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Schools Anti-crime Club


Schools are supposed to be safe places of learning for students from first grade to the last.
However, with the coming together of students from all backgrounds, it has made it a
breading ground for crime infection. According to developmental criminologist learning age
youth are influenced by peers most to commit crime , the opposite is also true. It is for this
reason that cooperation between police and the schools becomes of the initiatives
aimed at dealing with this social problem is to create schools’ anti-crime clubs. By anti-crime
clubs police remains present at school even when they are not in sight.

What is a schools’ anti-crime club?

These are elected students who are of high moral standard responsible for influencing other
learners against committing crimes and detecting crime occurrence in those schools for the
purpose of reporting to the responsible authority.

Aim of the anti-crime club

CREATE : awareness and sense of responsibility in crime prevention;

CULTIVATE : moral values among students; and,

PROVIDE : guidelines on crime preventive measures and carry out


Roles and responsibilities of the anti crime club

 Be exemplary in character for other students

 To teach other students acceptable conduct at schools to prevent future future
 In the presence of the Led Teacher intervene in schools conflicts which are likely to
to develop to criminality. Some minor demeanours can be addressed at schools level
 To be confidantes for students problems in and out of schools
 To make a monthly report to the Police crime prevention officer at the Police
stations on incidents attended and initiatives taken
 To report crime to the relevant authority

The Concept of Restorative Justice for anti crime club

 As much as it remains important that a person that commits a crime

must be arrested ,but still the club has a duty to ensure the victims of
crime are emotionally taken care of
 This is an opportunity for the victim and the offender to come to the
round table .
 Make sure the meetings are conducted in a respectable manner
 There must be corrective verdict than punitive measure

Ethics for an anti-crime club member

← Integrity
← Honesty
← Hard work
← Kindness
← Compassion
← Empathy
← Sympathy
← Justice
← Bravery
← The general administration of the crime club
← An anti-crime club is for everyone at school. Teachers are urged to
participate in all the activities, helping the students to organize and
conceptualize themes for the various anti-crime programes. Programes
like Anti-crime debates needs to be administered properly such that they
are able to address the root cause of the crime affecting that particular
school. As it has already alluded to, poverty is one of the causes of
criminality, the club would have not done enough if it has not attempted
to make fund raisings to help the needy. Hence the anti-crime club
committee has to oversee and ensure that all the programes are
functioning properly

← The anti-crime club Committee

← Chairperson
The chairperson is responsible for organizing meetings and oversee the progress
in all the various programes and ensure the monthly report is forwarded to the
relevant authority.
Vice chairperson
The vice chairperson is expected to perform the duties of the chairperson when
he is absent of involved in other duties. The chairperson can also delegate some
of his/her duties to the Vice.

The secretary among many duties, is to ensure records are properly kept and
minutes for meetings are nearly written. He/she is expected to write the monthly
report that has to reach the office of the crime prevention officer not later than
the 1st day of each month.

Vice Secretary
The Vice secretary is expected to perform the duties of the secretary is his or her
absentia or by delegation.

Treasurers (2)
The two are expected to make fund raising programes aimed at helping the
destitute. The funds should be submitted school’s administration for safe

He/she is responsible for making sure the anti-crime events are held

← How to make a successful anti crime club?
 Be innovative in creating activities at schools that are intended to educate
other learners on crime and crime prevention e.g debates on crime related
 Be creative, encourage role plays, songs and dances that a aimed at
exposing students to crime preventive measures
 Involve other government and other NGO’s (e.g UNICEF and World
 Make sure you maintain proper records for all activities and actions taken
by the club

Examples of schools’ anti crime programes

 Anti-crime debates
 Anti-bullying Programme (violent crimes or demeanors – weapon
carrying and fighting or beating other students)
 Anti drug Programme (drug abuse and drug selling)
 Fund raising and clothing’s for the destitute programme
 General crime awareness programme


It is envisaged that every school that has a anti-crime club will have a crime free
environment and produce moral upright citizens. The spinoffs of this
programme can also be safer communities and high pass rate at schools. Being
in an anti crime club is a calling hence it will require dedication and excellence.

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