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Information technology is the result of the connection of data and technology where informations are

collected, saved, retrieved, transmitted for personal, educational, professional and many other
purposes. IT is basically an entire process where information is used through technology which saves
time and helps to avoid human made err.

IT is used in many sectors of life such as business, education, export, import and so many other
sectors. IT helps people to carry on with their work and to reach their goals within a systematic
process. Here, people use technology to make their information efficient and to use them properly.
Some IT examples are:
 Performance management software.

 Software which is to be used for word processing and spreadsheets as well.

 Telephone and radio.

 Video conferencing tools.

 Smartphones.

 Computers.

 Content management software for collaboration and blogging. [ CITATION Wha19 \l 1033 ]

IT is playing a very important role in education in Bangladesh. Now that it is the time of pandemic,
people are not able to attend educational institutions physically. So, they have the only option left,
which is IT. By using information technology, people are able to carry on with their studies during
the pandemic situation. Bangladesh is also in the same place. Schools, colleges and universities are
using every possible IT options to communicate with the students and for teaching-learning purpose.

Students and teachers in Bangladesh are using many kinds of paths for online learning. Because of
lockdown and COVID-19 safety rules, educational institutes are closed from 2020. Since it’s a very
long time, educational process cannot be kept pause. So, using IT; learning process are going on.
Some famous and most used online IT platforms for educational purpose are Google Classroom,
Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Word, Excel Sheet etc. Through these ways, teachers are assigning
necessary assignments, providing classes, documents to the students and students are responding
with completing their assignments, quizzes, online examinations etc.

Coming to the point of how IT is helping the educational sector in Bangladesh we can classify the
ideas in some points.

1. Easy access to learning elements: The internet is enriched with lots of learning properties. A
learner can easily access to many information using IT. They can use the provided materials in e-
classroom in a more sophisticated way by using other websites and software. Here, a learner is free
to learn anything as much as he wants. This is also an advantage for a student to improve his
knowledge by himself.

2. Non-stop learning: Learning through IT has no time limitation. Here, a teacher does not need to
be in a classroom and the same goes for the students as well. Both the teacher and student can
interact with each other without being physically appeared. Teachers cam provide learning
ingredients from home and students can utilize them also from home. So, this has made teaching-
leaning process more in Bangladesh.
3. Interpretation of Knowledge: There are many websites which has a vast collection of information
regarding any kind of topic. This is a very good thing for both the teachers and students. These helps
the students and teachers to be engaged in spontaneous learning and teaching. Also, everyone can
share their experiences and knowledge with each other. Which is really a great deal. Using IT
actually made it possible.

4. Better audio and visual learning: Unlike offline classes, online classes provide the opportunity of
better audio lecture and responding. Also, students can interact to teachers equally and so do the
teachers can. Teachers are able to show students some virtual examples through the IT systems.
Because of that, students are able to learn not only by what they hear, but also by what they see.
This is making learning more efficient and making teaching easier.

5. Geographical distance reduction: To cope up with the pandemic situation, institutions have
declared a proper propaganda of using information technology for education in Bangladesh. This has
reduced the geographical distance as well. It has enabled students to attend classes on time and to
get their degrees while staying in the house or wherever.

It is impossible to overestimate the value of technology in active learning. For students with special
needs, the use of technology has been around for a long time. Brail devices, for example, have been
used to help the visually disabled. Furthermore, technology is used to improve learning in special
needs services that assist children with autism. Educators hope to achieve educational progress and
solve underlying problems that concern learners with special needs by incorporating technology into
the classroom. Which is also helping students and teachers to survive the post COVID-19 period in
Bangladesh. [ CITATION Joy15 \l 1033 ]

During the present COVID-19 catastrophe, eLearning has become a primary concern in the
education field, and media such as Zoom, a visual communication platform, has exploded in
popularity in the lockdown days. We can also include Facebook, Messenger and YouTube channels in
this section. Despite the fact that they can be used as an alternative to traditional teaching methods
in an emergency, none of them cover actual teaching or e-learning. [ CITATION Abd20 \l 1033 ]

Therefore, we can see that IT (information technology) is playing a very active and efficient role in
the education sector of Bangladesh after COVID-19 occurred. It is providing better learning with less
hassle using internet. But those who are unable to get all the digital equipment such as smartphone,
laptop, internet connection etc. are facing difficulties to cope up with the following situation.
Authorities should have a look on this matter or else there will not be that much progress in
education even though using information technology.
References and Bibliography
Bhuiyan, A. A. (2020, June 13). Rethinking The Digitalization Of The Education System In Bangladesh.
Retrieved from eLearning Industry:
Waddell, J. (2015 , March 27). The Role of Technology in the Educational Process. Retrieved from
College of Education:
What Is Information Technology. (2019, June 11). Retrieved from Learn G2:

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