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Melanie Paliotti

612 Induction Plan Reflection

April 2019

Currently, as I reflect on the goals set in my Individualized Induction Plan, I am happy with the
progress we have made at Empresa this year. Although we have made great progress there will always
be work to be done as we are a work in progress as we continue to grow and change. I had revised my
goal for Standard 1 as our leadership teams, school community and stakeholders worked to revise the
mission, vision and values of the school. A team of school leaders (grade level and personalized learning
leaders) met to re-imagine what Empresa is and where we are headed. Once drafts were developed,
input was gathered from the entire staff, School Site Council, ELAC, etc. We are also researching and
narrowing our focus on our “brand” and research-based learning engine and we are excited about what
the future will hold for our school. I have worked to incorporate the “8 Keys of Excellence,” Restorative
Practices as I worked with students and parents. Our school culture and climate are very positive. One
of the best parts of the day happens when a teacher sends a student to the office with a P.O.P.P. Star –
Pupil of Positive Praise” Award and we get to call home to “brag” about the amazing accomplishment of
the student. Being out front with high-5s each morning and afternoon also allows time to build
relationships with students and families. Our Bookworms (grandparent readers) and Watch DOGS are
still very active and a huge asset to our school.

Standard 2 included working on professional development with the site principal and monitoring data. I
continue to build relationships with teachers and we have put a few positive feedback opportunities into
place. When the principal or I stop in for an informal observation, we leave a note in their mailboxes to
tell them what we loved and attach a treat (bag of popcorn “I just popped in…” a Dove chocolate heart
“I loved what I saw..” etc.) We also ask teachers to visit a teacher in another grade level when they have
PLC and leave a love note. These have been very well received. I have supported our English Language
Learners and Newcomers through tutoring and ELPAC. I wrote two proposals and organized two
sessions of an intervention tutoring program with Title III funding. I also coordinate PD for staff about
designated and integrated ELD teaching. I am the site coordinator for ELPAC testing, RFEP monitoring
and reclassification. Although our funds have been frozen, we will need to continue to make forward
progress towards personalized learning.

My focus on Standard 3 allows me to build relationships with members of our school community – from
organizing our Watch DOG dads and our Bookworm grandparents to working with our Noon Duties on
all of the changes to their employment and scheduling (due to new laws and budget constraints.)
Standard 4’s goals also allow me to participate with our community and attend all events and meetings
– SSC, ELAC, PTA, and our EPAF/Foundation. Each school’s website is in the process of revision and
continues to need updates. We created a survey and analyzed the feedback we received and it seems
families prefer to receive less phone calls and more email/text messages. I am also the Case Carrier for
all of our 504s and attend SSTs and IEPs. As a Life-long learner, I have attended any and all professional
development opportunities and have learned so much this year. I recognize that I still need to visit more
classrooms more regularly. I liked the video we watched in this class with the two school leaders and
how they discussed the importance of tweeting and taking pictures for their school community
(branding) but also as a record of the amazing things and learning opportunities happening on campus
and the growth and variety of ways students demonstrate understanding. I always endeavor to be a
model of ethical and professional behavior and use what is in the best interest of the students as the bar
I measure all decisions against.

Overall, I feel like there is much to celebrate and that I have grown and learned quite a lot this year. I
am also very reflective and realize that I have areas to strengthen and improve and grow moving
forward. I look forward to each new day and the opportunity to serve the community of Empresa

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