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DR. Somnath Naskar

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Community Medicine
Burdwan Medical College
• In Ramnagar, a town having a popula on of 1,
50,000, there were 250 cases of diabetes
mellitus during December 2007. By a survey,
3750 new cases of diabetes were detected
during 2008. Calculate the prevalence of
diabetes mellitus of the town in 2008.
• Prevalence is defined as the total number of all
individuals who have an a ribute or disease at a
par cular me (or during a par cular period) divided
by the popula on at risk of having the a ribute or
disease at this point in me or midway through the
• It refers to all current cases (old & new) exis ng at a
given point of me or over a period of me in a given
popula on.
• Two types: (a) Point prevalence (b) Period prevalence
Period Prevalence
Period prevalence :

Number of all current cases (old and new)

of a specified disease during at a given
period of me interval
= x 100
Es mated mid- interval popula on at risk
Incidence & Rela ve risk
• Result of a 10 year cohort study of smoking and
CHD are shown below:-

1. Calculate incidence rate of CHD among smokers

2. Calculate rela ve risk of CHD among the smokers
compared to non-smokers.
• Incidence Rate is defined as the number of new
cases occurring in a defined popula on during a
specified period of me.
Number of new cases of specific
disease during a given me period
Incidence = -------------------------------------------- X 1000
Popula on at risk during that
Rela ve Risk

Incidence of disease
among the exposed
Rela ve risk= -----------------------------------------
Incidence of disease
among the non-exposed
Incidence & Case Fatality Rate
• In a block in Burdwan having a popula on of 1,
50,000, there occurred 50 cases of JE in 1998
of which 10 cases died. Calculate the
incidence rate of JE in 1998. Calculate the case
fatality rate of JE in 1998.
Case Fatality Rate

Total number of deaths due

to a par cular disease
Case Fatality rate = ---------------------------------- X
Total number of cases due
to the same disease
Sensi vity & Specificity
For evalua on of a test for detec on of
pregnancy 2000 confirmed pregnancies were
subjected to the test and it was found that 1900
cases were detected correctly by the test and
100 cases could not be detected. Same test was
applied among 5000 non-pregnant women, the
test show nega ve result among 4800 cases and
posi ve result in 200 cases. Find out the
sensi vity and specificity of the test.
Sensi vity & Specificity
• SENSITIVITY – It is the ability of the test to correctly
iden fy the pa ents who have a disease. That is the
propor on of “TRUE POSITIVES”.

• SPECIFICITY – It is the ability of the test to correctly

iden fy the pa ents who do not have disease. That is
the propor on of “TRUE NEGATIVES”.
Test Results Diagnosis Total

Diseased Not diseased

Posi ve a b a+b

Nega ve c d c+d

Total a+c b+d a+b+c+d

• True Posi ves: a

• False Posi ves: b
• False Nega ves: c
• True Nega ves: d
Sensi vity: a / (a+c) Posi ve Predic ve Value: a / (a+b)
Specificity: d / (b+d) Nega ve Predic ve Value: d / (c+d)
• For evalua on of a test for detec on of
pregnancy 2000 confirmed pregnancies were
subjected to the test and it was found that 1900
cases were detected correctly by the test and
100 cases could not be detected. Same test was
applied among 5000 non-pregnant women, the
test show nega ve result among 4800 cases and
posi ve result in 200 cases. Find out the
sensi vity and specificity of the test.
Crude Birth Rate & Crude Death Rate

• In a town with mid-year popula on of 200000

there were 4050 live births and 1850 deaths in
a year. Calculate the crude birth rate and
crude death rate of the town.
Specific Death Rate

• Total popula on of a town is 4.02 lakhs. In

2005 there were 2680 total deaths. If 134
deaths were contributed by TB, then calculate
the specific death rate due to TB in that town.
Specific Death Rate d/t TB
Infant Mortality Rate
• In 2005 in a block of 1,10,000 popula on,
2250 babies were born alive. 150 children died
within 1 year out of which 100 babies died
within 28 days and 45 died within 1 week of
birth. There were 20 s ll births in the same
year. Calculate the infant mortality rate of the
• In a district of 25 lakh popula on in 2005,
62000 babies were alive. But it was seen that
126 mothers died due to APH, 32 due to
eclampsia, 70 due to PPH, 45 due to
obstructed labour, 25 due to sep c abor on,
10 from snake bite, 12 from ruptured uterus,
20 from accidents. Calculate MMR.

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