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Q 124.

“Mechanistic approach to personnel as opposed to Scientific

Movement is an evolution from industrial re- valuation”, which is true for
the systems existing onboard ships. Establish with example.
Scientific management : It can be regarded as the management which
conducts a business or affairs by standards established by facts or truths gained
through systematic observation, experiment or reasoning so scientific
management involves.
Develop a scientific method for each job with standardized work implements and
efficient methods (through complete time and motion study)
Select workers with skills and abilities that match each job and then train them in
most efficient way to complete task.
Ensure co-operation through incentives and provide the work environment that
reinforces optional work results in scientific manner.
Divide responsibility for managing and for working while supporting individuals in
work group for what they do best some people are more capable of managing
whereas other are better at performing tasks aid out for them.
Mechanical Approach : In the mechanistic approach job experience is
considered as a criterion for the reliability and skill of the workforce. It is based
on idiom "practice makes a man perfect".
People are selected on the basis of their qualification as per the requirement
of the job and after initial training (on job training) he is made to work as per the
training or experience he get during the job then he haves skills with the
experience and learn from his mistakes may be required to do different job as
per organizational requirement.
Approach to personnel on board therefore can be considered as a combination
of both i.e. mechanistic as well as scientific approach.
Now a days crew is selected as per the job requirements and they are
provided initial basic training as per STCW 95 requirement ashore and on board
ship then they are but on board for their job. Their skills are upgraded
continuously by onboard or ashore trainings. This is where the scientific approach
toward personnel onboard ends.
After this there comes the mechanistic approach. As with the increasing cost
of putting extra crew onboard. One person has to do different jobs. For example
i.e. an engineer officer has to keep an engineering watch, he has to carryout
maintenance work on different equipment of and connections he may have to do
welding job. As per scientific approach we should put different individuals for the
different jobs so as to optimize the work process. But due to work economies one
person is during different jobs which he might not be able to do with the same
perfection as an individual who shelties only in one job as a welder or a service
engineer for the maintenance of a equipment.

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