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Nama : Chesyar Bhima Aprillian Dartin Putra Uthama

Nim : 160513609667
Jurusan/Offering : Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif / B1

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as part of science and technology in ge

neral is all the technology related to retrieval, collection, processing, storage, distribution an
d presentation of information.
If seen at the present time the development of information technology, especially in Indone
sia is growing. With the information and communication technology can help us to learn an
d get the information we need from anywhere, anytime, and from anyone. In the world of in
formation technology education development beginning to be felt having a positive impact
for the development of information technology education began to show significant change
s. Many things that feel different and changed compared to the way that developed previous
ly. When the present distance and time is not a significant problem to gain knowledge, a var
iety of applications created to facilitate it.
Notabene’s in Indonesia as a developing country where the availability of communications
infrastructure is still minimal lead everyone the opportunity to obtain information and know
ledge is limited. The availability of this infrastructure is very pronounced in areas that the p
rocess of obtaining information is still limited. This is because in Indonesia the spread of in
formation and communication technologies are not evenly distributed, it is only in the big c
ities alone will have easy access to enjoy and take advantage of the facilities available. Thu
s the educational development becomes stunted and uneven.
One container is considered the greatest role in the world of information and communicatio
n technology in Indonesia today is the internet. In Indonesia, mainly in large cities are alrea
dy many people who have internet access, so the use of the Internet as a medium of learnin
g and information retrieval and knowledge can be more optimally although internet access i
n Indonesia has not fully felt by everyone.
Information via the Internet, can be one of the keys to making the world of education in Ind
onesia has the same standards as other countries. By using the internet media, government a
nd educational institutions have started implementing a learning that is effective enough to
be applied to people who have problems with distance and time to get information, especial
ly information in the world of education. One method that was implemented namely learnin
distance learning. Distance learning method is an alternative method to equal opportunities
in education. The system is expected to address some of the problems caused by the limitati
ons of qualified teaching staff. Distance learning method greatly assist students or people in
learning things or new sciences with a more attractive and easier to understand. In accessin
g and utilizing these methods, the role of internet is very necessary, because via the Internet
one can send files or upload files you want to be published and via the internet also one ca
n access files that you want to search. Besides methods
distance learning, there are many other methods that are helpful in improving the quality of
education in Indonesia, including the presence of free learning modules available, online le
arning portal, etc.
If we reflect to other countries, the development of information and communication technol
ogy in Indonesia can be fairly underdeveloped. The role of government is expected to boost
the growth and development of information and communication technology in Indonesia.
The government is expected to generalize the development of information technology in all
regions in the country. The government is expected to assist areas that delivery process inf
ormation is still minimal and not just focus on regions or big cities as is the case at the pres
ent time, because in reality the role of the region in supporting the development of informat
ion technology and the development of education in Indonesia is very important ,
With the uneven spread of information technology will affect the educational development
process. This is because the role of information technology in education is very important.
With the information technology all kinds of knowledge and information can be received a
nd obtained easily and quickly. In our lives in the future, information and communication te
chnology sector is the most dominant sector. Anyone who master this technology, it will be
come a leader in the world.
Developments and implications in IT education in Indonesian trend in the future are: 1. Dev
elopment of open education with distance learning mode (Distance Learning). 2. Resource s
haring among agencies of education / training in network. 3. The use of interactive informat
ion technology devices, such as CD-ROM Multimedia, in education gradually replace the T
V and video. Distance learning with the development of information technology in educatio
n, so when it is already possible to place a distance learning using the Internet media to con
nect between students and lecturers, see the value of online students, financial checks, view
class schedules, send the task given lecturers and so on, all of it had to do. A major factor i
n the long distance learning is considered a problem is the lack of interaction between lectu
rers and students. However, with the internet media it is possible to make the interaction bet
ween faculty and students both in the form of real time (real time) or not. In the form of real
time can be done for example in a chatroom, a direct interaction with real audio or real vid
eo, and online meetings. Its not real time can be done by mailing lists, discussion groups, n
ewsgroups, and bulletin board. In this way the interaction of faculty and students in the clas
sroom may be replaced, although not 100%. Forms of matter, exams, quizzes and other edu
cational means can also be implemented into the web, such as lecturers material made in th
e form of presentations on the web and can be downloaded by the students. Similarly, the e
xams and quizzes created by faculty can also be done in the same way. Settlement administ
ration can also be solved directly in the registration process, let alone supported with online
payment methods. A web-based distance education, among others, should have the followi
ng elements: (1) the student activity center; as a web-based distance learning community sh
ould be able to make this tool as a student activity, where students can add capabilities, read
the course material, looking for information, and so on. (2) the interaction within the group
; The students can interact with each other to discuss the materials provided lecturers. Lectu
rers can be present in this group to give a little review of the material provided. (3) The stud
ent administration system; where students can view information about the status of students
, student achievement, and so forth. (4) Deepening materials and exams; Usually lecturers o
ften hold a short quiz and tasks aimed at deepening of what has been taught and do the test
at the end of the study. It should also be anticipated by the web-based distance learning (5)
digital library; In this section, there are a variety of information literature, is not limited to b
ooks but also on digital libraries such as voice, image and so on. This section is shaped as a
support and database. (6) online material beyond the course material; To support the course
, also required reading material from other web. Hence in this section, faculty and students
can be directly involved to provide other materials for publication to other students via the

field - field experience the development of information technology: in the field of governm
ents (Hey-government) Hey-government refers to the use of information technology by the
government, such as using intranet and the Internet, which has the ability to connect the pur
poses of the population, business, and other activities. could is a process of business transac
tions between public with the government through automation system and the Internet netw
ork, more generally known as the world wide Web. in essence ha-government is the use of i
nformation technology can increase the relationship between the government and others. th
e use of information technology is then produce relationship new form of such as: g2c (gov
ernmet to citizen), g2b (government to business), and g2g (government to government). fin
ance and banking currently have a lot of the economic actors, especially in the big cities tha
t are no longer using cash transactions payment, but has take advantage of banking services
modern. banking services modern there is only in the cities of this great understandable due
to the growth of the current economic still concentrated in the cities of course, that cause tu
rnover also centered on the big cities. so that the banking sector was a bit slow in the expan
sion into areas. it is more or less caused by the condition of the current infrastructure in add
ition to aspects of geography Indonesian unique and wide. to support the success of operati
onal a financial institution / banking as Bank, surely required system reliable information th
at can easily accessible by customers, which will ultimately depends on the information tec
hnology online, for example, a customer can withdraw wherever he was over there are still
ATM service of the Bank, or a customer can check the balance and transfer money into acc
ount the other in just a matter of minutes, all transactions to do. information and communic
ation technology include two aspects, that information technology and communication tech
nology. information technology, the all-embracing related to the process, the use as tools, m
anipulation, and the management of information. while communication technology is every
thing related to the use of tools to process and transferring data from the device which one t
o another. therefore, information technology and communication technology is an equivale
nt inseparable containing broad about all activities related to the processing manipulation,
management, and transfer / transfer of information among the media. in particular, the goal
learn information and communication technologies are: 1) realize we will potential of the d
evelopment of information and communication technology changing so motivated to evalua
te and learn this technology as a basis for lifelong learning. 2) motivate our ability in order t
o adapt and anticipate the development of ICT, so it can implement and undergo activity lif
e day independently and more confident. 3) develop competence US in use the information
and communication technology to support learning activities, work, and a variety of activiti
es in the life of the day today. 4) develop learning ability ICT-based, so the learning process
can optimize, exciting and pushing US more skilled in communicating, skilled organize inf
ormation, and used to work. 5) develop the ability of self-learning, take the initiative, innov
ative, creative, and is responsible in the use of information and communication technology
for learning, work, and problem solving daily. understanding of technology in general • pro
cess increase the value-added • product used and produced for easy and improve the perfor
mance • structure or system in which the process and the product dikembamngkan and used
the progress of the technology is something that we can not avoid in this life, as the progre
ss of technology will run in accordance with the kemajuanm science. every innovation creat
ed to provide positive benefits for human life. provide a lot of ease, and as a new way to do
the human activities. specialized in the field of technology community already enjoy many
benefits taken by the innovations that has been produced in the last decade. However, even
if at first created to produce the benefits of positive, on the other hand also also allows used
to negative thing. therefore, in this paper we made the impact-positive and negative impact
s of technological advances in human life of some understanding on top of apparent that the
human life not regardless of the technology. that is, that the technology is a whole way rati
onally lead to the characteristics of efficiency in any human activities. technological develo
pments occurs when a person using the tools and minds to resolve any problems faced. for
example can be expressed expert opinion technology world to the development of technolo
gy. There are eight rides transformation priority technology development, especially techno
logy industry, that (1) aircraft, (2) maritime and shipping, (3) transportation, (4) electronics
and communication, (5) energy, (6) engineering, (7) tools and agricultural machinery, and (
8) defense and security. application type of information technology applications of informat
ion technology is related to the application of computer technology and communication dat
a in life. almost all the field of today's life can using computer technology. several types of t
he application are: 1) the application in the field of science example is the application of ast
ronomy (astrology). 2) the application in the field of engineering / engineering example is
making a robot by using the concept of artificial intelligence to robot more wise. 3) the appl
ication in the field of business / economics example is the ha-business, ha-marketing, ecom
merce and others. 4) the application in the field of public administration example is the app
lication sales / distribution, applications payroll, applications academic school and others. 5
) the application in the field of banking example is the ha-banking, ATM, and am-banking.
6) the application in the field of education for example is the ha-learning (distance learning)
. 7) the application in the field of government example is the ha-government and applicatio
ns inventory wealth of state-owned (ikmn). 8) the application in the field of health / medical
example is pemeriksaane kokar diogr af I ie an examination of non-invasive to enforce the
diagnosis of heart disease. by using this tool activity muscles of the heart can be seen direct
the screen monitor and more. 9) the application in the field of industrial / manufacturing ex
ample is the computer simulations for trial on the design of the new system. 10) the applicat
ion in the field of transportation for example is an application to set the flight schedules airc
raft. 11) the application in the field of defense security for example is the application securit
y system data encryption.

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