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Don't As-Salt your Body

Salt is composed of 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride.However,when most people speak of the
problems associated with salt,they are usually reffering to the part of salt called sodium.

Sodium is a mineral that is essential for many important functions,such as :

•controlling the fluid balance within your body.

•transmitting electrical nerve impulses.

•contracting muscles(including your heart)

•absorbing nutrients across cell membranes.

•maintaining your body's acid/base balance.


Hyponatremia is the excessive loss of sodium and water due to persistent vomiting,diarrhea or profuse
sweating.In this case both water and salt must be replenished to maintain the correct balance for your

Feeling a Bit of Waterlogged ?

Have your fingers ever been swollen that it's literally impossible to get your rings on or off.?

It's common to experience a temporary bloating or swelling after eating highly salted foods.You
see,your body requires a certain balance of sodium and water at all times.Extra salt requires extra
water,resulting in water retention.Where does this extra water or fluid come from?Usually your glass.Salt
triggers your thirst response to balance out the sodium-water concentration.Ever wonder why your so
thirsty after munching on salty pretzels or nuts.It's no coincidence that the snacks offered in drinking
establishments are covered with salt.What a strategy:the more you eat,the more you drink!

Can't take the Pressure!

For reasons that are not completely ,salt can play an active role in raising the blood pressure in people
who are salt-sensitive.

What Exactly is High Blood Pressure.?

When your heart beats,it pumps blood into your arteries and creates a pressure within them.High
blood pressure(also known as hypertension) occurs when too much pressure is placed on the walls of
the arteries.This can occur if there is an increase in blood volume or the blood vessels themselves
constrict or narrow.People who are genetically sensitive to salt can't efficiently get rid of extra sodium
though their urine.Therefore,that extra sodium hangs around,drawing an extra water which means an
increase in blood volume.This increased blood volume can then stimulate the vessels to
constrict,creating increased pressure.

Food for Thought

Treating blood pressure can reduce heart failure by more than 50% strokes by 35% to 40% and heart
attacks by 20% to 25%.


Hypertension is the medical term for sustained high blood pressure.It has nothing to do with being
tense,nervous,or hyperactive.

What Causes High Blood Pressure.?

According to recent statistics,one out of every four American adult-nearly 60 million people-has high
blood pressure.In a small percentage of people,this increased pressure is from an underlying problem
such as kidney disease or a tumor of the adrenal gland.However,in 90 to 95 percent of all cases,this
cause is unclear.That's why it is known as the silent killer;it just creeps up without any warning.Whereas
some of the contributing factors are not controllable,others can be quite controllable.

Risk factors that cannot be controlled are.....

•Age.The older you get,the more likely you are to develop high blood pressure.

•Race.African Americans tend to have high blood pressure more often than whites.They also tend to
develop it earlier and more severely.

•Heredity.High blood pressure can run in families.If you have a family history,your twice as likely to
develop it as others.

Risk factors that can be controlled are.......

•Obesity.Being extremely overweight is clearly related to high blood pressure.

•Sodium consumption.Reducing the intake of salt can lower blood pressure in people who are salt-

•Potassium,calcium and magnesium consumption.Studies have shown that eating foods rich in these
minerals can play an active role in maintaining normal blood pressure.

•Alcohol consumption.Regular use of alcohol can dramatically increase blood pressure in some people.

•Smoking.Although the long term effect of smoking on blood pressure is still unclear,the short term
effect is that it can raise blood pressure breifly.

•Oral contraceptives.Women who take birth control pills may develop high blood pressure.
•Physical inactivity.Lack of exercise can contribute to high blood pressure.

How do you know if you have a blood pressure. ?

You don't!High blood pressure is known as the "silent killer" because it has no symptoms.In fact,many
people can have hypertension for years without knowing it.By that time,their body organs may have
already been damaged.Stay on top of your health and have your blood pressure checked regularly by a
qualified health professional.

How to Lower High Blood Pressure.?

If your blood pressure is high,don't panic.Most people can significantly lower their numbers with know
how and determination:

~Diet.Follow the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension(DASH) plan outlined in this chapter.Also limit
your alcohol intake,or better yet,avoid alcohol completely.

~Weight.Lose weight if you are overweight.

~Exercise.Become physically active and get some type of exercise at least for times a week.

~Medication.For some people,deit and exercise.are just not enough.In this case your doctor might give
you medication to help lower your blood pressure.

~Smoking.If you smoke---QUIT.!

Salt-Less Solutions

Giving up salt doesn't mean giving up the pleasure of eating.However,you'll need to be a bit more
selective with certain food products and much more creative in the seasoning department.The following
guidelines can show you how to drastically cut the amount of salt in your food and body:

•Enhance the flavor of your foods with spices and herbs.

•Avoid putting a salt shaker on your breakfast,lunch or dinner table.

•Choose fresh and frozen vegetables when possible.(The canned versions generally contain a lot of salt.)

•Another plug for fresh fruit:it's naturally low in sodium and high in potassium.

•Select unsalted(or reduced salt) nuts,seeds,crackers,popcorn,and pretzels.

•Take it easy with cheese.Unfortunately,it not only has a lot of fat but sodium as well.

•Read labels carefully and choose foods lower in sodium especially when choosing frozen
dinners,canned soups,packaged mixes and combination dishes.
•Avoid processed luncheon cold nuts,as well as cured and smoked meats.Also be aware that most
varieties of canned fish(tuna,salmon,and sardines) are extremely high in sodium.

The Least You Need to Know

•Salt consists of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.The mineral sodium is essential for many important
functions.It maintains body fluids,controls the contraction of muscles and transmits nerve impulses.

•Eating a high-sodium diet can increase blood pressure in people who are "salt-sensitive".

•People diagnosed with high blood pressure often need to reduce their salt intake,loss excess
weight,increase exercise and in some instances,take blood pressure-lowering medication.

•Because salt sensitivity is not something we are tested for,everyone should limit their sodium intake to
less than 2,300 milligrams per day.

•Reduce your sodium intake by using herbs,spices and seasoning instead of salt.Limit canned food
items,salty snack foods,luncheon cold cuts,and meats that have been smoked or cured.Go easy on high-
sodium condiments such as soy sauce,teriyaki sauce,mustard,catsup,olives,pickles and sauerkraut.

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