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90 L. G. Harrison and C. A. McDowell

R eferen ces
Bonhoeffer, K . F ., F a rk a s, A. & R u m m el, K . W . 1933 p h y s. B , 2 1 , 225.
Bonhoeffer, K . F . & H a rte c k , P . 1929 z - PhVs - Chem. B , 4 , 113.
E ley , D . D . 1940 T rans. F araday Soc. 36, 500.
E ley , D . D . 1948 A dvanc. Catalys. 1, 157.
F a rk a s, A. & M elville, H . W . 1939 E xperim ental methods in gas reactions. L o n d o n : M acm illan
a n d Co. L td .
F a rk a s, L . & S andler, L . 1940 J . Chem. P h ys. 8, 248.
F a rk a s, L . & Sassche, H . 1933 Z. p h ys. Chem. B, 23 , 1, 19.
F ischer, E . 1878 Liebigs A n n . 190, 174.
G oldschm idt, S. & R e n n , K . 1922 P e r. dtsch. chem. Oes. 55, 628.
H u tch in so n , C. A ., P a sto r, R . C. & K ow alsky, A. G. 1952 J . Chem. P h ys. 20 , 534.
T ay lo r, H . S. & D iam ond, H . 1933 .JAm er. Chem. Soc. 5 5 , 261
T u rk evich, J . & Selwood, P . W . 1941 J . A m er. Chem. Soc. 6 3 , 1077.
W igner, E . 1933 Z . p hys. Chem. B , 23, 28.

Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body

B y F. U r s e l l
Trinity College, University of Cambridge

( 1 Communicatedby Sir Geoffrey Taylor, F.R.S.— Received 29 M ay 1953)

A long circular cylinder of radius a, w ith its axis horizontal, is half-immersed in a fluid
under gravity and is making periodic vertical oscillations of small constant am plitude and
of period 27r/cr about this position. I t is required to find the resulting fluid m otion when the
param eter N = cr2a/gr is large; the method of an earlier paper (Ursell 1949) is then unw ork­
able. The present solution is made to depend on an integral equation (3*15) which can be
chosen to have a kernel tending to zero w ith N " 1, and which is solved by iteration. Succes­
sive term s in the iteration are of decreasing order, and the convergence of the m ethod for
sufficiently large N is proved. Expressions are given for the virtual-m ass coefficient (5*1)
and for the wave am plitude a t infinity (5*7). The present work appears to be the first
practical and rigorous solution of a short-wave problem when a solution in closed form is
not available. I t is suggested th a t a similar technique m ay be applicable to the diffraction
problems of acoustics and optics, which have hitherto been treated by the approxim ate
Kirchhoff-Huygens principle.

1. I n t r o d u c t io n
The present work takes up again a problem which was partly solved in an earlier
paper (Ursell 1949), hereafter referred to as I. A long circular cylinder, with its
axis horizontal, is half-immersed in a fluid under gravity, and is making periodic
vertical oscillations of small constant amplitude about this position. In the neigh­
bouring fluid a wave motion is thereby set up which spreads to infinity as a surface
wave. For sufficiently small amplitudes it was seen in I th at the motion depends
non-trivially on only a single dimensionless parameter
N — Ka = cr2a/gr, (1*1)
where 277’/o' is the period, a is the radius of the cylinder, and g is the gravitational
acceleration. I t is required to find the fluid motion, and in particular the virtual
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 91

mass and the wave height a t infinity (see § 5 below); the latter measures the energy
carried away from the cylinder, and therefore approximately the damping of a free
motion of the same period. The solution of this problem in I was expressed in the
form of a series expansion (I, p. 223), where the coefficients are determined by
solving an infinite set of linear equations in an infinite number of unknowns. I t
was shown that the two derived series for the velocity components converge for
sufficiently small N . Although this is actually true for all N (see § 2 below
found th at the calculation was easy only for small N and th a t the condition of the
simultaneous equations deteriorates as N increases. Only the range 0 ^
was covered in the computations in I. I t is not obvious th at this is sufficient for
practical applications, as any pathological behaviour of the solution for large N
might give undue weight to the short waves, with practical consequences for freely
floating bodies (cf. the infinite virtual-mass coefficient obtained in I, p. 225, for
N = 0). I t was therefore decided to investigate the problem when N is large. The
wave motion will then be confined to a thin surface layer of thickness aA -1, while
outside this layer the motion will approach the dipole potential
= — U0a2r~xcos 6 e~iat
obtained by formally putting or2= oo in the boundary condit
Before proceeding to the solution it may be useful to refer briefly to the situation
in optics and acoustics. A typical problem is the diffraction of plane sound waves
round a sphere (Lamb 1932, §296). The velocity potential of the scattered wave
can be found explicitly in the form of a convergent infinite series (Lamb 1932, § 300,
equation (19)). When the wave-length is large compared with the radius of the
sphere the series converges rapidly, but as the wave-length decreases the con­
vergence becomes less satisfactory, and for short waves a large number of terms
have to be summed. Rayleigh (1904) carried out the summation for a wave-length
equal to one-tenth of the circumference. For shorter waves the direct method
seems to be unworkable, but the solution may then be based on Huygens’s principle
and its extensions, particularly on Kirchhoff’s formulae (Baker & Copson 1950,
chap. 2). These are additional (actually incompatible) assumptions about the form
of the solution, and strictly they are superfluous, since the mathematical problem is
determinate without them. But the only known solutions which dispense with
them are a few exact solutions in closed form (Baker & Copson 1950, chap. 5). The
aim in this branch of wave theory should be to replace Huygens’s principle by a
convergent process applicable to a wide class of reflectors and converging more
and more rapidly as the wave-length decreases.
Let us now return to the surface-wave problem. Here no analogue of Huygens’s
principle is known, and an attem pt was therefore made to construct a mathe­
matically rigorous and convergent process with the desired property. I t was found
possible to do this using only fairly simple mathematical ideas. The principal tool is
theorem 1 below. This shows that an integral equation with a small kernel, e.g.
(3-15), must be selected from among the infinity of integral equations satisfied by
the potential, e.g. (3-3), (3-10) and (5-4). This idea may be contrasted with th at of
Kirchhoff, who tried to place restrictions on the solution and was then unable to
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92 F. Ursell
obtain a convergent process (Baker & Copson i95°> chap. 2, § 12). We are led to hope
that the diffraction problems of optics and acoustics may soon yield to a similar
2. F ormulation of th e problem

A cylinder of circular section is immersed in a fluid with its axis in the free surface.
When the cylinder is given a forced simple-harmonic motion of small amplitude
about its initial position, a surface disturbance is set up in which waves travel away
from the cylinder, and a stationary state of motion is rapidly attained. When the
cylinder is very long or when the fluid is contained between vertical walls at right
angles to the axis of the cylinder, the velocity component parallel to the axis of the
cylinder vanishes and the motion is two-dimensional. If the amplitude of motion
of the cylinder is small enough, then the amplitude of motion a t any point of the
fluid is proportional to i t ; also, at a distance from the cylinder the motion on each
side of it is nearly a single regular wave train travelling away from the cylinder.
In this paper we return to the problem of calculating the fluid motion when the
cylinder is oscillating vertically. Viscosity and surface tension will be neglected;
then a velocity potential exists. If the assumptions of the preceding paragraph are
also made, squares and higher powers of the potential may be neglected. Take the
origin of rectangular Cartesian co-ordinates in the mean free surface at the mean
position of the axis of the cylinder. The #-axis is horizontal and perpendicular to the
axis of the cylinder, the ?/-axis is vertical, y increasing with depth. Define polar
co-ordinates by the equations
x — r sin 6, = cos 6.

Since the motion is symmetrical about the jy-axis, it is sufficient to consider the
quadrant 0 < 6^|7r. The velocity potential y) satisfies (cf. Ursell 1949)

d +w =° (2-‘ )

in the region r^ a,| 6|< \ toutside the cylinder;

K(f>+ ~ =0 when y = 0,

where K —cr2jg, and 2n/(r is the period;

= Uqcos0 Q~iat on the cylinder r — a; (2*3)

and the radiation condition

— iK<})->0 as 0, (2-4)

which expresses the condition that the waves at a distance from the cylinder travel
away from the cylinder. Also, </>{x, y) = - x, y). This prob
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 93

Ka = Ni
n I and the solution given there actually converges for all N. * But when
N is large the condition of the system is bad and the solution is unworkable. Another
solution of the problem has been given by John (1950), using the theory of integral
equations. But in this case also it is not possible to find the form of the solution for
large N . In the same paper it is proved th at the solution of our problem is unique.
In the present paper a convergent method of solution will be given which is valid
when N is sufficiently large. Then (2-2) tends formally to the boundary condition
0 = 0, and the corresponding solution of (2-1) and (2-3) is

<h(ir, y)— —t^ a V -1 cos#e~1<r<.

3. S olution of t h e problem

The problem is solved when the value 0(asin$, a cos#) = 0(0) of the velocity
potential on the semicircle is known. For then <f)(x, y) can be found everywhere in
the fluid (see equation (5-2)). An integral equation for 0(0) is obtained by applying
Green’s theorem (Lamb 1932, §44, equation (2))

J^ 0 (x , y ) ^ V\a sin a, a cos a) — G(x,ay\ s in a ,a c o

to the two harmonic functions (f)(x,y), G(x,y; a sin a, a cos a), where djdn denotes
differentiation normal to the line element ds. Here G(x,y; £,77) is the potentialf
satisfying (2-1), (2-2) and (2-4) in the half-plane y^O , with a source singularity at

G(x,y; i,y ) Jin + yf q-Wv+v) cos Tc(x —£,)

(X £)2+ (</ + ?/)2 f. k^K
— 27ii q - k (v + v)c
os K ( x

( a - g ) 2+ ( y - y ) 2
I In + Gt(x,y; £,y) (3-2)
(a:-£)2+ (y + 77)2
(see John 1950, p. 100). The line integral of (3-1) is taken along the boundary of
the region r ^ a , [ 6 \< \rni dented by a small circular a
and closed at infinity by a large semicircle. Consider the contributions to the fine
integral from different parts of the contour. On ± \n , both 0 and G satisfy (2-2)
T his w as n o t show n in I b u t m a y be show n as follows. T h e coefficients p Zm are defined b y
th e ex pansion in th e m iddle o f p. 221 o f th a t p ap er. M u ltiplying b y sin 2 a n d in te g ra tin g
from 0 to In we g et a sy stem of eq u a tio n s o f th e form

4"N 2 n 2P in a mn — C2m
= 1, 2, 3, ...),
71= 1
w here £ < 4 <oo, £ 2 b y a know n th e o re m (H ellinger & T o ep litz 1927, p. 1402), if
771 777 71
th e sy stem is non-singular th e re is a solution such th a t 'Lrnip l m<oo, w hence E m |p 2m| < 00,
a n d th e series for th e velocity com ponents converge ab so lu tely . I f th e sy stem is singular, th e
w ave am p litu d e a t infin ity vanishes. W h en we m u ltip ly by sin (2m - 1) a n d in te g ra te , we
g et a sim ilar sy stem w ith N - 1 outside th e sum for w hich, how ever, diverges. I t follows
th a t in th e la tte r case th e inverse o p era to r ca n n o t be ex p an d ed in a pow er series in N~^.
f H encefo rth th e tim e fac to r e~i(r< will be suppressed.
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F. Ursell
and the integrand vanishes. The contribution from the large semicircle vanishes
because both 0 and G satisfy (2-4). The contribution from the indentation tends to
a non-zero limit as the radius of the indentation tenos to zero, and the only other
surviving contribution comes from the semicircle r Thus (3-1) becomes

, . C*n dd>(0) / l —cos (0 + a)\

= - Jf0(a) + J _ ^ - g r ln ( i + cos (0 - a))
where the notation
<f>(d) = <f>(asin 6, acos 0), <j>{rsin 0, r cos j

G(6, ol) = G(a sin 6, a cos 0;a sin ot, a cos a),

= P Q(r sin r Cos (9; a sin a, cos a)~]

or |_9r _Jr=a

is employed, and = f/0cos 0 (see (2-3)). The last term can be evaluated directly;
it is —7raJ70cosa, the Kmiting value of nf>(a)as
of 0, the equation may be written

naU0costx + U01 cos 0[G2(0,a) 4- (r2( — a


where rG2(0, o(ft_

l) —nO (ft^-f\
aGx{0,cx,), ^ d_ dG f0,a)

The integral equation (3-3) is a Fredholm equation of the second kind. The right-
hand side is known in principle, the kernel of the integral term on the left-hand side
is of integrable square, and a solution exists. (This is in effect the proof given by
John.) But for large N there is no practical way of finding the solution of (3-3),
and our aiip now is to modify the kernel so as to bring the modified equation within
the scope of the following theorem, applicable when the kernel is small:
T heorem 1. I f (i) f(0) iscontinuous in 0 ^ 0 ^ \ tt,

(ii) {| K(0,<x)|2-f |

(«i) p r I K(0,a) pdtfda = p< 1,

then the integral equation 7T(J)(a) + f>{0) K(0,oc) d0 —f(oc) can be solved by iteration:

= “n / ( a ) + ^7Tn=1
2 fn (a )> (3*4)
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 95

where f.< a ) = f - h "

with Ka\0, a) = K(0,a), K™(6, a) = j * ' fi) K(fi, a)

The following inequalities are satisfied:

| &n(a )\f |/ ( 0 ) |ad s j , (3-5)


(For a proof by repeated application of Schwarz’s inequality, see Schmidt 1907, § 2.)
Equation (3*5) shows th a t the convergence of (3-4) is comparable with th a t of
if pis a small quantity, and equation (3*6) shows th a t the terms are in strictly
gnitude if mi
s also a small quantity. Only the condition on
p is essential for the convergence of the process, and so our aim is to modify the
kerne! * « & « > + of (M)> where
or or
(ft tv \ r°° Jr p~kN(C08 0+cos a)
— —- = 2N J ------ - — ------ cos {kN(sin 6 —sin a) —6} dk

+ 2mN e-iV(C0Se+cos a) cos {

so th a t for large N the modified kernel satisfies condition (iii) of theorem

be shown th a t

8gg(fl,a) + 8(?2(--fl,a) = 2N ne2lNe-N«:oB0+coa* + hJ0,OL), (3-7)

or or

where J {| h2(d, a) |2+ j h2(<x, 6) |2}da <

and f f \h2(d,a)\2ddda,(3*8)
Jo Jo
A plausible method is to rewrite (3*3) in the form

n<j>{<x)+ ! % ( # ) h2(a0, )dd = / 2(a)- 2Nt t <


in which the integral on the right is at first treated as an unknown parameter. I t

turns out th at the subsidiary equation for the parameter (Schmidt 1907, equation
(19)) depends critically on the value of elN. This was to be expected, for the use of
the kernel (3-7) implies th at a large contribution is made to the potential a t any point
on the semicircle by the first term representing waves which have travelled through
the interior of the semicircle (which is actually solid and cannot transm it waves).
A method must therefore be used which eliminates the first term altogether. This is
done by another application of Green’s theorem.
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96 F. Ursell

The function 0 (x,y, 0.0) - 2( ^ - + l p ~ r ) satisfies the equations (2-1), (2-2)

and (2-4), since either term by itself satisfies them. (The presence of the second term
is not essential, but slightly simplifies some details of the calculation.) For large Kr,
/cos (9 cos20\
F(x,y) = G(x,y, ° ’0) _ 2 ( ^ ^ + _ £ v T)

00 f(2m —2)! cos (2m—

- - L.+ - - jgjjK - - J
1)! cos

0 /cos 0cos
~ 2\ W +K*r*)
~ —2m e~Ky eiK{x^+ 0((Kr)~3), (3-9)

the equivalence being asymptotic.* Both sides may be differentiated term by term.
Wnte F(0) == (aisn
G 6, acos 0; 0,
from Green’s theorem

0, (3-10)

where dF} 6^= 27rZeLV[e-iVcose + o(l)]. (3-11)

Comparison of (3-11) with (3-7) suggests th at (3-10) should be multiplied by
aelNe~NcoSa. Write
G3(x ,y )^ a e lN e~Aco8a^G (x,y;0,0) —2^ + jj. (3-12)

Then J*' [ ? m a) j M = 0> (3-13)

where dG3(0,ot) = 2Nne*lNe-N«oa6+co*°» (3-14)

and h3(0, cc) in fact satisfies the same conditions (3-8) as Subtract (3*13)
from (3*3):

7r ^ ( a ) + J <f>(6

naU0cosoc + U0 J in
cosd[G2(6,oc) + G<i( —6,(x) —G3((3-15)

* B y a n obvious extension o f th e arg u m e n t, a new F (x , y) m a y b e defined fo r w hich th e

o rd er te rm in (3-9 ) is replaced b y 0 ((K r)~m) for a n y m. F o r th e a s y m p to tic ex p a n sio n see
Je ffrey s & Jeffrey s 1946, § 15-09, e q u a tio n (12).
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 97

where because of (3*7) and (3*14) the kernel satisfies

[*’ {| KM, a) |*+ | *}da<

K | AN

r r I KM, a ) [ t M A c

and therefore satisfies conditions (ii) and (iii) of theorem 1 for sufficiently large
From (6-5) it is seen th a t the convergence is a t least as fast as for the series

1 (.diV- *)* 2
71= 0

The integral equation (3-15) is thus of the desired form and will be used for finding
the leading terms in the potential.

4. Calculation of t h e solution

The leading term in 0(a) is easily shown to be cos a. In this section the
next approximation will be obtained when N is large. The integral equation (3-15)
can be written in symbolic form (771 -f L)0(a) = ~aU0(7rI —M) cos a, of which the
solution is
0(a) = —aU0
K Lr K M) cos a

cos a

a?70cosa + — 0 i / _ i y Ln(L + M )cosa,

7T n=0 \ IT/

where the expansion of the operator is legitimate when N is sufficiently large. The
rapidity of convergence of the series is given by (3*5) and (3*6), from which it appears
that the leading term of the series is

^ ^ ( L + M )cosa = — f*" cos 6 + * V ’a >- aM

n n Jo L drdr J

+ -° f 1177c o s 6[G2(a ) +

- ~Tr, J [♦ < * ■ * > { I f * <*-*>■+ H <-*• y' - ^ <*•*>)

00 ~J
- ^ y) + G%{ -x, y)- GZ{X, y)}\a d d , (4-1)

where Q>(z,y) = - U 0a*r~1ooB6 is the hmit potential and the integration is along
a quadrant of the semicircle and can be extended along the line of symmetry 6 = 0,
where the integrand vanishes. But the integrand is of the form occurring in Green’s
theorem and the path of integration may accordingly be deformed into the #-axis,
where 0 = 0 and only the term involving 0O/0w survives. Since 0O/0y = - 2

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98 F. Ursell
o n y = 0,the term a?707r"1(L +M ) cos a (equation (4-1)) is changed into the simpler
^ f°°{£2(r,0; a sin a ,a c o sa ) + £ 2( - r , 0 ; a sin a, a cos a)
n dr
—G3(r, 0; a sin a cos a )} •

Here it is convenient to use for Gx(x, y\ E,,y) an alternative form obtained by turning
the path of integration in (3*2) through a right angle in the complex fc-plane:
Gx(x,y,i,y) = - 2 n i e - K^ e iK^
_ 2 f 00k cos + ^ ~ sin + 9)}e-k I idJc
Jo +1
and G2(0r, ; a sin a, a cos a) = aGx(r,0\ a sin a, a cos a). Also, put r = vja. Then
f 00
(L + M) cos a = - 2n\e~NcoBa I eiiV^ -8lna>
r °° &v
— 277’i e _ iV c o S a J e liV ^ + s l n a ) ^ 2

+ 2jri eiiVe_iVcoSa [ J " e ' » ’^ + 0 (2V-3)] . (4-2)

Fx(ft,a) = J I
(* °0
[&cos(A£cos/?) —sin(A&cos/?)]e_* ^ ~ slna)p-^-y;
r \b

the term 0(N~Z) comes from (3*9) and is actually 0{N~m) for any m. Asymptotic
expansions valid for large A may now be obtained for the right-hand side of (4*2);
only the leading terms will be evaluated. To obtain an estimate for the integral
(4-3), with a rapidly oscillating integrand, differentiate with respect to ft
under the sign of integration. Then
dF f°° dv f 00
—A sin ft Fx—A sin ft J I sin (A k cos ft) e-kN(v~8ina) dk

sin ft cos ft , an elementary integral, (4*4)

Ji v2{cos2ft + (v —sina)2}:
r l sin oc
sinAeos/?[s^ ct + cos^ + (sin2g + c o s W In {(1 s i n a f + cos*/?}

sin2a —cos2/? 1 , _x cos/? 1

(sin2 oc+ cos2ft)2cos an 1 —sin a j *
Note th at the right-hand side is bounded near = 0, as may be seen from (4-4).
The differential equation for Fxhas the integrating factor e
factor, integrate from a to \ n , multiply both sides by e~NcoSa; also change the
variable of integration on the right-hand side from to = A (cos —cos ft). Then
u goes from 0 to A cos a, and
Fx(ot,oc) = e-NcosaFx{%7r,oc)-—I F Ja, (4-5)
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 99


H?Moo,a-£) sin2a 4- ^cos a - - NV )
sin a
sin2a + |cos a —
2\ 2

x In|( 1 —sina)2+ ^cosa — |

sin2cc—| cos a —
)’ ! tan -1
+ 2\ 2 nj 1 —sin a
|sin2a + l 1 « « -£

does not oscillate rapidly. Note th at the limit of integration N cos a in equation
(4-5) is not large if N is large and a is near enough to \ tt. If it were now possible to
expand F2(a, ujN) in a power series in u/N, the term-by-term integration of this
series in (4-5) would clearly give a uniformly asymptotic expansion. Although
unfortunately F2(a, ujN) cannot be expanded in this way when a is near it can
be shown th at the leading term in the asymptotic expansion is still given by putting
u =0 in F2{<x,ujN)\
FNcos a ( u\ rN cos a
J e~uF2 jyj dw = J e~MF2(oc, 0) d + smaller terms

COS ~1 f ^^osiz
= cos a 1 -f sin a In (2 —2 sin a)--------- (k7T+ ^(X) \
L cos a J o
+ smaller terms. (4-6)

Also F\{\n,a) £ e-fcTV(»-Sina) d

v2Jo k 2+ 1

=/; kF3(k)e“^ 1_sln a>

k2+ N 2’
0 —k{v—1)


has the properties F3(0) = 1, and F3(k) ~

for all positive k, and | kF3(k) —1 | < Ak~x for large k. Hence
(•N* fco

_j_ | 0— sin a). d k
J TV* ~ k2+ N 2'
The first three integrals are easily seen to be 0(N~%), while the last is

> 0—
sin a) j x-iV$(l-sina) 'N
id k
(j7I - 2 t a n - 1]i |
J ^ P + iV2 N

> ^7{!--A,l(| -a m a ); ( j ; r - 2tan "1 ,

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100 F. Ursell
and so
e -v c c • J 1 ,K ^ « r » ~ * - ^2j\r*(-V<":SJ,>-!
1 + sin.AC,,,J
a +< W

e -NCQB a + 0(N-*). (4-7)
~ 2
f 00 d& 77"
The last integral is also < j ^2 + = 2 N ’ w^ence

e-iv co s “ F ^ n , * ) = ^ e - jVcosa + 0 ( ^ - f )

and ^ ( a , a) is given by (4*5). The remaining terms in (4*2) can be estimated with
little trouble. Fx{a, —tx)is calculated in the same way as F^a, ex
Fx(\ tt,—a) is negligible. Also

J*°° e lN (v—s l n a )= e L V ( l - s i n a ) _ j t f ) = ^ (l-s in a ) £ J L + 0 ^ J ,

and the exponential e,JV(1_s,na)e-iVcosa may be replaced by e~NcoSa, since

I e-v c o sa(eiiV(i-sina)_ 1} | _ | 2 sin {|Ar( 1 —sin a)} e-iVc0Sa | <iV(l —sin a)e-Arco8“

< cos a)2e- -^008“} < AiV-1.

Thus, collecting the various terms,
2jj- 'JJ 2
(L + M)cOSa = - - e-N e o sa _ _ e - N COB a cos a

COS 2fiC ”1 fNc OSa O

x I 1 + sin a In (2 - 2 sin a) - ^ ^ (ln + \ cl)| | e~Mdw + -^ c
J Jo

x |^1 —sin a In (2 + 2 sin a) —~ ~ ~ i a )J °° a e~“dw + o ^

1L e-cNos a + ^ j~2 cos a —sin a cos a In | + ^ ^ —\n cos 2aJ

f*N cos a
x e~u dw + o
Jo <$■
</>{oc)— —a£/0cosaH----- (L + M )cosa + ...

—a(/0cosa + -~ “|jy e Arcos« + _ (j _ e .vcos«^ 2 cos a —sin a cos a In

■* (1 - e-jVc0S3) cos 2aJ + . (4-8)

It is noteworthy that the term in (4-2) arising from G3{x,y) cancels out the wave
term arising from G2( —x,y).
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 101

5. A pplicatio ns
(1) Virtual mass
The force on the cylinder due to the fluid motion may be resolved into a workless
component in phase with the acceleration and a component in quadrature. The work
done by the latter is carried to infinity by the waves, while the former may be
regarded as an increase in the inertia of the system or virtual mass. Equation (4-8)
shows that to the present order of approximation the dynamic pressure


is in phase with the acceleration, (p= density of flui

force per unit width of the cylinder is
F in
2apicr (j){ct) cosada, where ^(a) is given by (4*8),
= - \na*picrUQ{\ - ^ ,

where all the integrals involved are elementary. The product of the displaced fluid
mass and the acceleration of the semicircle is —lna2picrU0 and the virtual-mass
coefficient* is

(2) The wave amplitude at infinity

Apply Green’s theorem to the harmonic functions <j)(x, y) and G(x,y; £, y), where
(£, y)is an interior point of the fluid. Then

- y) — J^| ~J>(6)~{0; £, - G(d; £, y)

When £-> + oo, G(x,y; E,,y)-^ —2me~K^+vsee (3-2),

and so
—i0(£, y) Q -i (j)(0} ^0—Kr cos# giK(a—rsin0)j
n . [■
dj,(0) ^0—Ar cos<? gi A(o—rsin0)^~j
where in the equations of this section r is set equal to a after differentiation. But
with the values (4-8) and (2*3) for (f>and d<f)/dr respectively, equation (5-3) merely
shows that 0 = o(W-1) at infinity. However, after another application of Green’s
theorem to <f>(x, y) and F(x, y) a more precise result is obtained. For from (3-9)

JT 0
(j)(0) ( e-Kr cos e0i Arising _ cos Isln 0 add 0(N~*). (5-4)

* T he coefficient m (K a ) of I, ta b le 1, is |7r2 tim es th e p rese n t coefficient. T he le ft-h a n d

side o f th e la st eq u a tio n on p. 224 of I should read 2m (K a )ln .
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102 F. Ursell
Multiply (5-4) by eiK a_e-aiKn(j subtract from (5-3):

—i^(£, 7j) e-1 m-a)e ’


-> p p£(#)^- (e_ KrC0B62 cos K ( a sin

rcose2 cos rsin#))"l
dr J
= 2 j in $(0) {-K cosd e-N
cos0Co s N ( l - sin 6)
+ K sin d e~Ncos sin 1 - sin 6)} a dd

2 ? ^ e - Ncosdc o sN (l-sin d )a d d + 0(N~3).

— (5-5)
Jo dr
In this equation substitute <p{d) as given by (4*8), and d(f>(d)ldr U0cos d. The
evaluation of (5-5) for large N is straightforward. The exponential factor
allows the application of Watson’s lemma (Watson 1944’ P* 236) near 6 = \rr,
where the argument N(1 - s in # ) o f the circular functions varies mo
N cos d. The series expansions of these functions may therefore be used, e.g.

f ee
cos cos
-N m 1 _ sin 0)
Jo dr Jo

x [i + (1 - sin 0)*»] Ad = A (I + 0(N-*)).

A little care is needed in the integral involving <j)(d) which itself contains a factor
q —N cos 6jn Some terms. The result is th at the right-hand side of (5-5) is

—4 aU0N~2+

whence 0(£, ?/)->—^ ~ e _Js^e1K®_a)4- o p ^ j , as £->oo, (5-6)

where a time factor e~icrt must be supplied. The surface amplitude at infinity is
| \cr<j){i, 0 )/g|= IcraUJgN2,the amplitude of motion of the cylinder
thus their ratio (computed in I):
wave amplitude at infinity _ 4<r2a _ 4
amplitude of motion of the cylinder N’
approximately, where N = Ka — <r2a\g. This value agrees very well with the trend
of the computations in I.
The result (5*6) is also obtained by the following approximate argument: The
velocity potential
<* = -fV » 2(— + T S5“) e

describes a motion satisfying (2*1), (2-2) and (2-4), and without waves at infinity.
Thus the normal velocity distribution U0cos 6 e-1<r* over r — a makes the same
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Short surface waves due to an oscillating immersed body 103

waves as — 2U0N~1cos 26 e~l(Tt, and the latter function does not vanish at the surfac
where it takes the value 2U0N~1e~l<rt. But

f ~ ( a ,y ) e ~ Kvdy (Havelock 1929, equation 9).

Jo ®
If we regard the velocity distribution on x as genera
x > a,and if it is permissible to replace (a, y) by the normal velocity
—2U0N~1cos2de~lcrt = 2U0N~1(l —2y2la2)e~l(Tt a t (^J(a2—y2),y),
then y) -> —2i e~Kl> eiK(£-a) 2U0N~ e~irrtK ^ 1+ small
= - 4iaU0N - 2 e~Kr> eiK(z-+
in agreement with (5-6).
This last argument is based on the physical idea th at most of the wave amplitude
is generated in a thin surface layer of thickness aN~x, where the circle may perhaps
be adequately approximated by its vertical tangent, and the radial velocity by a
horizontal velocity.

6. C o n c l u d in g rem arks

It may be useful to summarize briefly what has been done in this paper, and what
remains to be done in the future. The special problem described in § 2 was made to
depend on the solution of an integral equation (3-15) which could be so chosen th at
its kernel was small, tending to 0 as N = cr2ajg tended to infinity.
then soluble by iteration for large N, and this solution was not only convergent in
principle, successive terms being in strictly decreasing order of magnitude, but the
two largest terms were actually obtained, (4-8), while higher terms are probably
obtainable without excessive labour. I t has not yet been shown how the method
can be extended to general three-dimensional problems, and to the diffraction
problems of acoustics and optics. But there is reasonable hope th at this can be done;
and if this is justified a proper understanding of Huygens’s principle and its exten­
sions will be in sight.

R eferen ces
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H ellinger, E . & T oeplitz, O. 1927 Encyclopaedie der m athem at
3. Teil, 2. H alfte . L e ip z ig : T eubner.
Jeffreys, H . & Jeffreys, B. S. 1946 M athem atical physics. C am bridge U n iv e rsity P ress.
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L am b , H . 1932 H ydrodynam ics, 6th ed. C am bridge U n iv ersity Press.
S ch m id t, E . 1907 M ath. A n n . 64, 161.
R ay leig h , L ord 1904 P h il. T rans. A, 203, 87.
U rsell, F . 1949 Quart. J . M ech. A p p l. M ath. 2 , 218.
W atso n , G. N . 1944 Theory o f Bessel fu n c tio n s, 2n d ed. C am bridge U n iv ersity P ress.

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