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There is no denying that without technology, this dynamic and

vibrant world as we see it today would have never been

possible. And we see this dramatic effect of technology in every
sector, starting from basic immediate necessities like Housing,
Farming, Electricity, Medicine to more long term impacting
sectors like Governance, Defence, Education etc. Today we will
inspect the effect of technology on the most long term impactful
sector for any nation - “Education”.

The kids born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s saw the
most advanced and game-changing periods of technological
advancements in human history. For most of them, smartphone
usage is their second nature. It affects how they eat, live and
breathe. So, why not how they learn? 
And as you rightly guessed, technology has become
quintessential in classrooms now. The worldwide e-learning
market is projected to be worth $325 Billion in 2025.Technology
helps both students and teachers to collaborate better,
encourages them to be creative and innovative and learn new
things leveraging the device they love the most, i.e. their mobile

At BinaryFolks, we understand the importance of technology in

education very well. We, in this article, will help you understand
the importance of technology in education and  how the whole
education scenario changed with edtech.

 Importance of technology in Education :

[1] Education becomes accessible to all and

accommodates everyone’s needs
With technology-based learning, there is no dependency on an
institution or an instructor. Students can learn at any point in
time and from the comfort of their home .With technology-
based learning, there is no dependency on an institution or an
instructor. eLearning also helps students get easy access to all
the information related to their field of study. Also, because of
this minimum dependency, students from any geography can
access the eLearning materials, thus broadening the horizons
of students and exposing them to the world outside their city or

[2] EdTech Keeps Students Engaged

90% of kids use digital learning materials at home and 2/3 start
by the age of 5.(According to the Deloitte Survey) The first part
of online learning is customer acquisition, i.e. getting students
to enrol in the course. But that's not all. The primary aim of an
elearning program must be to make engaging content so as
these students don't opt out of the course. Engagement in the
form of video lessons, microlearning, attractive infographics or
gamification will help deliver a successful online course and
keep students come back for more.

[3] Technology increases knowledge retention rates  

After one hour, people retain only half of the information

presented to them. After one day, they forget 70% of everything
they’ve learned. After a week, that no. increases to 90%.
Technology helps in improving this scenario. eLearning is
supposed to increase knowledge retention by 25% to 60%.

This is because visual information is captured by the brain

quickly and is processed better. Using technology in education
like gamification, mobile learning, microlearning, VR based
learning, etc. increases student engagement and helps with
knowledge retention.

Also, repetition aids retention. With educational apps, learners

might be asked to attend a quiz on the module they learned
earlier before jumping to the next one. Practice, indeed, makes
a man perfect. 

[4] Technology builds effective communication and


eLearning is all about communicating and collaborating. Such

communication can take many forms - student- teacher
collaboration, peer to peer collaboration and student-parent
collaboration. Communication in eLearning can be synchronous
(real-time) as well as asynchronous (communication over time-

Interaction can happen through a variety of media, including

whiteboarding, screen sharing, audio, and video.Teachers can
create an online environment where students can freely ask or
discuss their doubts and actively communicate, making
elearning more engaging and enriching. 

[5] Improve assessment process and track progress

Evaluating learner’s progress over time helps educators track

how they are improving and also provide valuable feedback on
the progress. It helps both students and teachers set their goals
and achieve them. Plus, tracking also helps teachers stay
invested and measure the effectiveness of a course or
curriculum by visualizing trends in student data.This helps keep
both teachers and parents in the loop with the learner's
progress and their learning trends and patterns. 
[6] Students take ownership of their education

Technology when enclosed between the four walls of the

classroom, can sometimes suffocate kids. Not everyone learns
at the same pace. Not everyone gathers up the courage to
clarify their doubts in the class. Elearning promotes learning at
your own pace. The one size fits all concept doesn’t exist
anymore. And with learning becoming so accessible, nobody
wants to study a curriculum that everyone already knows. With
edTech, providing personalized and customized learning
content is the trend.  

Applications of technology in education :  

[1] Artificial Intelligence 

[2] Integration of AR and VR in a device 

 [3] Smartboards

[4] 3D printing                       

[5] Game-based learning platform

What are the negative effects of using technology in


[1]  Technology addiction and distraction : 

With the continuous usage of technology, students are

obtaining addiction-like behavior. If teachers can create reward
based learning games which students can play outside the
classroom, then students might avoid the ill effect on health
while still reaping the benefits of educational technologies .
Also there can be a guideline mentioning when technology
should and shouldn’t be used during class to decrease

[2] Confused between reliable and unreliable data : 

Because of the fake or exaggerated information on the internet,

sometimes students get confused between reliable and
unreliable data. Teachers or parents need to explain to the
students how to access valid data.

[3] Causing health damage : 

With the exposure of BYOD, the screen time for students also
increases. This not only means eye strain, but continuous
usage of computer, tablet, phone may lead to back pain, neck
pain, blurred vision and many serious health issues. 

[4] Disconnect students from social interactions : 

Always being on the phone and communicating via technology

impacts a student's social behaviour. Too much screen time
means not spending much time over  face-to-face interaction.
This is affecting their social circle as well as social skills.
Encouraging healthy discussions, group collaboration, team
learning and presentations might help mitigating these social

[5]  Opportunity to cheat

With the help of technology in the classroom, communication is
easier between students.Also, it’s not possible for teachers to
continuously  monitor  student’s activities physically.. So, these
situations sometimes lure students towards cheating. Some
examples will be students sharing test paper / quiz answers,
copy-pasting someone else’s work online and take credit from
it, googling answers during class tests etc

The Advantages of Traditional Education over technology


 Allow for students to have verbal conversations

 Build up the trust and confidence between educator and


 Improve student's social skills

 Gain real- life experience

 Receive more personalized support

In conclusion

Well, 81% of college students agree that digital learning

technology helps to improve their grades. 

Technology is everywhere and interlinked with our daily lives.

Leveraging technology in the classroom opens up possibilities
for the overall development of students. It makes learning
engaging and fun. We are still in the early days of technological
advancements in education - the possibilities are limitless. So if
you are developing a custom eLearning solution, take a look at
the factors and elements! . therefore we need both traditional
teachingas well as technology in this modern times for better
understanding as both of them have their own pros and cons.

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