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Time management is very essential for everyone, especially for the college students. The
usage of time by students in higher education institutions is related to their daily routines and
activities. Appropriate time management made every student gives the accomplishment to
finish more of their work and leads them to more flexible time. And also serve as an
advantage of learning opportunities, lessen the stress and helps focus on their study. This
study aim to determine the effectiveness of time management in academic performance of a
college student.


Nowadays, most college student spent less time in their studies. As a result, most of them had
a poor participation in their academic performance. Different factors which affect the
decrease in the amount of time of the students in their studies includes most of them spend
more time in a computer shop, going out with peers, entering in a relationship, family issues,
and unfortunately most college students are working student either a full time or a part time
student. These are some reasons that affect each student academic performance. There is no
one right way to manage our time; however; it is important to get to know our self, so we can
make good decisions about how to use our time.

In the past research (Elena-Simona Indreica et al., 2011) shows that almost 73% of students
start studying their lessons less than one week before the exam period. Less time and so many
lessons which they have to study increase their stress and depression level in the exam week.
In trying to read all the books and chapters assigned, meet paper deadlines, and participate in
extracurricular activities, college students may become overwhelmed with feelings that there
is not enough time to complete all their work adequately. This seems particularly true of
students who hold part-time or full-time jobs as well as attend school. Poor time management
behaviors, such as not allocating time properly or last minute cramming for exams, have been
frequently discussed as a source of stress and poor academic performance (Gall, 1988;
Longman &Atkinson, 1988; Walter & Siebert, 1981). Acquiring the knowledge and skill on
time management can make every student used their time efficiently and productively.

According to Gerald (2002) he defined time management as a set of principles, practices,

skills, tools and systems that work together to help you get more value out of your time with
the aim of improving the quality of your life. Argarwal (2008) in his contribution asserts that
time management is usually a personal problem and if one instinctively knows what the right
is, then there is no need to worry (Aduke, 2015). Time management is not a skill we are
usually taught growing up, so developing an organized approach to your studies is an
opportunity to learn how to work efficiently. An effective used of time play a big role in
regards of the academic performance of every college student. Every student should have the
ability in time management which includes setting goals and priorities. Though effective and
efficient use of time varies with respect to the tasks performed, the further increase in the
level of knowledge and skills expected from each student has further increased the
necessity of time planning.

Academic performance is define as the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has
achieved their short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA (grade point average)
and completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor's
degrees represent academic achievement. The academic performance of the student (Ward A.
1996) commonly measured through examinations or continuous assessments but there is no
general agreement on how it is best evaluated or which aspects are most important procedural
knowledge such as skills or declarative knowledge such as facts.

This research objective is determined the effectiveness of time management in the academic
performance of a college student.


How does time management affects the academic performance of a college student?

Is there a significant relationship between time management and academic performance?


This research acquire a descriptive research the researcher use an interview questionnaire
which is the “Time Management Questionnaire ” developed by (Britton and Tesser, 1991,
Macan et al ., 1990). According to Marsman (1999), descriptive design is a purposive
process of gathering, analyzing and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices,
beliefs, processes, trends and cause and effect relationship and then making adequate and
accurate interpretation about such data with the aid of some simple percentile and
statistical method.


In the experiment will be included 250 participants, all students in the GET bldg. at the
University of Mindanao. The participants which of 125female (%50) and 125 male (%50)
students a range of 18 to 25 ages will be had a similar background in the level of income and
social life conditions. Selected sample will be highly homogenous psychological and physical
health. The participants will be identified low academic performance, average level and high
academic performance (according to GPA score) after the end of two terms in second
semester (October 2018- January 2019 - first term, January 2019 – March 2019- second
term). In addition, the participants will be part of this study on a volunteer basis and the
research will be collected in the 2nd term 2018-2019).


In this research, a questionnaire which named is ‘Time Management Questionnaire (TMQ)’

and developed by Britton and Tesser (1991) will be used to measure time management skill
of participant students. The time management questionnaire includes 18items, each answer
on a 5-point scale consisting of the responses always (5), frequently (4), sometimes (3),
infrequently (2) and never (1). The lowest possible score is 18 and the highest score is 84.
According to TMQ, the higher score will be indicated better time management performance
and the lowest score will be indicated poor time management performance. The questionnaire
will be made to the students and the researcher will be urged students to take the task
seriously and to be accurate in their responses to each question, and then acquired results will
be compared the GPA scores of the students. The expected result is there is a positive
correlation between time management performance and academic success. The participants
which have a high GPA score probably will have a high TMQ score. In the same way, the
participants which have a low GPA score will have a low TMQ score. In order to measure the
reliability and validity of this research and find answers to the possible problems, some
techniques such as standard deviation, mean, re-test, alternate forms reliability/parallel forms
of the same test, etc. can be used.


The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the time
management and academic achievement of the university students. And show the
effectiveness of time management for every college student in their academic performance.
All in all, we found out that time management is highly related to the academic performance
of the student in the university. That is, as research study has shown that successful students
are good time managers. As a result of this it was determined that student’s behavior in the
category of time planning was at the highest level and behavior in the category of time
management was at the lowest level. The success of students was above average. There was a
significant and positive relation between time planning, time management and academic
performance of the students. There found an association found between time management
practices, academic achievements and stress reduction as the research study demonstrated
that an association exists between anxiety lessening, practices of time management and
higher academic success. Moreover, there is an association between time management
abilities and educational outcomes.


Aduke, A. F. (2015). Time management and students’ academic performance in higher

institutions, Nigeria a case study of Ekiti State. International Research in Education, 3 (2), 1-
Agarwal, A. (2008). Self-discipline for student-influences on time management. Retrieved
August 19, 2012, from

Ward. A.; Stoker, H.; Ward M. (1996); Achievement and Ability test – “Definition of the
Domain”, Educational Measurement, 2, University Press Of America, pp.2-5

Britton, B. K. & Tesser, A. (1991). Effects of time management practices on college grades.
Journal of Educational Psychology,83, 405-410.

Claessens, B. J. C., Van Eerde, W., Rutte, C. G., & Roe, R. A. (2007). A review ofthe time
management literature. Personnel Review, 36 (2), 255-276.

Gall, M. D. (1988). Making the grade. Rocklin, CA: Prima.

Gerard, M. (2002). Negative influences of time management . Retrieved

Submitted to: Ms. Jennina Mae Obenza

Submitted by: Lorainne Kaye M. Panaligan

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