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Adriana Mamou

October 25, 2019

English 3 Honors, Block 1
The Never Ending Road

Imagine the loud discussion as you hear the final words that seal the deal. The last

thought one would ever want to imagine and in the blink of an eye, it is all gone. The laughter,

the love, the memories as one, gone. The last thing any child would ever want to go through

because it is not what fairy tales have envisioned. A divorce between two parents can negatively

affect both young and old children as they begin their lives with this occurrence.

I was probably nine or ten years old when I began to notice a change. Something that I

had never wished for. Soon enough I found myself having a discussion with my older brother

about the changes that would soon occur in our household. “Listen Adri, mommy and daddy are

not going to be together any more, you and I have to stay strong for Lulu and Tali,” my older

brother told me as tears ran down my cheeks. Suddenly my world seemed to have flipped upside

down. No more family breakfasts at Grandma’s house or walking Seaport Village altogether. I

did not think anyone would understand what I was going through. It felt as though I was all

alone. Until one day I spoke to my best friend and she also was going through the same thing.

Yet, her parents had already split up and she was still feeling sad. Her pain and emotions made

me question if my sadness would ever end. I had always been so dependent on my parents.

Would I lose them both? Would they still love each other? WIll they still love me? These are all

questions that ran through my head as the aftermath of the situation hit me more often.

As I have gotten older I have found myself in a better place with finally accepting what
had occurred because my life has moved forward for the better. Although, there are often times
where I find myself struggling to accept the situation because of everything else that has been
added to the equation as I have grown up. Now that I am more mature and cna come to
realization of certain things I have realized that things happen for a reason. Divorces may be
painful for both partners but many do not realize the short and long term effects that children are
facing as well.

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