with a big smile on her care and off to school she went.

Check off the areas of Goals:

development that apply: A.EL. 1b Demonstrates behaviors to
meet self-help and physical needs.
Cognitive *Child begins to use simple
Emotional fasteners such as Velcro, zippers.
x Physical

Check off appropriate boxes for the context of this


Child-initiated activity Done with adult guidance

Teacher-initiated activity Done with peer(s)
x New task for this child Time spent 1-5 mins.
Familiar task for this child x Time spent 5-15 mins.
x Done independently Time spent 15+ mins.

Adapted from Engel, B., and Gronlund, G. (2001). Focused Portfolios. Redleaf Press.
Anecdotal Record

Adapted from Engel, B., and Gronlund, G. (2001). Focused Portfolios. Redleaf Press.

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