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Thesis, April 2019


Effect of Giving Carrot Juice ​(Daucus Carota) on Pain Level ​Dismenor​e In

Students of Padang3 Public High School

xvii+ 62 pages + 5 tables + 14 attachments


Menstruation is bleeding periodically which results from the release of the ​uterine
endometrial lining​. In some women who experience menstruation pain will arise
during menstruation (​dysmenorrhea) if n​ ot immediately addressed will affect the
individual's mental and physical functions.therapy needs to be done
Pharmacological by using NSAIDs but has harmful side effects on other body
systems namely gastric pain and the risk of kidney damage. Juice of carrots ​(Daucus
carota) a​ s atherapy ​non-pharmacological for treating pain ​of dysmenorrhea. The aim
of this study was to look at the effect of carrot juice ​(daucus carota) on the level
ofpain ​dysmenorrhea​ in class XI students of SMA 3 Padang in 2019. The
type of research was ​experiment ​with the design of the ​One Group Pretest-Postest design​.
The population of this study is all female students of class XI who experiencepain
dysmenorrhea with atechnique with a ​purposive sampling ​sample of 16 people. Data
was processed computerically using ​dependent t-test​.
The results showed that the average scale of ​dysmenorrhea before giving carrot juice
(daucus carota) pretest was 4.06 and after giving carrot juice ​(daucus carota)
Postest was 1.56. There is an effect of giving carrot juice ​(daucus carota) to the level
ofpain ​dysmenorrhea in class XI students of SMA 3 Padang in 2019 with a value of
p value​ = 0,000.
Provision of carrot juice ​(daucus carota) can affect the decrease in the level of pain
in ​dysmenorrhea​. It is recommended to the students of Padang 3 High School to
further optimize the programs in an effort to reduce the scale of pain in
dysmenorrhea femaleto obtain health information, one of them through the
implementation of carrot juice ​(Daucus carota) to reduce the level ofpain
dysmenorrhea​. and it is expected that schools can provide health education to
students with ​dysmenorrhea about the benefits of giving carrot juice to reduce the
level ofpain ​dysmenorrhea.

Keywords:​ Carrot juice (​daucus carota), dysmenorrhea

Bibliography:​33 (2007-2018)

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