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Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal that marked your transition

from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family.

Growing up I always believed a perfect family was one that consisted of two
parents and children. I thought my parents would stay together forever. However, my
life without the strong mint scent of my fathers shampoo lingering in the air after his
daily showers began at the age of ten when my parents separated. I never thought I
would become nostalgic for the way my dad would shush my sisters, my mom, and I
whenever there was a soccer game on TV. That is now just a faint memory, because I
only see my dad about once a month. My parents separation gave me a nudge into
reality, reminding me of one of my moms favorite phrases: La vida da muchas vueltas
or life makes many turns.
My life took a drastic turn when my mom got a new job after she and my father
separated. This meant that she could not be there when my older sister, my younger
sister, and I needed her. My mother was not there to sign my school papers or speak to
the landlord when he had questions since she was working long hours in order to
provide for my sisters and me. When my older sister left for college, I realized I was the
only person my younger sister Esmeralda (Meme), could talk to about her transitions
from girlhood to womanhood. I had suddenly become responsible for Memes health,
eating habits, and safety.
The absence of a parental figure in my life led me to a period of rebellion. I did
not understand why I had to take care of my bratty little sister while my adolescent
friends were able to enjoy their freedom. I began to defy my mothers orders and leave

the house when my older sister would come home after a long day at community
college. As I walked the streets of my neighborhood, I tried to forget the frustration that
clawed at me while being trapped at my younger sisters side due to my parents
separation. Its not fair, I thought to myself, that at the delicate age of ten I had to
suffer the consequences of my parents' seemingly selfish decision.
After five years and a few close escapes from serious trouble, I realized I needed
to make a change if I was going to become a role model for Esmeralda. I let go of my
resentment towards my mother for forcing these huge responsibilities on me because
she was working hard to provide the best for us. Hardly ever leaving home, I began to
focus on my academics and Memes well being. The anguish I felt as I held Meme while
she cried for our mother is branded into my memory. This is one of many moments that
helped me to realize that I need to be Memes role model in order for her to succeed.
Maturing at a young age has allowed me to make my next vuelta de la vida or
life turn. My parents separation has taught me that although life does take many
turns, it goes on. It takes strength to overcome obstacles like the ones I faced; therefore
I am able to use such situations to my advantage. Although taking care of Meme is not
how I pictured spending my adolescence, doing so has played a substantial role in
making me the person I have become today. Being a motherly figure for Esmeralda has
allowed me to become a reflective individual who is able to distinguish between
irresponsibility and responsibility. Where I used to avoid my duties of taking care of
Meme by leaving the house, I now take initiative and am there for her because she
needs me just as much as I need her.

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