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International Business –Definition – Internationalizing business-Advantages –factors

causing globalization of business- international business environment – country
attractiveness –Political, economic and cultural environment – Protection Vs
liberalization of global business environment.
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1 Define International business? Level 1 Remembering
2 Compare domestic business and International business? Level 2 Understanding
3 What questions would you ask during Internationalizing of Level 3 Applying
4 What are the approaches of International business? Level 4 Analysing
5 How would you improve the International business? Level 5 Evaluating
6 Why components of international business are important? Level 6 Creating
7 Define Globalization Level 1 Remembering
8 Can you explain the stages in globalization? Level 2 Understanding
How would you show your understanding the difference
between Ethnocentrism and Polycentrism in the context of
9 International Business Level 3 Applying
10 Can you list out the factors affecting International Business Level 4 Analysing
11 Why do you think political environment is essential? Level 5 Evaluating
12 How could you determine the economic environment? Level 6 Creating
13 Define cultural environment Level 1 Remembering
14 What is meant by models of culture? Level 2 Understanding
15 How could you show your understanding country Level 3 Applying
16 Can you list out the criteria for assessing country Level 4 Analysing
17 What are the difference between tariff and tariff barrier? Level 1 Remembering
How would you summarize the factors causing
18 Globalization of Business? Level 2 Understanding
19 Define trade barriers. Level 1 Remembering
20 What is liberalization? Level 1 Remembering


Q.No Questions BT Level Competence

a).How would you describe the modern challenges in

international Business domain along with their possible
1 solutions in international business management? Level 1 Remem bering
b). Explain the types and elements of culture as an
environment in the international business management
a).What are the forms of international business?
2 Level 2 Understanding
b) Explain the reasons for internationalization
Illustrate the dimensions of International business
3 Level 3 Applying
4 Examine the steps needed to upgrade domestic business Level 4 Analyzing
into international business
Can you explain the importance of international
5 Level 5 Evaluating
business in the economic development of a country?
a).Based on your understanding discuss the various
6 Causes, concerns and issues in Economic Globalization. Level 6 Creating
b). List out the advantages of globalization
a).What is business environment?
7 b).What are the different factors of international Level 1 Remem bering
business environment?
Can you elaborate the political, economic, social and
cultural environment of international business with
8 suitable real time example? Level 2 Understanding

What is your opinion on International business

9 environment & its macro political & cultural Level 3 Applying
a).Define Country attractiveness
10 Level 4 Analysing
b). Explain the significance of Country Attractiveness
Write the various advantages and disadvantages of
Internationalization of Business and highlight the
11 various factors affecting the Globalization of Business Level 1 Remem bering

Can you write an essay about the Protection Vs

Liberalization of Global Business Environment focus
12 mainly on Merits and Demerits Level 2 Understanding
13 How would you explain liberalization? Level 4 Analysing
a).Explain the economic conditions and prevailing
economic policies for the global linkage of international
14 businesses Level 1 Remem bering
b).Illustrate the salient features of ‘liberalization’ in the
present global business scenario

‘Global companies plan or venture not only on national markets, but also venture
1 globally and view themselves as a global company” Discuss the process of

2 Analyze the Trend of International Business Environment in India.

Imagine that you are the Vice President; Marketing is a domestic firm which is not
very keen to go international despite good business opportunities overseas. Write a
detailed note in the President of the Company explaining the advantages to the
3 company if it enters international business and markets.
Culture is dynamic. Businesses have to adjust. Comment with examples and in
4 context with the various models of Corporate Cultures seen around the world.

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