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Reno Dow 

May 6, 2014 
Final Research Report 


Alcohol is legal (for ages 21 and up) in the United States

but it can be abused. Have you ever wondered how alcohol makes you feel and why

people like it, without ever trying it? This will be answered later in this report. After that,

we’ll describe the bad side affects, either medical or biological, of alcohol. Also, there

are many laws against alcohol and if you break any of these laws, there are ​potent

punishments. Finally, after you do abuse alcohol, there are many treatments to get off

the addiction.

Symptoms of Alcoholism

You may be unable to limit the amount of alcohol you drink. You may feel a

strong need or compulsion to drink. You may develop tolerance to alcohol so that you

need more to feel it’s effects. You may drink alone or hide your drinking. You may

experience physical withdrawal symptoms – such as nausea, sweating and shaking –

when you don’t drink. You may not remember conversations or commitments,

sometimes referred to as a “black out.” You may make a ritual of having drinks at

certain times and become annoyed when this ritual is disturbed or questioned. You may

be irritable when your usual drinking time nears, especially if alcohol isn’t available. You

may keep alcohol in unlikely places at home, at work or in your car. You may gulp

drinks, order doubles or become drunk intentionally to feel good, or drink to feel

“normal.” You may have legal problems or problems with relationships, employment or
Reno Dow 
May 6, 2014 
Final Research Report 
finances due to drinking. You may lose interest in activities and hobbies that used to

bring you pleasure.1

Bad Side Effects: Psychological

Alcohol depresses your central nervous system. In some people, the initial

reaction may be stimulation. But as you continue to drink, you become sedated. Alcohol

lowers your inhibitions and affects your thoughts, emotions and judgment. Too much

alcohol affects your speech, muscle coordination and vital centers of your brain. A

heavy drinking binge may even cause a life-threatening coma or death.

If you have problems with alcohol, you're more likely to also have problems with

other substances.

● Excessive drinking can reduce your judgment skills and lower inhibitions, leading

to poor choices and dangerous situations or behaviors, such as:

● Motor vehicle accidents and other types of accidents

● Domestic problems

● Poor performance at work or school

● Increased likelihood of committing violent crimes2

Bad Side Effects: Medical

​ ​​ N.p., n.d. Web

Reno Dow 
May 6, 2014 
Final Research Report 
Some possible complications might be:

● Bleeding in the digestive tract

● Brain cell damage

● Brain disorder called Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

● Cancer of the:

○ esophagus

○ liver

○ colon

○ and other areas

● Changes in the menstrual cycle (period)

● Delirium tremens (DT’s)

● Dementia and memory loss

● Depression and suicide

● Erectile Dysfunction

● Heart damage

● High blood pressure

● Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)

● Liver disease, including cirrhosis

● Nerve damage

● Poor nutrition

● Sleeping problems (insomnia)3

Reno Dow 
May 6, 2014 
Final Research Report 
● Eye problems

● Birth defects

● Bone loss

● Neurological complications

● Liver disease

● Digestive problems

● Heart problems

● Diabetes complications

● Sexual function and menstruation

● Weakened immune system

● Increased risk of cancer4

Punishment and Laws Regarding Alcohol Abuse

Some states require multiple MIP convictions before you permanently lose your

license. Other states, such as California, can take away your driver's license for a single

MIP offense.

● Defenses to Minor in Possession Charges

● Defenses against MIP charges can be raised, but the validity of the defenses

depends largely upon state and local laws.

Some MIP defenses include:

Reno Dow 
May 6, 2014 
Final Research Report 
● There Was No Alcohol in the Container Held by the Minor

● The ​burden is on the defendant​ to show that the container s/he was holding

lacked alcohol.

● The Minor Legally Consumed Alcohol

● Some states allow 19 and 20 year olds legally consume alcohol. In Michigan, for

example, a 19 year old may contest a MIP charge by claiming s/he drank alcohol

legally in Wisconsin or Canada where it is perfectly legal for them to drink


● The Alcohol Was Consumed in a Religious Service

● If a minor drank alcohol as ​part of a religious service​ (​e.g.,​ sacramental wine,

Sabbath wine), s/he may be able to defend a MIP charge.

If you or a loved one experienced face legal charges of violating your state's MIP

laws, you may be able to defend and fight the charge in court. It is very important that

you contact a DUI or criminal defense attorney to learn how they may be able to help

you or your family in a MIP case.

Some of the legal factors that a minor in possession defense attorney can review

with you include:

● Whether you or your loved ones, given the particular facts of your case, actually

violated city or state law;

● Whether the arresting police or law enforcement officer followed the law;

● Whether your conduct did or did not constitute a criminal violation; and
Reno Dow 
May 6, 2014 
Final Research Report 
● Whether you have an affirmative defense to the MIP case.

Treatment of Alcoholism

Many people with an alcohol problem need to completely stop using alcohol. This

is called abstinence. Having strong social and family support can help make it easier to

quit drinking. Some people are able to just cut back on their drinking. So even if you

don’t give up alcohol altogether, you may be able to ​drink less​. This can improve your

health and relationships with others. It can also help you perform better at work or

school. However, many people who drink too much find they can’t just cut back.

Abstinence may be the only way to manage a drinking problem.5


Now that you know what happens, the punishments, and how to treat abuse of alcohol, you know why alcohol can be



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