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[Form 3]

(Personal Statement)

My future goal is to develop myself to be a specialist in the field of Mineral Resources & Energy
Engineering. I would like to contribute actively in addressing the issues about mineral resource and energy
condition recently in Indonesia. As a matter of fact, there is about 12 percent of citizen who have not been
able to enjoy electricity in Indonesia. In other hand, the need of that electricity is always increase, therefore
we need to do big efforts to maximize the use of renewable energy to fulfill that needs and keep our
environtment save from pollution. I have a strong commitment to develop the use of renewable energy to
help Indonesia to solve that issues as possible as I can by being a lecturer. I plan to facilitate education about
energy resource exactly about ocean wave energy for the society in remote areas of West Sumatera Province,
such as in Painan Regency, Mentawai Regency, and Pariaman Regency which is have a good wave to do
conversion to be electricity. In that society, I will play a significant role in the Renewable Energy teaching, such
as conducting need analysis, developing materials, designing turbine and generator modelling, , and
evaluating. I further plan to implement contemporary teaching and learning methods, with the use of audio-
video, computer software, and internet, to motivate society and stimulate an effective teaching and learning
process. At this point, KGSP will enable me to learn more about how technology can be integrated successfully
into classroom and how it can be useful as a means of addressing the inequalities in education quality in
remote areas, specifically in Indonesia. One of the universities in Korea, which is Chonbuk National University,
has actively conducted research focusing on mineral resources and energy issues. They also operates
professional curriculum courses from energy resource to new renewable energy. I believe that KGSP will be
once in a lifetime opportunity for me to learn deeply about my field of study as well as serving as a bridge to
reach my future goals.

I was lucky to have a family that good in its education background. My father is a Bahasa Indonesia’s
teacher,My mother is a relegion teacher. This is very helpful for me, not only for good in spiritual but also to
achieve good records in my academic career as always be on top rank in my class at my elementary school,
keep my ranking consistant at the top ten in my class when I was at junior high school, and rising my ranking in
each term in my senior high school. My oldest sister also a teacher, she is a mathematic teacher, she helps me
in develope my mathematic ability. And my brothers are engineer, which the oldest one is an Electrical
Engineer and another one is a Mechanical Engineer. They are very helpful for me to know the study about
electrical and Mechanical (conversion energy) which is very important for my future goal conceptual.

My significant experience that I ever had was to make a decision by my self to continiue my study far
away from my home (at Bukittinggi city) when I was too young, I was 12 years old at that time. It was such a
risky decision that I made, because study at Bukittinggi means that I should to live there while my families was
at Lima Puluh Kota Regency, and it means that I should begin my new life at bukittinggi alone in a rent house,
without any families. At the begining, It was hard for both of my family and I to live in different places each
other, but the life must goes on, I should study at the prominent school to get the best education as it is the
steps for me to get my dream comes true. My life in Bukittinggi did not as easy as I thought. I face many
difficulties in that new life, such as a little bit of difference in traditional language, life habit, and its climate
change which is Bukittinggi was colder than my village. I also meet any difficulties to do my home’s duty and
to manage my time perfectly. Bad time managerial was make my rank at middle term test not good at all,
therefore I divided my times for a few activities such as for studying, cooking, sweeping, washing my uniform,
take a refreshing, take an english course, etc. I made it to be a daily activities’s list. So I can solve that
problem as the time passed and going to my best track as I always finished my term by being top 10 th in my
class in every single grade.

I accomplished my elementary’s level for six years, and graduated in June 2009 from Elementary
school number 04 in Batuhampar village,Lima Puluh Kota regency. Then I continued my study at Bukittinggi
City for my 2 next level of study. I need three years for graduating my junior high school level from Islamic
Junior High School number 1, and graduated in May 2012. For my senior high school level, I graduated in May
2015 after accomplished that level of study for three years from Senior High School Number 3 in Bukittinggi.
And now I study at Padang State Of Polytechnic for Mechanical Engineering Depertment, but I will keep
wating for my desired result to study for Mineral Resources & Energy Engineering department at Chonbuk
National University, to reach my aspire to be a lecturer in th renewable energy’s field. During my study time I
joined some organization, where I can get many adventages by joining it. I have joined OSIS organization both
of my junior and senior high school, but it was in different position. first is being a vice leader of OSIS when I
was in Junior high school, that teach me some skill of how to socialize in educational’s envrirontment, speaking
at the public, fast think and fast response, become an influence people, have a good responsibility, and be a
leader. While at my senior high school, I only a member at sport division. From this difference, I can learn both
how to be a leader and how being led by the leader. My other organization when I at senior high school was
IMEC (Internal Motivator of English Club). It was very helpful for me to developed my english skills such as
communication skill, english debating, and story telling. Besides it, I also take apart in my senior high school’s
extracurricular, by join SMA Negeri 3 foot ball team. There I enable to join a foot ball competition that hold by
Bukittinggi’s Government in 2014, my school was lose at the quarter final at that time, but there is many
lesson that I got from it. such as ; sportmanship, fair play, hardworking, teamwork, and how to received the
defeat by roomy chest. In my social life, I was join Communication Forum of The Indonesian Mosque Youth, it is
a forum that aimed to channel talent and creativity its fellow members’s moving in the field of society,
consultant, concern social, and coaching the potential of the nation. In this forum, I have done a few social
activities such as rally fundings for the victims of earthquake at Padang in 2009, for the victims of longsor at
malalak in 2009, for the Palestinians victims of war, and We also hold the race in the celebration of
independenced day of Indonesia and when the Ramadhan month has coming, and more else activities. By join
this forum I can increase my social awareness and how to socialize in society.

I believe that these qualifications that I stated above have enabled You to see how my ideas and
innovations have led me to desired results and make me suitably qualified to apply this KGSP scholarship for
Mineral Resources & Enegy Engineering department at Chonbuk National University.

DATE(yyyy/mm/dd): 2016 . 10 . 09


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