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Chapter One


1.1 Introduction
This research is basically intends to find out about impacts of time management on academic
performance of students in secondary schools. This chapter includes background, statement of
the problem, research objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the study, scope
of the study, definition of terms and abbreviation.

1.2 Background

This study basically would work on two variables which are time management and academic
performance. Time management is managing the time ourselves in relation to 24 hours that we
have. Moreover it is setting priorities and proper utilization of time to achieve maximum quality
output or outcome.

According to University of Guelph, the word “management means process or an instance of

managing or being managed. Furthermore it also implies taking an active role in choosing how
time is used.

Khan, Ashraf, & Nadeem, (2020) stated that time management is a process of determining
objectives, prioritizing and planning to achieve these objectives. Moreover in time management
process, one having behavior that aims at achieving an effective use of time while performing
certain goal directed activities (Khan, Ashraf, & Nadeem, 2020).

On the other hand academic performance is the performance of students academically. Teachers
usually assess the students with academic assessments to get their academic performance.
Academic performance are graded to see how a particular student perform academically.
Furthermore academic performance of students are usually found out when assessments are
graded. Academic performance is the outcome of assessments that are graded. The academic
performance of secondary schools are obtain in two academic reports, first academic report is

obtain from term one and two assessments, and the second academic report is obtain in term
three and four assessments. Overall academic performance or achievement is obtain after grade
ten and twelve exams.

1.3 Statement of the problem

The time management has a significance impact on the academic performance and lives of
students studying in secondary level of education. Since secondary schools take maximum of
five subjects, it is quite a load for such age group, therefore it is very vital for them to take time
management seriously. They also need to know the advantages and disadvantages of how they
manage their time wisely. And also teachers, school administration and department of education
too must aware of impacts of time management that can do to students’ academic performance
and also later in live.

1.3 Research Objectives

1.3.1 Main Objective

To find out the impact of time management on the academic performance of students.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

To examine the impact that time management have on students’ academic performance.

To examine the quality of time management on students’ academic performance.

To assess student usage of time management skills with their time.

1.4 Research Questions

Does time management have significance impact on academic performance of students’

academic performance in secondary schools?

What are qualities of time management on students’ academic performance?

To assess the significance difference between male and female students usage of time
management skills with their time.

1.5 Significance of the study

This research study on impact of time management on academic performance of students in

secondary schools will have numerous significance as follows.

First, the study will make researcher to be more familiar to the problem, as well as how to
conduct random data collection and also awarded a place to study in the university.

Second, the study will be helpful to schools and department of education to aware of impacts of
time management on academic performance of students.

Thirdly, the study on impact of time management on academic performance of students act as
reference for other research regarding the related study to this research.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will be carried out in secondary schools in Goroka town, Eastern Highlands Province,
it will focus on examining the impact that time management have on students’ academic
performance, examining the quality of time management on student academic performance as
well as how to assess the significance difference between the male and female students usage of
time management with their time.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Academic performance – Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate

the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in
instructional environments, especially in schools, college and university (Steinmayr, Meibner,
Weidinger, & Wirthwein, 2020).

Time Management – the management of time is the strategy of planning out your available time
and controlling the amount of time you spend on specific task in order to work more efficiently
(Fresh Books corporation, 2000).

Assessment – assessments is carried out to see what children or students and young people know,
understand and are able to do. Furthermore it is important for tracking progress of student
learning (Foghlam, nd).

1.8 Abbreviation

AP – Academic performance

TM – Time management

DOE – Department of Education

SS – Secondary School


Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This chapter will provide the review of other studies done by authors and other researchers that
related to this study. This will include impacts of time management on academic performance,
related literature review and research gap.

2.2 Impacts of time management on academic performance of students

Time management is very important in the lives of students in secondary level because it will
train them how to manage their time wisely, with their studies and their lives as well. Shazia and
Khan (2015) stated that time management is very important and it may actually affect
individual’s overall achievement and performance. However it all comes down to how an
individual student manage their time to suit their activity (Nasrullah & Khan, 2015).Moreover
Das & Dr. Bera (2021) stated that student suffered from studying different subject within limited
time but that should not be the case because maybe they are not mastering the time management
skills. Failure to take time management skills seriously will may result in getting poor academic
achievement or performance. And on the other hand, an individual mastering the skill of time
management will may result in high academic achievement.

The above authors show the importance and consequences of time management on the academic
performance and the lives in general for students. In Papa New Guinea there supposed to be
compulsory subject of time management in schools so student can learn how to manage their
time because as the authors has mentioned it is vital and common factor in impacting the
academic performance of students. As one of the former student of secondary school time
management skills was not thought therefore it later affects my academic result in university

2.3 Related Literature review

Nasrullah and Khan (2015) stated that time management skills is very important and it all comes
with how an individual manage their time wisely to suit their daily activity and routines. They
also added that the settings and environment will also add up to positive outcome of students’
academic performance and achievements. Furthermore time management will help the student to
be a good student and vital to shine in life. However students that does not manage their time
wisely, it affects their lives and also their academic performances. The study has found out that
successful students are good time managers

Cyril (2014 - 2015), stated that time is one of the important resource or tool that cannot be
changed by anyone or anything. When time is wasted or lost, nothing can be substituted for the
time lost. Time management is actually self-management. Therefore as the findings of the study
resulted in female students are better than the male student in time management. So the male
students should be train on effective time management skills. And also some of the related
subject to time management such as to-do list on daily basis, prioritization and scheduling to help
them to achieve time management skills and to overcome the time management challenges.

Ahmad, Batool, & Choudhry (2019), stated that the primary achievement for regular student is
managing time effectively. The mismanagement of time disturbs or affects the achievement of
students. On the other hand time management plays an important role in students’ achievements.
Students can survive in education system only when they has the ability to utilize the time
properly. The study has found out that school leavers have the opportunity to manage their time
since they are in the environment of school and teachers whereas non-school leavers or distance
learning students does not have such. Therefore self-time management is perceived as one of the
central point of their achievements which highly affected by time organizing ability.

Khan, Ashraf, & Nadeem (2020), stated that their study result has found out that student
managing their time in self-study has positive outcome of good achievement. Therefore it clearly
shows that students self-study time has help them in achieving high academic performance. And
also the study has found out that female students has high academic achievement than male
students so they assume that maybe female students are good time managers. Furthermore
involvement in social life enjoyment activity and using social media has negative impact on the
academic performance. Therefore they suggest that teachers and parents should look into the

students’ involvement with social life and encourage them to have more time with self-study

2.4 Research Gap

There are literatures explaining the impact and relationship that time management have on
academic performance and achievement of students. Also most results has found out that female
students are good managers of time compare to male students. There are views too on
mismanagement of time with other activities and lack of time management skills or abilities. I
found that there are some related and similar research done on impact of time management on
academic performance and achievements of students in other countries, but maybe not in our
country Papua New Guinea, to study how students manage their time. And also most studies has
found out that female students are good managers of time, is it apply to female student in PNG.


Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction

This chapter will explain and show the whole process on how the study will be done or go about
systematically. It will include, research design, description of the study area, population of the
study, sample size, sampling procedures, data collection method, data analysis and presentation.

3.2 Research Design

In this research the study will use both qualitative and quantitative research design. Qualitative
approaches will be used whereby a case design will be used in the selected sample secondary
schools. The description basing on the study will be obtained from the respondents within the
selected schools. The study will also use interview and questionnaires to get descriptions from
the respondents. Quantitative approaches will be used in data collection through using
questionnaires and presenting them in tables and graphs.

3.3 Selection of study area

The research study will be carried out in secondary schools in and around Goroka town, Eastern
Highlands Province. The study area is chosen in Goroka because it’s close to the campus and
also to minimize the cost. And also its one of the small town in PNG where study can be carried
out to collect data.

3.4 Description of the study area

The description of study area especially the description of location, total number and name of
sample schools is not yet finalize therefore will be given upon acceptance of study and in the
final report of this study. Furthermore currently the study area is unknown, but it will be fully
explain in the final study report.

1.5 Sample and Sample Size

1.5.1 Sample

In this research study the sample will include sample secondary schools in and around Goroka
town, with randomly selected students with their academic results, with the help of school
teachers/principles and the school administration.

3.5.2 Sample Size

The sample size will be derived from the total population in this study, the sample size will be 60
respondents (students) from the selected sample schools. The sample size in this study will be
chosen as follows;

Respondents Total Female student Male student

Grade 10 30 15 15
Grade 12 30 15 15
Total 60 30 30

3.6 Sampling Techniques

In this research study the study will use simple random sampling in collecting data. There might
be number of schools, therefore will randomly select few sample school to carry out the
collection of data.

3.7 Data Typology

Data to be collected will include both primary and secondary data where necessary. Primary
data, these will be collected from the sample population in the selected schools whereby
questionnaires and interview will be used to gather data for the study, and secondary data will be
obtained from recorded reports for past school terms.

3.8 Data Collection Tools

3.8.1 Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a form containing a set of questions on a particular topic, submitted to people or

participants to gain statistical information. Furthermore a questionnaire is a date collection
instrument consistent of series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering
information from respondents (Dr. Abawi, 2013).This technique of using questionnaire will
involve written questions to which the respondents will be required to write answers individually
according to their own response with no guide from researcher. The questionnaire will be in two
parts, the close-ended questionnaire which will limit the respondents to answer “yes” or “no”.
Second part of the questionnaire will be open-ended questionnaire that will require the
respondents to answer the question in a sentence the way they wish to respond. Basically it
would allow us to collect the most complete and accurate data and would meet the research
objectives in a logical flow.

3.8.2 Interview

Interview is a formal conversation with someone, designed to extract information or asses their
suitability for a position or a particular topic (Dictionaries, 1995). Moreover interviews consist of
collecting data by asking questions and getting answers by listening to individual respondents
(Dr. Abawi, 2013). Interview will be one of the data collection technique where interviews will
be set up with the respondents so the respondents will be interview accordingly.

3.9 Data Analysis

Data analysis is used to analyze quantitative data by using statistics. Furthermore it is the process
of examining data which have been collected (Global Healthy Living Foundation, Inc, 2017). In
this study both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used to analyze the data that will be
collected from the sample schools. In qualitative approach the description about how time
management have impact on academic performance of students.

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While quantitative approach the collected data will be examine and will be in numerical manner
which will include the number and percentage of respondents.

3.10 Data Presentation

Data presentation refer to the ways and means of presenting data after data have been analyzed.
In this research the analyze data will be presented using qualitative approach which will present
the data related to description form.

The analyze data will be presented by quantitative approach using graphs and tables. This
method will enable the researcher to summarize the result on impacts of time management on
academic performance of students in secondary schools.

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Time management is one of the very important skill in life where we have to master in order for
us to be successful in accomplishing goals in life. Time management is not only for students to
master, it requires everyone to master the skills and techniques of time management which
would enable us to utilize, prioritize and make use of every time available to us to make it count
for success. However in this study it basically looks at the certain group of people which is
secondary school students. These group of people really need to know how to manage and
budget their time wisely and utilize it, since we a living in the twenty first century where modern
technology is growing which comes with influence of social media and using of internet with
other social activities that contributes to distraction and mismanagement of time. Therefore time
management is very vital for academic performance and also it has greater influence on students’
academic performance. So this study research will be carried out to find out the impact of time
management on academic performance of secondary students in Goroka town, Eastern Highlands
Province of Papua New Guinea.

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Ahmad, S., Batool, A., & Choudhry, A. H. (2019). Path Relationship of Time Management and Academic
Achievement of Students in Distance Learning Institutions. Pakistan Journal of Distance & Online
Learning, II(5), 191-208.

Cyril, V. A. (2014 - 2015). Time Management and Academic Achievementof Higher Secondary Students.
imanager's Journal on School Education Technology, 10(3). Retrieved August 8, 2021

Das, P., & Dr. Bera, S. (2021, Februrary). Impact of time management on students academic
achievement at secondary level. GIS Science Journal, 8(2), 1869-9391. doi:349063177

Dictionaries, O. (1995). Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press.

Dr. Abawi, K. (2013). Data Collection Instruments. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and
Research. Retrieved August 10, 2021

Foghlam, A. (n.d.). About them: Parentzone Scotland. Retrieved August 10, 2021, from Parentzone

Fresh Books corporation. (2000). About them: Fresh Books Corporation. Retrieved from Fresh Books
Corporation web site: https://www.fresh

Global Healthy Living Foundation, Inc. (2017, July 13). About us: Global Healthy Living Foundation, Inc.
Retrieved August 8, 2021, from Global Healthy Living Foundation, Inc Web site:

Khan, M. J., Ashraf, A., & Nadeem, A. (2020, September). The effect of time management on the
academic performance of students in the higher education institutions of Islamabad.
International Review of Management and Business Research, 9(3), 2306-9007. Retrieved August
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Nasrullah, S., & Khan, M. S. (2015). The Impact of Time Management on students' Academic
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Steinmayr, R., Meibner, A., Weidinger, A. F., & Wirthwein, L. (2020, August 05). Oxford Bibliographies
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