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Tugas 2 ( Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019 )

Sintesa dan Simulasi Proses (Kelas F)

Kelompok 6
1. Belly Adhitya Hizkia Destantyo (02211440000056)
2. Putri Berliana (02211640000048)
3. Citra Sekar Maharani (02211640000058)
4. Intifada Ulul Amri Alifah (02211640000105)

1. Suatu campuran yang terdiri dari 3 komponen dengan data seperti tabel di bawah. Tentukan apakah
direct sequence lebih baik daripada indirect sequence pada proses distilasi tersebut.
Komponen Laju Alir (kmol/jam) Relative Volatility
Benzene (A) 250 3.53
Toluene (B) 275 1.8
Ethyl Benzene (C) 50 1.0

Direct Sequence

Indirect Sequence
direct 1 b/te
F a x theta a.x 1-q rmin+1 rmin rf v
top Benzene 250 3.53 0.434783 2.439047119 1.534783 1.406828 3.235703 2.235703 1.1 864.8184
bottom Toluene 275 1.8 0.478261 2.439047119 0.86087 -1.34711
bottom Ethyl Benzene 50 1 0.086957 2.439047119 0.086957 -0.06043
575 -0.00071 total vapor load 1586.684
2 t/e
f a x theta ax 1-q rmin+1 rmin rf v
top t 275 1.8 0.846154 1.07338509 1.523077 2.096127 2.477241 1.477241 1.1 721.8653
bottom e 50 1 0.153846 1.07338509 0.153846 -2.09642
325 -0.0003

indirect 1 bt/e 1<theta<1.8

f a x theta ax xd rmin+1 rmin rf v
top b 250 3.53 0.434783 1.049251 1.534783 0.618677 0.47619 0.677599 1064.089
top t 275 1.8 0.478261 1.049251 0.86087 1.146681 0.52381 1.255889
bottom e 50 1 0.086957 1.049251 0.086957 -1.76558 1.933487 0.933487 1.1 total vapor load 1915.013
575 -0.00022
2 b/t
f a x theta ax rmin+1 rmin rf v
top b 250 3.53 0.47619 2.421741811 1.680952 1.516752 3.185178 2.185178 1.1 850.924
bottom t 275 1.8 0.52381 2.421741811 0.942857 -1.51648
525 0.000275
2. Exercise 11.4
A mixture of 100 kmol/h of benzene (B), toluene (T) and xylenes (X) with a feed composition xB =
0.3, xT = 0.15, xX = 0.55 is to be separated in an indirect sequence of distillation columns. Assume
99% recovery of the light key overheads and heavy key in the bottom of each column.
a. Calculate the flowrate and composition of the distillate of the first column.
b. The first column has a partial condenser and the composition of the liquid leaving the partial
condenser is xB = 0.429, xT = 0.524, xX = 0.047. Calculate the flowrate of the vapor entering
the partial condenser and flowrate of liquid leaving, assuming Rmin = 0.97 and the ratio of
actual to minimum reflux is 1.1.
c. The pair of columns to be thermally coupled. Estimate the flowrate and composition of the
vapor feed to the downstream column and the liquid side-draw from the downstream column.
d. The thermally coupled downstream column is to be modeled by the Underwood Equations.
Determine the flowrate and composition of the net overhead product.
e. Set up the Underwood Equations for the downstream column.

Penyelesaian :

Dengan A=Benzene(B), B=Toluene(T), C=Xylene(X)

Neraca Massa pada kolom 1
Dengan recovery benzene 99% pada produk atas,
(0.99)FxB=V1yB1=29.7 kmol/h
L1xB1=0.3 kmol/h
Dengan recovery toluene 99% pada produk atas,
(0.99)FxT=V1yT1=14.85 kmol/h
L1xT1=0.15 kmol/h
Dengan recovery xylene 99% pada produk bawah,
(0.99)Fxx=L1xx1=54.55 kmol/h
V1yX1=0.55 kmol/h
V1yB1+ V1yT1+ V1yX1=V1
V1=45.1 kmol/h
L1xB1+ L1xT1+ L1xx1=L1
L1=54.9 kmol/h
Kemudian bisa diperoleh nilai komposisi:
b. Neraca Massa pada Kondenser
Recovery 99%
(0.99)FxB=DyB1=29.7 kmol/h
(0.99)FxT=DyT1=14.85 kmol/h
(0.01)Fxx=Dyx1=0.55 kmol/h
DyB1+ DyT1+ DyX1=D
D=45.1 kmol/h
L=48.1217 kmol/h
V=93.2217 kmol/h

c. Neraca Massa
Vapor Feed = D1 = 45.1 kmol/h
Recovery 99%
(0.99)D1yB1=D2yB2=29.403 kmol/h
(0.99)D1yT1=L2xT2=14.7015 kmol/h
(0.99)D1yX1=L2x2=0.5445 kmol/h

d. AA

3. Carilah sequence distillation yang terbaik dari suatu bahan dengan cara beda titik didih dan cara
reflux apabila R=1.1 dengan data bahan seperti terlihat pada tabel.
Komponen Titik Didih (ºC) α Komposisi (%mol)
A 80 5.34 24.0
B 45 1.00 38.5
C 65 2.15 11.5
D 70 5.002 33.0

Because they have 4 components, there are 5 possible sequences.
Kolom 1 Kolom 2 Kolom 3 V Rate Kol 1 V Rate Kol 2 V Rate Kol 3 V Rate Total Rank
A/DCB D/CB C/B 971.7359 42.79911 51.99784 1066.533 3
A/DCB DC/B D/C 971.7359 43.05297 38.04573 1052.835 2
AD/CB A/D C/B 28.61356 960.4771 51.99784 1041.089 1
ADC/B A/DC D/C 109.0348 965.7492 38.04573 1112.83 4
ADC/B AD/C A/D 109.0348 55.25806 960.4771 1124.77 5

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